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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Thanks Ness, they look to be almost free swimming, hopefully they will hatch tomorrow.
  2. Thanks Razzi! I absolutly love this colour, I'm hoping it breeds true. Just looked it up, the gene is reccesive so it should breed true.
  3. Thanks Paul! I didn't get to go into Fishchicks today, hopefully tomorrow.
  4. Jarrod was that a joke? I'm confused :/ Water fleas are daphnia which fish eat...
  5. If they are flicking and rubbing it suggests and irritation, the stress could have cuased ich or white spot (yes that soon) Or there may have been something on your cat that is irritataing them.
  6. that is 100% blyxa japonica, they like lots of light :)
  7. As most of you probabaly knopw my platinum angel fish I got from Fishchicks paired up and spawned for me on Friday. I'm starting a spawn log now so I'll talk about them here and not in my other thread. Eggs laid: 11th of november Hatched: 14th of november Free swimming: ???? The father The mother The pair The eggs
  8. Okies, I'll just put it in the spawn log then. You wouldn't see anything at the moment, the water is too dark. I'm hoping to go to Fishchicks tomorrow, I need microworms and BBS, hopefully Dad will take me, if not I'll let you know, my bbs should be ok to use if I'm stuck... Thanks for the offer though!
  9. I have wigglers!!! They are so tiny! I should probably make a spawn log, should I do it in the spawn log section? Is it only for bettas?
  10. Looks like the other two have paired up, they are viciously defending some crypts, can't find the eggs though.
  11. What I do is I get a plastic take away container and I melt holes on only one side of it for a humidity gradient. For the species I keep I mix one part coconut fibre and one part course sand, works very well. I give them a flat rock to burrow under as they are rock scorpions. My guys are still only 1cm long and I can't source pin heads so. I get a small cricket and cut off all of it's legs and chuck it near the burrow.
  12. The spider hunter, is that a species of Isometroides? Uradacus armartus has orange legs, claws, tail ect. and a brown body, very interesting looking. What are the sultanas for? Do they eat them?
  13. To a point, the lower grades can handle fluntuations better but they still will die at higher temperatures. I accidently had my chiller off and I lost a heap of my A grades becuase the wate was at 28 degrees.
  14. N oI mean how do you choose a good one? That wont kill the female?
  15. Just looked at your location, your ageess away from me, its impossible to keep them here without a chiller.
  16. Do you have any expeiriance with the armatus? I want something that is very interesting. I feed them small crickets, can't get pin heads here anywhere. They seem to like them though. Lost one during a molt and another is MIA OMG, I'm terrified of spiders Paul! There was one in my room last night! It was watching me and it was massive! Like the size of a 20c peice! I was considering Phyligalis sp. sarina to help cure my fear at one stage but I doubt that would help. I'm thinking of getting a centipede as well, they seem very agro as well.
  17. These are the yaschenkoi arn't they? I'm thinking of getting a second species... not sure which one yet though, highly considering these or Urodacus armatus. Do you find that being more aggresive they are more interesting? The black rocks I got off you have to have their meals pre-killed lol then they just come and chew on it lol I want to see some action! Sure they will kill their own food once they are a bigger size though.
  18. How do you select the male? I'm thinking of trying blue marrons, not sure where to get them from though.
  19. Congratulations Joan! I've not had any births yet, I can see their little eyes inside the eggs though How are you keeping them cool?
  20. They breed just like shrimp! Isn't it cool when you can see them forming in the egg? Great pictures Jim!
  21. Most of the first batch I got wern't fertilised, the second batch it's just the odd one or two. I'll try a syringe, that's all I've got.
  22. There are a fair few unfertilised eggs, should I just leave them in there?
  23. They've all been put in the jar now, the jar ended up being only 2 litres. The mum looked ready to fight me but is the size of a 50c peice and must have realised my hands are like 10x bigger than her lol. I think they have layed somewhere else, the pair still is guarding something, probably in the lotus, they pecked holes in it all >.< It looks like I have a few hundred eggs.
  24. I might start a pond, the fry are good live food :D
  25. Send some down here when you have to many Hun, That was my entire colony I sent up. Giant bettas are good fry control.
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