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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Seeing as you only had the nematodes this time, could there be copper in the tank? Have you ever used any meds in the tank? If so, you could have copper leaching out of the silicone? This killed one of my first lots. Don't give up Jarrod! You will figure it out :)
  2. Does look like snail eggs, a dip in Potasium Permanganate will kill them off.
  3. I thought they ment the foreground?
  4. Happy Birthday MT! Hope you had a good one! I read it as MY asWell Harry and I was sitting here thinking hmmmm her Birthday is on November 7!
  5. Dwarf hair grass, Japanese hair grass or Belem hair grass, all elocharis species.
  6. I have had them in my tank, they are just little nematodes fish love them :)
  7. Bahahaha she won't, she loves me to much <3
  8. Yes but it has to be something interesting.
  9. Sarah is getting here at lunch time, I couldn't bring her to school with me!
  10. Didnt you know Paul? All the cool kids lock scorpions these days They arrived!!! So many lol, someone please buy them! The isometroides are even smaller than the black rock babies!
  11. So I'm like super excited tonight! Probably won't sleep, decided I should check on my scorpions..... Well my southern black rock female which I originally bought as gravid ended up being free because the guy I bought her off said she gave birth and ate them. So I pulled the container out and though that's strange.... Almost looks like babies... OMG it gave birth! Looks to be around 20..... I have so many of these now... I just bought 100 the other day..... I'm over run! So excited! Photos tomorrow maybe if I think it's safe, maybe just through the lid.... I know face the realization that I am an idiot for buying 100 of these only to find my free one has supplied me with more than enough -.- anyone want to buy some scorpions? Lol
  12. The area mine collects is in the back corner behind my giant lotus, I never see it!
  13. Looks like diatomes and mulm buildup. Diatomes will eventually go away, they are often caused by silica.
  14. Looks good Jarrod! They will love it in there, sorry the ones from me died. The mulberry tree will come in handy! They also love banana and spinach :)
  15. Saved you the trouble of clicking <3
  16. Hahaha I think I have gone a bit mad.... In the process of buying 100 black rocks..... Did I hear someone say obsessed?
  17. Yanny Poo, you haven't updated this in over 6 months! Hurry up!
  18. Sarah and I also just bought a Phlogius sp. rubiseta each as well picking them up tomorrow as well as my 5 R. Nuda pedelings, I'm going tombs a pede-file!
  19. I just bought some industrial shelving to put all my tanks on, I have 20 feet of tank space hehe. How I keep my inverts, crappy picture but you get the idea, old picture, I have now filled up this section and am moving onto the next one.
  20. The Green scorpion just restocked and released a new scorpion to the hobby, Liocheles sp. Central West Location. I bought a pair as well as a Selenotypus plumipes "feather leg" sling. Can't wait to get them!
  21. Not much. http://www.inverts.com.au/showthread.php?6082-Centipede-Caresheet
  22. Great news! You want a pede? I am getting some this weekend, $5 each. R. nuda,mother blue leg pede.
  23. Make a moss wall! Or get some philopean blue angels! (the white ones)
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