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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Its not surprising you are getting great growth, in the first couple of months I have found growth is similar to that of many tanks injected with CO2, make sure you let the mulm acuamulate as the substarte only has a limited amount of carbon, you add this to the tank via fishfood, the mulm decomposes into CO2 and many other essential nurtients. If you want to avoid loosing fish next time I would add lots of zeolite, if you add it to teh canister it sucks up amonia while th bacteria colonise it, its a good bio media after that. I add it to my substrate. Or keep the fish in a cycled tank. The first few weeks of the substarte being submerged are very turbulent, many nutrients leach out while the ecology develops. Will you be replacing the angels?
  2. Thats not algae, it is cyanobacteria, I think upping the P or N is what your supposed to do to deal with it. Or treat with an antibiotic that works on only gram positive bacteria.
  3. I can send you some frog bit if you want, it contains utricularia gibba. Just for the price of postage. Birds can spread aquatic weeds, I have gained a few species that the birds have spread...
  4. Welcome! This is a great forum, lots of great people! You won't find salvinia for sale, it's a noxious weed and for good reason, I've seen it choke many water ways. Frogbit or duckweed is I beleive the only legal floating plants we can keep.
  5. Can't find it but theres a mavoritum doing it on this page, next to the melanoid one http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.caudata.org/cc/images/species/Ambystoma/A_mavortium3REILLEY.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.caudata.org/cc/species/Ambystoma/A_tigrinum.shtml&usg=__-8FHhGek-wUZH0vuXbrOyRasc6M=&h=204&w=350&sz=24&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&tbnid=DZSrJSuGvJ8wqM:&tbnh=70&tbnw=120&ei=ojbwTpTSBLHPmAXvka2AAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dopacum%2Bunken%2Breflex%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-US%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1
  6. I saw an image of an opacum doing the tail thing yesterday... This is so strange...
  7. Maybe they were just ill and you mistook it as morphing? I read somewhere that axies can pull their eyes back into their heads a teeny bit and can be mistacken as blinking.
  8. Strange, how are you keeping them now then? Explains why they looked so unusual....
  9. Ahhh makes sense, how are the morphs going?
  10. Are they stressed? Their gills are curled forward.
  11. Oh yea she did... They dissolved we all have moments aha.
  12. Hey at least I have an excuse... I'm blonde rofl, remember those eggs you were trying to show me Sarah? The ones that didn't exist? *lol*
  13. Not sure, some where on the floor some still on the leaf.... Perhaps it was the decomposing leaves? I'm thinking of moving the pair to their own tank now so they can do it themselves and get some gold pearl scales to pair up in this current tank.
  14. I woke up to find all of my fry dead and the second batch it appears are all infertile.
  15. No haha, you don't want to be like me, I thought my lionfish had bred once.... Was pollystyrene balls that got into the tank....
  16. That sounds like something I would do the female flowers look similar to aponageton flowers I think, not the petals but the way it is grouped if that makes sense.
  17. My operation is today, I hope I get an eye patch!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. somchai2500


      Arrrgh !! Good luck

    3. shadoh


      All the best Matt!

    4. les


      Hey Matt how did the op go and did you get the Pirate costume LOL

  18. Most have fallen off the leaves, they are melting away, they seem to be developing fine though. All the other fish are acting normally, the bettas are swimming right past the eggs. Only the angels are different, they nip at the other two a lot. Maybe when the eggs hatch it will change?
  19. They are still not free swimming!!! The batch in with the parents are goingwell, they are fanningtgem and nothing is trying to eat them yet. They are eating the unfertalised ones. They arn't very aggresive when I go near the eggsand often arn't anywhere near them, I don't have high expectations of them. It will probabaly take a few goes for them to get it right sincemost comercially bred angels are raised artificially and begin to loose their instincts.
  20. The picture isn't loading but val should flower above the water, it has small white flowers with 4 petals if I remember correctly.
  21. I think a path of blyxa would look really good spilling down between the two rocks, watch it doesn't get to big though. That piece of wood, the middle one in the last photo, how would that look if you turned it upside down , the grain of the wood appears to be going the opposite way to all of the rest and to my eye looks a tad un natural, I think its that little stub pointing the gravel.
  22. Looks great, the wood you've used reminds me a bit of Tom Barr's "woodgami" tank. Make sure you keep up with the riccia, it will need to be pruned all the time otherwise the bottom rots of and it floats off, its an absolute pain to keep re-tying, once it gets going I used to trim mine at least once every week. Trim it out of the tank otherwise the riccia fragments and grows all ofver the tank, it will get all through your hair grass.
  23. Wouldn't the other fish eat them though? There's 2 other angels and a heap of bettas in there with them. They don't seem territorial at all either.
  24. The pair has just spawned again, they were cleaning a crypt leaf yesterday and have covered it in eggs today Its so tempting to try and hatch this lot as well..... These guys are so much easier than bettas!
  25. They are still not free swimming, how long do they take?!?!?!?!?! Got their first tank set up, when they out grow the 25cm cube most will go out the back in tubs with freshwater plankton cultures.
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