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Status Updates posted by Matt_95

  1. I saw a post on another forum selling gem field tarantulas for $10 each. Sent a pm and then read the replies he got.... He got in trouble for the price being so low and he had to take the price up to $25. WTH is with that? I once thought it was a good forum... Rant over :/

    1. Yanagi


      One of the few times I've heard of people complaining because a price is too low... o_o

    2. paul


      One of two things...

      Marketing ploy, or,

      Just plain stupid!

    3. Matt_95


      It's so wild caught species arn't exploited or something... Even though these were CB. And to st breeders loosing out if they payed more or something. Pm'd him and got them for the original price!

  2. R.I.P brick :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicola


      oh :( sorry to hear that

    3. Sarah


      Aww, I'm sorry. :(

      Not your fault at all, clearly his past owners.

    4. Matt_95


      His bones were like rubber, when I picked his body up he had no support, like there were no bones... poor thing, at least he isn't suffering anymore.

  3. So happy, just caught a new litoria xanthomera, keeping him now, hope he doesn't croak much... He has kept me up the past few nights outside my window...

    1. Neffy


      Oh its a frog and the cutest frog ever!!

    2. Matt_95
  4. Ccaaaaarrrrrrlllllll

  5. Lost my channoides male and can't afford another. Not a happy camper :(

    1. Wild Nut

      Wild Nut

      That's a shame. What happened, did he jump or just keel over like a couple of my wilds have done?

    2. Matt_95


      No idea, I thought he was holding because he would disappear for a few days. Tore the tank apart because I started to get worried and he is gone :(

  6. I just bought 3 new species of scorpion :D

  7. OMG I am getting some sort of algae covering my gravel, not happy :( I think Ineed to up the flow heaps as the bottom is a dead spot, looks horrible :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nicola


      Ohhhhhh okay :dontknow: I've never really had huge problems with algae I usually clean it off when i see little patches. But that must be different to the stuff you are dealing with

    3. Sarah


      Wow you guys are good... I just got a whole lesson out of that...

    4. Matt_95


      When you have medium lighting you need to keep nutrients and CO2 in balance or it leads to algae, I think my tanks are also deficiant in Ca and Mg since I use rain water.

  8. My operation is today, I hope I get an eye patch!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. somchai2500


      Arrrgh !! Good luck

    3. shadoh


      All the best Matt!

    4. les


      Hey Matt how did the op go and did you get the Pirate costume LOL

  9. Yay, my betta albimarginata just arrived, thank-you so much Davin!

  10. woke up to massive deatsh in my shrimp tank and nitrite over 5, not very happy :(

  11. Yay I found my first berried CRS :D

  12. Yay, no more exams, I can finally get time to look through here lol and check my emails... so daunting, 127 unread :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. les


      No she isnt going to Bali for schollies she is going down south to Dunsbura. Her boyfriend has bought her a trip to Bali for her Birthday in Feb his Mum and Dad have a house there and he is Indonesian and a real gentleman

    3. les


      Oh I hope you have done well in your Xams by the way

    4. Matt_95


      Lucky her :D

      Thanks, I did ok, only B's and low A's so far, need to get them back up next year so I can get a good OP

  13. someone is uploading new betta videos!

  14. someone is uploading new betta videos!

  15. someone is uploading new betta videos!

  16. heres a big storm coming, hope everyone with fish in the spawn tank have goodluck!

  17. ROfl, I was at a friends house who has had a stray cat give birth under teh house. The neighbours kids came over, one asked me "Did the kitty lay anymore eggs?" lol was so funny.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Matt_95


      I said it was just like when her Mummy gave birth to her.

    3. Sarah


      Yeah I'm sure she remembers.

    4. little_troppo


      Don't you remember being born Sarah?

  18. OMG!!! Big ears at Fishchicks!

    1. Sarah


      Stop making fun of someone's ears... not nice!

    2. les


      I am going to tell Ryan you said that LOL

  19. Yay, all set to get scorpions :D And maybe a tarantula...

  20. Intoverted extraverted doesn't matter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Matt made me look this up, and I just got it OUT of my head... thanks, thanks alot.

      *goes to play some music to get it out, again*

    3. shadoh


      Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Matt, now I know you have no taste :P

    4. kermadum


      Oh Matt... I hate you!! I'll be humming that all day now.

  21. Naww love the new profile piccy :)

  22. OMG, I'm going to New Zealand! I've never been OS before :D Any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      And make sure you take warm clothes.. my sister recently went over there - with summer clothing, in the middle of Winter.

    3. Shaun85


      I am going there in march, for fun goto a place called spookers, www.spookers.co.nz

    4. Rhysmachine101
  23. I hope it rains soon, I've used up all the water in my tank, it was overflowing a month ago, I've somehow managed to go through 5000 litres in like a month :( not happy Jan

  24. They died *sobs* so sad :'(

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. little_troppo
    3. little_troppo


      or wait are we talking about romeo and Juliet?

    4. Matt_95


      Umm yes lol trying to Speak shakespearian and stuf, its so hard

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