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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. The amber colored eggs are fertile, takes a few goes for them to get it right.
  2. Sounds like a m/f pair, the female has the longer one. Will probabaly take a few times to get it right.
  3. Congrats! That is strange it is atacking the other one though, mine are very peacefulk and get along well, never even atack the other fish... Mine take turns fanning the eggs and protecting the eggs from other fish. Did you catch them with the ovipositer down so you know you have a pair and not two females? Perhaps removing the eggs to hatch artoficially would make them get along better?
  4. I liek the last boy I think that one is a boy Sarah ;)
  5. People have asked this before on AL, the general consensus seems to be they arn't as good as T5 I think... The floodlights on the other hand are fantastic, I have one and am waiting on a second to arrive.
  6. I was looking for a yasi recently, woudl have bought some if I new you were selling them. Will you be selling any elo bubs? I love elo's :)
  7. If there is any effect on the PH it wont happen as fast as you boiled it, try testing it next time with tank water, tap water naturally drops after it has sat for an hour ot two. You shouldn't have any trouble with teh ph dropping to fast, IAL would most likly drop is faster... Should be fine to use :)
  8. what do you guys think? Liocheles sp. North Brisbane, not sure on sex or age... it is around 4-5cm Male Urodacus manicatus
  9. Hey Ness, can't spend much time sexplaining this. Wood should be fine as long as it is not pine and has been dead around a year and is fully dried out. Also make sure it is not soft. I used a piece of wood with borrors once and they produced hydrogen sulphide.
  10. My new scorpions arrived, there was a fair few problems though lol, the gravid female gave birth and ate her babies and the yaschenkoi escaped so the guy said I could have an elongatus and a pair of black rocks for the same price, then the elo died the day before he sent them so he gave me a free black rock. I am looking at getting a tarantula now to get over my fear of them. I used to live next door to one of the top scientists in the world for spiders, he would be the top one in Australia, I loved spiders back then So I now have 6 black rocks and 1 liocheles sp. North Brisbane. Pictures in a month when I am ungrounded.
  11. Not sure sorry and I don't thinks you will need it. Try spot dosing with 3% hydrogen peroxide from the chemist, around $5 per bottle, get 6% and you can dilute it for more bang for your buck!
  12. I would do a water change around 50% and then continue as you have been. You shouldn't need charcoal, he obviously hasn't been affected yet. If you do use something curisorb is made to absorb copper I think.
  13. Some cherry shrimp would go well with him, he won't be able to eat them. They should go well with your current set up beautiful yabby. Absolutely stunning. Be careful with the algae killer. Most use copper as the active ingredient which is deadly to all inverts. Hope he does well for you, I'm sure he will.
  14. Honestly, it may work out short term but it would be a ticking time bomb. They will eat them during the night while the fish are asleep. Have you thought of cherry shrimp?
  15. Sarah you shouldn't be online!!!! Looks great Paul, how often are you trimming.
  16. Thanks Les I will be using bamboo, I will probably char it first as I like the darker look. I will use my usual mix of meleaulca, IAL and mangrove leaves and I may also try lemon grass Recipe for what? Lost this batch as well. I think they may have hatched and been eaten, they looked almost free swimming last nigh...
  17. The parents have a habit of eating them. And feeding is supposed to be hard as well. The fry are quite small.
  18. I don't think it's hard to get them to spawn. It is very difficult to raise fry though.
  19. Oh and Les I will be building a 2 foot cube viv for my frogs as well :)
  20. Thanks Les, I'm going to have the glass cut at the shop, whenever I cut stuff it is always skew-if no matter how many times I measure. The tank will be both display and functional, I'm going to try your idea with the vertical branches, if I get a light I will grow broadleaf chains word on the bottom. The tank size I am looking at is a 45cm cube, lots of room for a pair I think I will need 4mm glass. But will double check, have already found the calculators. I was thinking of practicing on making tanks for my inverts, that way if they leak it's no biggie but I will also try betta cubes thanks Les They ate all the babies on the apon but I found a second teeny patch on a crypt leaf with around 20 wrigglers on it. They are being great parents. On a side not, I have started calling these philapean blues as the breeder who discovered this fish intended for them to be called that.
  21. That sounds promising Paul Glad they are getting started for you. Hopefully you have a m/f pair and not two females. And hopefully they won't peck holes in your sword like they did to my apon.
  22. I can now confirm I have a fertile pair! I just found wriggles... After I poured a bucket of water over the apon they were using -.- looks like about 20 made it. I doubt they will survive the bettas, SAE and pencil fish but it's a start I am going to build them their own tank, any tank building tips Les?
  23. So happy, just caught a new litoria xanthomera, keeping him now, hope he doesn't croak much... He has kept me up the past few nights outside my window...

    1. Neffy


      Oh its a frog and the cutest frog ever!!

    2. Matt_95
  24. There is currently a risk assessment being done for one of the sulewasa shrimp, forget the name, it's the red with blue spots. It was originally harlequin but they are very difficult to care for. It's come to a standstill of late but any help is appreciated. You can find it on aquariumlife.
  25. You can keep cherries with guppies if you have enough hiding spots for babies but no crystals. Cherries are a neocaridina so they can't cross with the crystals, a caridiana.
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