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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Ccaaaaarrrrrrlllllll

  2. Wow you must be a time traveler I think you mean January not February lol best of luck with them!
  3. What did you end up doing Jarrod? How are all the new plants you got at the meet going? Any pictures?
  4. Matt_95

    Guppy Tragedy

    You mean guppies aquarium products? Yes you can. Since you have removed the guppies just put a dead prawn in and monitor the Amonia, nitrite an nitrate levels. Also do so research on the nitrogen cycle. No you don't.
  5. Matt_95

    Guppy Tragedy

    2 days isn't enough to cycle a tank, more like two weeks. Try adding some hornwort to take up Amonia and dose with a bacteria supplement to speed up the cycle. Super chlor will bind Amonia making it less toxic for the guppies.
  6. Lost my channoides male and can't afford another. Not a happy camper :(

    1. Wild Nut

      Wild Nut

      That's a shame. What happened, did he jump or just keel over like a couple of my wilds have done?

    2. Matt_95


      No idea, I thought he was holding because he would disappear for a few days. Tore the tank apart because I started to get worried and he is gone :(

  7. I'm not sure when but I was just told on AIF they look ready to molt soon.
  8. Update time! They haven't molted yet, hope they do soon! I lost two though, not sure why... I have a urodacus yaschenkoi, liocheles sp. north brisbane and a pregnant black rock scorpion arriving this week, cannot wait Also looking at buying a centipede. After a big meal How I keep them, one per container, all similar to these. The substrate, looks a bit wet at the moment, should dry out in the next few days.
  9. Jim, that special CT you posted a week or so ago looks very much like a male going by body shape and fin size IMO, your getting some good looking fish in :)
  10. I just bought 3 new species of scorpion :D

  11. No no its a self title Do you still have the single tail ranchus? I was looking for some at one time I love all the top view types as well. I myself think that betta fighting is fine in the countries that it originated in. Its how we got the betta and its part of their culture. In Australia though I believe it shouldn't be done, its the same as dog fighting and I believe it is cruel.
  12. It takes a while to get established doesn't it? What I do is use a four hour siesta to allow the CO2 levels to recover and stops the ph getting to high. You turn the lights on for four hours in the morning then 4 hours off (Diana says in tropical environments this could stimulate rains that happen nearly everyday in some areas) then 4 hours on again. Plants can't use much if any of the light from actinic blue bulbs, it's for the benefit of our eyes only, the nm range of actinic blues is not used by plants. I believe they emit light at around 460nm from memory.
  13. You mean hair algae? That indicates something is still out of wack, your tank should have settled by now although I am not familiar with how long this substrate takes to settle down. I'm tired and can't remember what causes Hair algae, do you recharge your CO2 at the same time or evenly spaced to keep it as even as possible? Have you tried halving the amount of light? I did that and mine stopped growing and is now dying off. I am now using 2 tubes 6700k and two actinic blue bulbs and noticed no change in plant growth but a halt in algae growth.
  14. Adam, if you got the Amazonia "new" I believe that they made it so it doesn't have a massive ammonia spike now. Could be wrong.
  15. Welcome to the forum, I have learnt a great deal by browsing the betta fighting forums even though I do not participate in it myself... I am also a goldfish fan! Ryukin are not my thing but I absolutely love orandas. I also love koi but they are illegal in my state. Do you have any images?
  16. Hey Jarrod, Any updates? I ended up using aquasoil rather than this mix. Any algae? What are you dosing and how much? Any signs of defiancy? PS I went and looked up what blood and bone has, it has 14% N and 10% P but virtually no K so I was wrong.
  17. Jenny, if you don't want to run CO2 make sure you add some organic matter to your substrate whether it be soil or any other substrate such as the one Jarrod and Paul use. If your going to use medium lighting I would suggest any of the following: Lotus (I was told they are also very good as species from the albimarginata complex like to lurk under large broadleaf plants) Small swords Crypts Blyxa Moss Java fern Staurogyne There are many others as well, I put those ones up as they need no/little trimming as I wouldn't want to disturb the bettas while they are holding/ have young fry. I use soil in all of my tanks with great success, sounds like it would be a mess but it isn't.
  18. I went to the city with some friends to go shooopppiiinnngghh (lotsa fun ) Thanks Jarrod, I need a stronger light, this one is the wrong spectrum and it shows. Bought an LED floodlight last night.
  19. There's no water in the tank yet Les, I'll put them up when they are in there Thanks for the complements :D
  20. Update from a few days ago, probabaly double the amount of growth now.
  21. Lol awkward haha I thought you were going to be getting into crystals or something and running a big shrimp rack that you are yet to tell us about It doesn't even look much like a chiller lol, I'm insane. Nope, cherries like it hot (or cold) lol
  22. Looks good Jarrod, what is the big chiller for????????????????????????????????????????? Are you setting up a really big set up for shrimp????????????????????????????
  23. Paul, if you cut the sword off below the growing tip it will grow a new point of growth if it is healthy, why don't you swap it for a smaller sword such as ozelot so you get a bit of red as well?
  24. They don't nip, they are very placid. They run though. You need to be really sneaky and stalk them or some don't reach a burrow in time and you can grab them. Can't see your videos guys :/ oh if you go catch them wear heaps of mossie repelent. I've still got bites :(
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