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About Matt_95

  • Birthday 12/28/1995

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  • Currently Breeding
    Yes, Bettas

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  1. I saw a post on another forum selling gem field tarantulas for $10 each. Sent a pm and then read the replies he got.... He got in trouble for the price being so low and he had to take the price up to $25. WTH is with that? I once thought it was a good forum... Rant over :/

    1. Yanagi


      One of the few times I've heard of people complaining because a price is too low... o_o

    2. paul


      One of two things...

      Marketing ploy, or,

      Just plain stupid!

    3. Matt_95


      It's so wild caught species arn't exploited or something... Even though these were CB. And to st breeders loosing out if they payed more or something. Pm'd him and got them for the original price!

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