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About Matt_95

  • Birthday 12/28/1995

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  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas

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  1. Managed to leave my phone, ipod and wallet on the train. may not be online for a while... :( But don't worry, I will still rub my new bettas in :P Just incase you were worried :P

    1. Yanagi


      Ouch! :( Hope by some miracle you get your stuff back

    2. Matt_95


      Some girls handed it in at the station, they went through my phone and called mum :) using my iPod now :) The new winter uniform let's all the stuff in the pockets fall out when you sit down.

      The wallet will be at school somewhere, probably the lab :)

      I'm thinking the usual, smuggle photos to Sarah, and she posts them :) just a warning, I can't use the dslr so the photos will be horrid.

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