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Status Updates posted by Matt_95

  1. My orange dragon female just died, no symptoms before she died and if she was still moving she would look absolutly normal, 3rd death this way in 2 days. I've never had problems like this with any other fish I have kept, perhaps I should get into something else? Or only buy localy bread stock. I don't think I will be breeding anymore now, these were some of my most imortant fish in terms of what I wanted to produce :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Matt_95


      Some are more challenging than splendens. I'll be keeping my chocolate dragons. I'm also getting marine and goldfish. Oh, and hybrid endlers to :D

    3. Yanagi


      ^ Quite the same reason I gave up on the fighters. They have issues.

    4. Matt_95


      It was suggested I try rainwater to see if that helps. I have had no trouble with locally bread stock. I don't hunk I have enough room for many anyway.

  2. My fish are arriving tomorrow!! Well technically today :P I'm actually quite worried about them. Can't sleep :(. Sarah is awesome!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      I'm not sure if I should be nervous to see how my packaging went...

    3. Matt_95


      It was good, perhaps a tad more water for teh betta but pretty much spot on :D You should be proud :D Thanks you so much :D

    4. Sarah


      Thanks Matt!

      Anytime, glad all went well. :))

  3. Don't you love it when you introduce the pair into the spawning tank and the female changes colour an hour later! Such fun :/

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. shadoh


      Nobodys asking (except Les) because we all know it is the chocolate dragon pair....lol! If not, plenty of other spawns going on to watch while Matt plays with his fish in the dark shroud of secrecy.....lol

    3. Matt_95


      How did you come up with that Jarrod? Pffft.. those ugly things? in my spawn tank? NEVER!!!

      Well maybe it is :P

    4. Sarah


      Ahaha - nice going Jarrod, hit in one.

      You are truly on your way to becoming a ninja Jarrod, able to pick out which pair. :D

  4. Hehe I have a dirty little secret :p

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Matt_95


      I don't pretend, I do fly *rages*

    3. Sarah


      Yep, sureee Matt.

      It's OK, we'll catch you when you fall. By we, I mean other Brissy's, no way I'm going to get crushed!

    4. les


      Crushed he couldnt way 50Kg wet LOL its ok Matt I have Nets

  5. It's soooo cold, like 5 degrees someone said, wonder what temp the tank is at, boiled the fish last night :'(

    1. Sarah


      It CAN'T be 5 degrees, it's 16* here, and we are further south..

    2. Matt_95


      Well there wind chill to factor in, behind buildings it's way warmer, my hands purple.

  6. It's soooo cold, like 5 degrees someone said, wonder what temp the tank is at, boiled the fish last night :'(

  7. My black dragon female Hua just died, she was my favourite female :( RIP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Matt_95


      yea, The blue marble girl, cambo girl and it looks like I have a few dragons and CT's missing. The new heater didn't turn off last night, boiled my fish, a fair few bettas survived though but the rest of my fish died.

    3. GoldenGirl13


      so sorry Matt, she was lovely xxx

    4. Matt_95


      Thanks Jo, I will mis her. Looks liek I have lost my orange HMPK and my black HMPK. Also lost my male apistogramma sp. Fresa and a heap of other fish. My tank looks so empty :(

  8. Your daughter Matthew Thomas has recieved a ticket for fare evasion... Since when was Matthew a girls name?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt_95
    3. Sarah


      With your blaming, bet you'll just blame him somehow. :P

    4. Sarah


      If it makes you feel better, on one of my certificates from the sparring comp at karate, said Sarah is a winner, he has done...

      I was the only girl and SOMEBODY forgot to change the certificate for me. :(

  9. Nawww I just snuck into the junior school library and saw a chicken hatch. It was so cute. I want one!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Sarah


      We had quails!

      King quails, had them in an aviary with budgies. They would let you hold them. Pretty cute.

    3. shadoh


      Sent links in pm

    4. Nicola


      I have Pekins, they are "sort" of like the fluffy silkies, but dont have the "poof" factor with the feathers, they still have feathered feet and are small.. but the thing with silkies and Pekins, they go broody ALOT so you don't get very many eggs.

  10. Oh my goodness, what a night!!!! Woke up at like 10.45 realised tonight is bin night, snuck out with the torch and began to raid bins. Walking around wynnum at night is a stupid thing to do so I got scared and came back home with only 5 bottles :( must have looked tough without shoes in my pj's lol. I feel strangly.... Exilirated :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Matt_95


      My ninja attire is blue duck jamies :P

    3. shadoh


      and he waddled away (waddle, waddle), till the next bin day....

    4. Sarah


      Ahaha - wear them with pride Young Grasshopper!

  11. I'm beached az bru

    1. Sarah


      Oi, remember the pause. ;P

    2. les


      owz ya chish and fips

  12. Ahhhhh no!!! Sarah you pressed the big red button!!! You like blocked me :'(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Matt_95


      Hmmm I guess I can't send you the plants then.

    3. Sarah


      I'll unblock. :P

    4. Sarah


      Was enjoying the peace and quiet though. :P

  13. Rockey died :'(

    1. les


      So sorry to hear that Mighty Matt, chin up and keep your sights on the plan

    2. Rhysmachine101
  14. How inconsiderate, somebody a few streets over is having a party, music blaring at 12 in the morning. I want to go to sleep :(

    1. shadoh


      I hate that, but it is usually the people directly across the street from me.

    2. Sarah


      Mm, thought you were going to say it was inconsiderate of them not to invite you - because we all know how much you love parties. :P

      Yeah annoying though. :)

  15. Gotta love my ipod, the autocorrect now changes "better" to "betta" :P

    1. Sarah
    2. Sarah


      .. Even though you are so boring, but I prefer this.

    3. Sarah


      Bwhaha, Matt knows what I mean sorry, looks like I said I prefer boringness..

      Just think of it as one of those seemingly useless ninja metaphors, but have a hidden meaning that can help you win tournaments. Sounds like something out of a movie haha..

  16. Got the fish!!!!!!!!

  17. Managed to leave my phone, ipod and wallet on the train. may not be online for a while... :( But don't worry, I will still rub my new bettas in :P Just incase you were worried :P

    1. Yanagi


      Ouch! :( Hope by some miracle you get your stuff back

    2. Matt_95


      Some girls handed it in at the station, they went through my phone and called mum :) using my iPod now :) The new winter uniform let's all the stuff in the pockets fall out when you sit down.

      The wallet will be at school somewhere, probably the lab :)

      I'm thinking the usual, smuggle photos to Sarah, and she posts them :) just a warning, I can't use the dslr so the photos will be horrid.

  18. Hey....... Got any grapes?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Sarah



      Yes, are a few around actually. :P

    3. Matt_95


      Guess what, I just ate grapes!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sharing with you guys :P

    4. Sarah


      So mean.. you know exactly what I'm talking about - and it's not the grapes.

  19. I think I need to wear my gl bottoms :P

    1. Sarah


      Bwhahaha..... no family, I'm not crazy when I burst out laughing.. :P

    2. Matt_95


      I bet you sounded like a male rooster ateil :P

    3. Sarah


      It was male chicken ateil. :P

  20. Oh no.... It happened again :O

    1. Sarah


      Sooo predictable. Post pics!

    2. Sarah


      Just to tease a little - GORGEOUS!! :P Nahhh nah nah nahhhh..

      Sorry, couldn't resit. :

  21. It looks like I have killed most of my fry. The survivors arn't looking to flash :( I feel so bad.....

    1. BettaObsessed


      oh no! What happened? I know how devestating that is :)

    2. Matt_95


      I didn't buffer their new water. I can see. More fry out now I turned off the filter. I reckon I have 100 ish left.

  22. Shawty's like a melody in my head

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      No big burst of tears or public outcry from me if that's what you're waiting for..

      Naww, but you cheated. You cheater. :(

    3. Sarah


      Why did you delete the middle comment Young Grasshopper?

      I surprised you with my second reaction. HA!

      The art of SURPRISE!! ;)

    4. Sarah


      I have this song stuck in my head now, it's like my iPod's stuck on replay, replay....

  23. Yay, I finished my tempory barraks :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      You'll get them for Jarrod.. what about poor me?

    3. Matt_95


      Hehe, I will pm them to Jarrod just so you don't see :P

    4. Sarah


      ... and then I'll quote you Beyoncing.. HA!

  24. I used to be a big brown yeti, but now I'm a ... YELLOW YETI, YELLOW YETI, YELLOW YETI lalalala

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarah


      Errrr... we were singing it earlier, it's catchy nut REALLY annoying. He knows songs like tht get stuck in my head and annoy me all day, so often does stuff like this. :P

      AHHH, the river was deep but I swam in it (Janet)..

    3. shadoh


      Hahaha!!! Now he's got you listening to Rocky Horror!

    4. Sarah


      Bwhaha, yup. :P

  25. How annoying I am one of 2% who have their photobucket acounts down, hope it is fixed tomorrow. Trust my Thomos luck it won't be :(

    1. Matt_95


      Yay, it is fixed :)

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