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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Thanks Ness, I am very happy with it, the depth is great, I can't wait to see what it looks like all filled in. I wasn't thinking anything much Sarah, it is quite small, I used to breed endlers in here, it obviously held more water then, I think I may just add a few male endlers. I think a betta would throw off the scale lol. The more I think about it the less fish friendly it seems....
  2. I have found they don't really school in smaller tanks, I don't really want it to look busy either , I want it to be relaxing XD
  3. Will add blyxa behind the rocks once the tank is flooded. I'm thinking maybe some clown killis for this tank, thoughts?
  4. Oops, I was thinking 35cm cube..... Definatly too small lol, might try a pair of killi's or some orange endlers. Still planting the glosso, takes a while....
  5. Hey guys, just tore down an experiment I was dong, wasn't working out as well as I had hoped, it turned toxic and all the snails died..... So, I scaped it with some honey comb rock I got from Fishchicks, it looks a bit cramped but hopefully it will look better as it fills in. I will be doing a DSM while the glosso fills in and once I flood the tank I will add some blyxa and maybe a few other plants. Just using Amazonia for the substrate, didn't want to mess around with DIY substrates with this tank. Any advice is welcomed Will get pictures after I have planted the glosso. Oh, the inhabitants will be mainly shrimp, maybe a pair of wild bettas once it has all grown in, Wayne, would this tank be large enough for the pair of channoides? It holds the same amount as the 45cm they are in.
  6. Ooooh, I dlete statuses if I make spelling mistakes lol. e I really like the look of the tank, it looks like a larger version of an old tank I used to have until my sister broke it -.- Will you be using the the same driftwood and planting sheme? Have you heard of rotala sp. green? I think it woudl be great, its got a lovely lush green colour and if you trim it often it forms a really dense bushy plant, its one of the most versatile aquascaping plants IMO. It looks stunning when used right.
  7. Will you be making any changes to the substrate other than just the plain B&B? When do I delete posts? :confused:
  8. I don't think the cool temperatures are needed, the stream was very cold but from the few I didn't keep in the chilled tank I experienced similar losses, they are harder to keep than CRS in regards to adapting to changes in water.... Every time the water is changed I loose a few, the F1 generation is much hardier and is more adaptable, I didn't get enough fry though from the first lot before they all died out. Hoping I can breed this lot because I won't collect any again. Will find the location on google maps later tonight, the stream has no name... I have bred them but only from one female and didn't get enough to keep the population growing, the couple that survived are around three months old and almost at 1cm, very slow growers.
  9. Just dose the whole tank with 60ml of H2O2 at 6% hoping it kills of most of the algae, looks like a giant glass of soft drink lol
  10. Just got back from feeding her, she just completed her second moult, she is going very well, she is eating and in great shape, almost ready to mover her off the paper towels.
  11. I remember you said you were looking at lighting options, thought I would bring this one to your attention. A fair few people on Aquariumlife have been experimenting with LED floodlights, they are cheap, correct light spectrum and last years with no need to replace the bulb, 2 20 watt ones would be sufficient for your tank one at the 1/3 mark and one at the 2/3 mark. If you do go with them you have to make sure it's at least got 6000k for optimal plant growth. I have two on order An example http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com.au/viewitem?itemId=260701485874&cmd=VIDESC&index=12&nav=SEARCH&nid=12721378083
  12. Will you do anything different next time Paul? I think the optional layer of peat would be good, I really think that is where most of the CO2 comes from, the alkinity of the marble counters the acidity of the peat ensuring it continues to decompose and the acidity dissolves the marble releasing CO2 and carbonates. That's just what I came up with when I sat down and thought about how this substrate works, I noticed most of your problems went away when you began adding the CO2 suggesting the substrate wasn't providing enough.
  13. That idea with the bottle is excellent! I'll definatly use that one! How did you think of that? I'll be around in the morning with the papers *lol*
  14. That looks amazing Wayne! I would love a set up like that, you don't want a son do you I can't wait to see the stock you put in there.
  15. I love the look of the really old tanks! I would love to get one some day, they look amazing. Jarrod! You should have made a rainbow!
  16. The reds seem far less eager to reproduce unfornunatly, the greens seem to just want to keep popping them out wherever they go. Even my small ones do it!
  17. I already had one here for you.... Maybe I just decided you needed one... Or maybe I'm just crazy That is actually more than one lotus, I have a smaller one at the base because the bottom was looking a bit bare, there are a few babies mixed through it too. I really need to take it out, tanks should only have one focal point, mine is the apon, its only a propagagtion tank for now though, it isn't scaped.
  18. There will be no fish in this tank, maybe a few clear shrimp, it will be minimalistic. A dead tree on a grassy hill :)
  19. Heres the lotus, this is the Mum of yours Paul, she has plans for global domination Sorry about the water cghanges, another job on the list. You can further see the extent of the cyano in this picture as well, I must be blind to not notice that lol I should have a few babies of this one to bring along to the Next Betta Australis meet if anyone wants one.
  20. The darker colours also add depth. I'm thinking of trying white as it gives a more open sense to the scape.
  21. I have found if there is a gap between the background and the glass then yes it is very reflective.
  22. Make sure you put it on in thin layesr and allow them to dry before the next one goes on, it ensures it bonds well to the glass.
  23. To give a good background, with paper you get a gap between the glass and the colour and it doesn't look as good.
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