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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Got everything set up for the vescus, just need some bark. Sarah, got the pictures mixed up, the one you think is yours is the male, yours is this one
  2. I just bought two Selenotypus sp. gem fields, keen as a bean to get them, I want to get over this stupid fear!
  3. All aquatic plants will be safe for bettas, for some red try crypt wendtii var red, it's a low light plant so should do well :)
  4. I saw a post on another forum selling gem field tarantulas for $10 each. Sent a pm and then read the replies he got.... He got in trouble for the price being so low and he had to take the price up to $25. WTH is with that? I once thought it was a good forum... Rant over :/

    1. Yanagi


      One of the few times I've heard of people complaining because a price is too low... o_o

    2. paul


      One of two things...

      Marketing ploy, or,

      Just plain stupid!

    3. Matt_95


      It's so wild caught species arn't exploited or something... Even though these were CB. And to st breeders loosing out if they payed more or something. Pm'd him and got them for the original price!

  5. Thanks Jim, the lio is on pure coco peat and the others all have a mix of 50/50 coco peat and play sand, much easier for them to dig so I will change all the babies over to it soon. I'm not sure of their locales, not going to breed them because I think they are all from different areas, the guy i got them of wasn't sure, I'll keep a pair in a communal tank for a display next to my bed though and if I get bubs then I can just keep them or give them away :)
  6. The holes are there so that side dries out.... Yours is the last one I just posted The male and the lio
  7. OOh nice, what species? Any pictures? Sarah, this is how I keep mine. theres a rock in this one for the 2nd instar in there. The adults I use ketapang leaves as I can't find rocks the correct size, bark would be better, or a flat rock they can build a scrape under. this is one of the female manicatus The other female Got some more :)
  8. Will take 4 please, this would have to be one of my favorite sp, if not my favorite!
  9. All the ones mentioned above are good. Lotus, swords, crypts ect. Go great, you would need to ditch the air powered filter though, I would stick with mosses and ferns.
  10. Looks good Jenny, could you maybe move the wood a bit off center though? Would make it look even better IMO, any other plants.
  11. Oh cool, they are the same price as the elos?
  12. Stunning! I will defiantly grab some, which species is it? I. Vescus or I. angusticaudus? How big are the bubs of both species?
  13. Oh, will be fine then thought you may have gotten it from the chemist or something.
  14. You could always use it to test for the presence of polysaccharides I'mmsure everyone wants to do that.... If you already have it you may as well try it, just make sure you have a test kit, what else is in it besides iodine? I know some places dissolve it in ethanol.
  15. Should work but I honestly doubt you will see any difference in his behavior, these guys eat anything, including their own poop. It helps bring the molt on, he shouldn't need it though, they incorporate it into their exoskeleton and take it up during a molt. Keep in mind iodine is highly toxic, if you wish to dose iodine you will need a iodine test. Iodine in sea water is 0.06ppm, less in freshwater I believe, how is it the these animals function perfectly well in the wild with these tiny amounts of iodine but apparently need higher amounts in captivity to survive? Something seems sus to me, especially if it is the only website you can find about it. I have a yabby here I don't want anymore, you want it?
  16. You don't need it, iodine is used to help them molt and can be stressful, it's not needed and only used in marine tanks, try nori if you really want, sea weed is high in iodine.
  17. Paul, it's crystals that like cold temps, I have had my cherries go over 30 degrees and still be fine. I left a bag of cherries sitting on my desk for four days and they survived, un-killable. He won't be able to catch them, they react to fast and are to small.
  18. Macro prawns will eat your cherries. Pretty much only other dwarf shrimp or micro fish, or as Les suggested muscles. Aqua green has a range of shrimp and snails that are quite good :)
  19. Its all good Not sure sorry, try petlink. Joan on here is selling some I think, she ships. These guys would be untoachable even when his shell is hard.
  20. You shouldn't be paying more than $1 per shrimp, $4.50 each is way overpriced!
  21. Matt_95


    Absolutly stunning Les!! Wish I didn't loose my male Hope you get some fry soon!
  22. People keep the fish away from crystals as they stress easily and you want to maximize the production, they breed slower and grow slower than cherries. On another note, your guppies and endless will be cross breeding. Yes that's right, I keep mine together.
  23. R.I.P brick :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicola


      oh :( sorry to hear that

    3. Sarah


      Aww, I'm sorry. :(

      Not your fault at all, clearly his past owners.

    4. Matt_95


      His bones were like rubber, when I picked his body up he had no support, like there were no bones... poor thing, at least he isn't suffering anymore.

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