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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Nope, they can survive for short periods of times in it though, it's not good for them though. They can go brackish though.
  2. I'm just so excited is all For now it's a bucket with brackish water and sand lol. I'll be setting up a marine iwagumi tank, I got some macro algae from an LFS that was growing as a carpet in their display tank. I'm sending two pairs up to Sarah as well.
  3. I've decided to set up a tank for soem crabs so while I am away I have been busy collectiong some, no ID on the first two, I'm calling them Aussie vampire crabs for now. What do you guys think of them? Fiddlers
  4. Melaleuca wood is perfectly safe, it's usually the roots that are used, not the branches. I add the leaves to my tank on a regular basis.
  5. Use riccia in the back and hornwort for nutrient uptake.
  6. Make her look at the AGA competition photos, Nature style is nice and much easier than Dutch :)
  7. For the DIY substrates you really need lower light and a higher plant mass. Diana Walstad has an article where she did it successfully, she used heaps of floating plants, your tank is a lot deeper though and you will need much stronger lights, you don't really want the light being obstructed. My setup only cost me $200 but I only payed for the tank, you could probably set one up with a smaller tank for under $300. Or look for second hand.
  8. There are some good iwagumi guides online so you know what to do look up the AGA competition for some inspiration. Can you afford CO2 injection? With such a low biomass it's the best choice and you need higher light to keep a foreground. I vote for glosso Make sure your rocks aren't too "square" a scalene ish shape is best according to Japanese rules. Look into the rule of thirds and the golden ratio in regards to planted aquarium. The ADA catalogue has a fantastic guide if you can find an lfs with it. Was far better than the ones I found online IMO. I think someone sells chilli rasbora, around $7 from memory. I like embers better for larger tanks PS I think the best tip Wolfgang gave me was scape it, leave it for 3 days, make a few adjustments, leave it another few days, adjust and so on.
  9. Would a small canister work better?
  10. Aww that's such a shame Jarrod. Sorry you lost them I've lost a fair few with no sign of illness :(
  11. Get the pink ones someone has! I will buy your fry or swap for orange There arn't many options for apistos for a tank this size, I think even the smaller species need 30cm2 for his territory and then 15cm2 for each female from memory. What about a pair of honey gouramis?
  12. You just need to ensure you pick a small species, such as Borelli. If you plant the stuffing out of it and use lots of moss and get the cherry population pumping before you add the apistos then they will be able to breed faster than they are eaten.
  13. Thanks guys, I've decided to use my orange endler trio as they don't really have a tank they can breed in. I'm getting lots of growth from the glosso :D
  14. Ooh I assumed when you said you want more than one betta you ment you want more than one betta What about endlers and shrimp then? Match made in heaven Or what about some endlers, shrimp and a pair of borelli apisto? They are small and suit small tanks.
  15. Thanks Paul, I would actually have to be sick to go see the doctor I might try get hold of some stronger peroxide and paint it on. Or plant some HM ontop to block its light source....
  16. Thanks Paul, I would actually have to be sick to go see the doctor I might try get hold of some stronger peroxide and paint it on. Or plant some HM ontop to block its light source....
  17. Endlers! Better than guppies as they dont try to eat there fry, bettas would be good fry control, someone had some nice pink endlers the other day Oh and often Bettas will Atack guppies because of their long colourful tails so if you go for guppies get a short tail strain, even my flamenco dancer females were shredded :(
  18. Thanks Les! I don't think I could jam the tank with sticks without shredding the plants, same with the cone, I'm assuming it's the same as the discus ones? Some come with a mesh you put over it to prevent the parents from eating the eggs. If they get their own tank I will try both of those tips, thank you :D
  19. Happy Birthday Les! I hope you had a great day with your family. Hope you have a great year a head of you :)
  20. I was away for two days and came home yesterday to more eggs but they promptly ate them :(
  21. I had a CO2 deviancy, not a Ca one. Now that I have halved the amount of light the Mayaca is getting new shoots that appear healthy. Most algae appears to have died except the cyano, I think I need some stronger stuff. Sorry if I am boring you guys, this is mostly for my records, this is the first time I have dealt with these algaes, it's a good learning expeiriance.
  22. Didn't think of that... I don't think increasing it that much would cause algae, you can still have high nutrients in low light, as long as you have enough CO2 to balance it. If they are going fine now with your current dosage I would leave it.
  23. The spit is CO2, its used by the plants as glucose I think, it's more difficult for them to use than CO2 so the use all the CO2 up first. I think if you add more organic matter to the substrate it will help you out with CO2 and nutrients. The peat Tony recommends would provide the CO2 but not nutrients... From memory the blood and bone is mostly P and Ca, you also need N and K as well as the micros. I would continue to dose the dino spit, you could probably even double or triple the dose with your plant mass.
  24. Thanks Yan! I love blue eyes, I prefer the delicates over the spotted, think its ok for a trio?
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