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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. I can't find anything! Might just try the guttergaurd when they finish laying.
  2. I've got gutterguard, it floats though... Can weigh the base down probably
  3. Thanks Ness! BBS and I do not get along, I'll be sticking to MW and will start a daphnia culture.
  4. I loved these guys, they never eat their fry, what will you feed them? They seem to grow fastest on a mix of MW and micro pellets.
  5. Here are the piccies. As you can see my tank is a mess, its currently a holding tank for the many plants I have collected, half of it is tacken up by a giant lotus. That thing is massive! Its tacken over Male Female, you can see her egg tube The pair Eggs
  6. I found the dosages for multicure, 0.125ml per litre. Will have to use that. They layed more eggs so many lol I'll be using an air stone in a 4 litre jar. Can't figure out how to secure the leaf though.... They are very friendly actually, didn't mind at all. Will be using MW as thats all I have on hand. Pictures of the parents are being downloaded.
  7. Thanks, they are so small, I can't believe they can breed already! I don't have Methylene Blue, anyone know if I can use multicure to prevent them getting fungused? It has that in it...
  8. Just and update on these guys, I was doing some trimming and I found some eggs on my A. ulvaeus, they were eating them >.< not many left probabaly between 50 and 100. They are flaoting in a take away container, no idea what to do now eek. Any tips? At least I now have a proven pair :D
  9. The one you got of someone, it's Myriophyllum mattogrossense right? The lotus is going well, I should hopefully have a red for you soon, they seem to take longer to propagate though. I absolutly love lotus, I'm looking for a tri-colour at the moment. Has the Rotala wallachii been growing for you? It's a high light plant.
  10. They de-gas the CO2, you want to keep surface disturbance to a minimum. I've just got the new aquaone moray filter for mine :)
  11. She has a lid and the moist paper towels will help keep it up as well. The container has lots of condensation. You can't use copper based meds, amphibians absorb toxins through their skin and copper is extremly toxic. I know you can use anti biotics though. Oh and if you were wanting to learn about their care requirements their husbandary is exactly the sane as the tiger salamander, A. mavoritum.
  12. In their native habitat it is much cooler than Australia, in the wild they can also find a micro climate to hide out in over the summer. In America they are often moved to the basement over summer as that is several degrees cooler. We don't have a basement here. They have to be kept below 24 degrees otherwise there lifespan will be significantly shortened, they will stress and the chance of infection is much higher. I was advised by several experts that fridging her is the best option to ensure she survives the Australian summer. The fridge is only acessed by me or once every few weeks if we have people around. It's our second fridge and we don't really use it. It definatly wasn't an infection, the post is very rough and she would have been thrown around a fair bit, she wasn't using the foot yesterday either when she had first arrived.
  13. Yes, it's a pain, you can't get a terrestrial chiller so it's in the fridge for her. The males cloaca is enlarged. The female also has a slightly shorter tail and is much more plump. She is I absolutly love her!
  14. Thanks Sarah! I absolutly adore her Once summer is over she will be going into a bigger enclosure with coconut fibre and leaf litre. Once she is a bit older her skin will be thicker and her enclosure can be less humid. I'll be adding some pill bugs to help keep it all clean. They can't really swim but they do like to have a dip in shallow water, I can't fit a tray in this tub, the bigger one is too heavy for the fridge. When she is living out of the fridge she will have a tray of water.
  15. Thanks Sarah, she should pull through, I hope her toe recovers
  16. New pictures of her, I was told to keep her on paper towels for now as she is looking a bit dry, I also washed the mites off. She has some damage on her foot, a white swollen lump at the base of one of her fingers, I think it was from the shipping, I'll check her over again later for any swelling, she is very shaken up.
  17. Dino spit is also good, it's a liquid source of carbon.
  18. No, they loose all of those abilities so any injury could be permanently disablling or may even cause it to die.
  19. Yes, his legs shoudl be wayyy thicker. Can we see Feliz?
  20. Hey guys! My terrestrial axolotl arrived today She is absolutly stunning She is currently in a small 4 litre tub so she will fit in my upstairs fridge so I can keep an eye on her for teh enxt week or so. She also looks to have mites What do you guys think?
  21. Soil will also produce its own CO2, lots off it aswell, its got lots off other benifits such as high CEC so it won't leach nutrients after it has been soaked a few weeks and its jam packed full of microscopic life which really helps with the ecology off the tank. Diana says somewhere in her book about soil being better than a more concemtrated additive which only gets a thin layer, I'll have to try find it.
  22. She is quite strongly coloured isn't she? They were showing breeding behaviour a week or two ago.
  23. Amazon.com or google the name of the book and you can buy it as an Ebook.
  24. Will you be using soil? Or some other mix. If you haven't read Ecology of the Planted Aquarium yet I suggest you do, you would love it :D
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