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Everything posted by Matt_95

  1. Looks good Jarrod, I have flowered the Bacopa monerii (spelling) it is very versatile, growing aquatic and will even grow in a shady spot in the garden, it grows in lawns ect. One of my favourite stem to let flower is Lindernia Americana and Lindernia sp. variegated. Don't trim the emmeresed growth of Jarrod, it's a great nutrient export system, I had a heap of Bacopa growing out and hanging down to cover one side of the tank.
  2. Love that wood! I would plant some stem plants to hide the fact it is cut off our some moss sor similar. someone had some fantastic wood like this in stock :)
  3. It is quite difficult to ID tarantulas, often the only way to get a positive ID is to send the shed skin away to an expert for an ID. I would really rather buy one with a definite ID. What is their legspan and are they sexed?
  4. What species? And how much are they?
  5. Looks fantastic Les! Could you please pm me where you got the seeds? I would really like to try growing these. You said you had already pruned them, what's the growth rate like? So glad they reshot!
  6. Yes it's amazing, isn't it? All scorpions glow under UV light, I just bought an extremely strong LED black light torch on eBay for pennies! I am going to go catch my own scorpions! It would have to be the easiest way to find them, they are most active between December to February so they are slowly becoming harder to find. Thanks Les, can't wait to hear from you :D
  7. Thanks Les. I don't think so they only come out in the dark some in a scaped enclosure they would never be seen. It's a shame actually. I want to do a nice tank for my mantis though!
  8. Really bad picture of one of them after a meal, its abdomen keeps getting bigger Hoping for a moult soon
  9. Elongatus Isometroides vescus, lost two of these, very upset as its my favourite species in my collection Liocheles sp. North Brisbane
  10. I missed your post ophelia! What Phasmids do you have? I Lost all of mine a few days ago and need to restock! The babies are starting to leave mums back, they have moulted now and are 2nd instar. One of the manicatus I got from Jim also just moulted so its now 3rd instar! Very exciting, my first ecydis! I have more!
  11. Ahh I see The 2nd instars look great are they feeding? One of mine moulded the other day and another is not far off!
  12. You have my coral! I was looking for it! Your pictures turned out better than the ones you took here, maybe it's the sunlight?
  13. Great pictures! Did you use the slr? Who took the pictures? Does Debbie know?
  14. Thanks Jarrod. I still have most of my scorpions (to many if you ask some people ) only lost some black rocks and I think an Isometroides vescus. I lost all of my stick insects, I had 1 left today and had 2 more hatch so back to 3 lost all my crabs, the last of my a CRS, a heap of cherries, all of my crickets, my assassin bugs, my millipede, tadpoles and I think that's everything. Got some pedes arriving tomorrow so that's good :)
  15. Lost the remaining 5 not sure what went wrong, these last 5 were growing fine.... Very annoyed and confused about this maybe its the chemicals mum was cleaning with that killed of most of my invertabrate collection?
  16. *ahem* I believe I am the supervisor. Yanny Poo, I am coming to your house, so I can set you up a crystal tank and take your elegance coral to my house hehehehe
  17. Shut up Harry. I can supervise :P
  18. He's going to revive THE thread! OMG. would you really make a special interstate guest do waterchangers??
  19. Hahahahahahahahaha even I haven't had mine disabled!
  20. Where did your facebook go Harry? I think the pictures are on there.
  21. Actually, Dave Wilson says that it's cheaper to hear a room. If you kept it all at 24 degrees everyone should be happy :)
  22. You should get him to insulate it :)
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