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About Matt_95

  • Birthday 12/28/1995

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    Yes, Bettas

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  1. OMG I am getting some sort of algae covering my gravel, not happy :( I think Ineed to up the flow heaps as the bottom is a dead spot, looks horrible :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nicola


      Ohhhhhh okay :dontknow: I've never really had huge problems with algae I usually clean it off when i see little patches. But that must be different to the stuff you are dealing with

    3. Sarah


      Wow you guys are good... I just got a whole lesson out of that...

    4. Matt_95


      When you have medium lighting you need to keep nutrients and CO2 in balance or it leads to algae, I think my tanks are also deficiant in Ca and Mg since I use rain water.

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