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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. I would just use zeolite if it's just moss. Umm, I don't know, I got mine ages ago.
  2. What are you wanting to grow? I reckon a moss scape would look good and yupou wouldn't need to trim as often as you would if you used stem plants, I hate fiddling with small tanks. If you just want moss and lower light plants a 7 watt CFL clip on works well. Would probably grow glosso and other medium light plants as well.
  3. Is that the Dymax IQ3 (or 5)? The light is fine for a little while but fades after a few months, I would recommend a 10 watt LED floodlight from eBay, make sure it is suspended high enough over the tank so that the light is not too intense. For substrate, I would go either an aquasoil, ADA is good, there are some others but they don't seem to be as popular and successful as the ADA, they still work though, I think the problem is they break down faster than the ADA. I usually use topsoil capped by zeolite, it produces it's own CO2 and it is chock full of nutrients.
  4. They would be custom what ever you want, we would have to figure out a price. They wouldn't be as cheap as the ones Paul posted since they would be larger and because we don't buy bulk amounts of glass to get the price down that low.
  5. If you guys want something with more than 4 compartments a friend and I have started making tanks and we could definitely help you guys out.
  6. They want be brighter, the colour temperature doesn't affect how bright it is, it affects what spectrum of light is produced, 20, 000k is the kind of light you Woukd expect several meters under the surface of the ocean, it is really blue and makes corals pop. I imagine they won't be able to keep red plants red but that's only my educated guess, that's why they're being trailed I imagine.
  7. Dave is the guy with the gloves, Leasha is the blonde one and Jim is the blurry one turning away.
  8. Thanks Dave, I did a bank transfer, just needed your email to send my details :)
  9. I have just paid now, what is your email adress? I cannot find it in the message.
  10. Salty shrimp Bee minerals are the best, many international breeders swear by it, the Sulawesi 7.5 is good for cherries. You can get both from Boss aquaria.
  11. Crown tail is multifactoral, swallow tail and ribbon fin are recessive and if I remember correctly short fin is dominant, and then delta, super delta ect. Depends on lts of factors, I don't know about swords ect. Though.
  12. Cyanobactria, they would be mites, they won't bother this fish though.
  13. Thanks, sorry I missed that, I read it like 5 times and still didn't see it!! Ok, I'll try it, I am on the look out for some affordable effective LED's for some set ups.
  14. I would like to trial them but how much are they?
  15. It. Reams down quickly if you are constantly rescaling. And some batches will cloud your water in the past, doesn't seem to be a problem with the new though.
  16. They look great Paul, good luck with them :)
  17. If you have a snail plague you're over feeding, cut back on the food and they will start to die off, that's assuming your plants are healthy as well.
  18. I would rather see a smaller clump of Anubias on the driwtwood or maybe some windolev. I would put a broadleafted stem plant behind the fork though, maybe hygrophila corymbosa.
  19. Yes, everything has to be EXACTLY in its spot or Sarah like dies or something, she knows exactly where everything as well, it's scary.
  20. It depends on what the colour spectrum is. The bulbs you have were probably designed for a marine tank.
  21. You should choose a light with around a 67000k colour temperature, the plants can's optimally use all the light you are throwing at it giving the algae the upper hand.
  22. The name macro prawns is short for Macrobrachium, that's not big Jarrod one species gets 40cm long. They're nice but eat fish and shrimp so have to be kept with either large fish who won't eat them or alone.
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