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About Matt_95

  • Birthday 12/28/1995

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    Yes, Bettas

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  1. Yay, no more exams, I can finally get time to look through here lol and check my emails... so daunting, 127 unread :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. les


      No she isnt going to Bali for schollies she is going down south to Dunsbura. Her boyfriend has bought her a trip to Bali for her Birthday in Feb his Mum and Dad have a house there and he is Indonesian and a real gentleman

    3. les


      Oh I hope you have done well in your Xams by the way

    4. Matt_95


      Lucky her :D

      Thanks, I did ok, only B's and low A's so far, need to get them back up next year so I can get a good OP

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