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  • Birthday 06/13/1991

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dRAGjUNKIE's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy Birthday!

    Have a great day. :)

  2. Here's some picture (not very good ones, beats me how you all take awesome pics of you fish :-p)of the pair that i got from Jodie last weekend, that are still unnamed. They were bred by Preecha, Jodie said the female carries melano. I dont know what kinda blue they are but im guessin royal? The female has a white/yellow spot up under her belly near her ventral fins, is that an egg spot? if so does that mean she's ready to breed? very hard to get pics of the girl she's full of presonality and always on the move. This is the big bad butterfly, far more aggresive than my black orchid, if this fella even sees a glimpse of his reflection he goes off. im fairly confident he's got rosetail and a bit of combtail goin on but i love his colors. Will try to get a nice pic of each in the future, will also add pics of the orchid and my oscar
  3. Wowee that looks awesome, not that i know anything about marine stuff :-p really like the clowns
  4. Whoa, he must have a cast iron stomach. That's one tough axie
  5. Very nice dan, really like the shade of red he is
  6. Still a lot of water to come, water in gatton is above 1974 mark
  7. Thanks for the welcomes yeah Louu they're a very cool fish, loads of personality
  8. Hi all, just got my fist betta on Friday he's was sold as a black orchid but doesn't look like the ones on google. I'll try to post a pic and get your ideas on what he is. I also have an albino tiger Oscar with a khuli loach and bristlenose. I never realised how many weird and wonderful color combos bettas come in, I scored a brand new 2ft tank on eBay last night for 15 bucks and I'm thinking a couple of barracks.
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