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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. thankyou leslie! I Speak for all of us when I say .....YAYAYAYAYA PHOTOS.... good man! These fish DO exist, and peer-pressure still works. amazeballs!
  2. Thanks dudes, There's a few pairs in the spawn tank - fingers and toes crossed. x
  3. Uploading video still, however I can show off a few new noodles ... I got another Big Red Ned (this is take #4) ......and while he's not a game changer, I do like his .....attitude? perspective? redness? Anyway - his misssus is nicer than he is.... and she's nice too. Unfortunately I've had a big red dream all my betta life, and NO LOVE... had some salamander love, but NO LOVE IN THE SPAWN TANKS.... not proper anyway. WANT RED. This is the full brother to Sarah's Red guy. I'll get a better shot of her, but i'm so excited, she's true halfmoon - and probably has DT as I suspect her brother (above) has:
  4. Hey Simon, It all begins with one little veil tail... I remember "angry" my first little maniac, I couldn't get over how amazing the colour could be on one little fish - and the attitude! Now my numbers have blown out into the hundreds over the years - my how things change. I'm now known as the crazy fish lady in my social circles... oops. The ASV meets are great for general fishkeeping, but i'll also encourage you to visit one of our Vic betta days - there are only 4 meets a year, but we jam a LOT in on those days. Have a poke around the forum, ask away - search away... enjoy x Ness
  5. Hey Adam, Always a bit tricky navigating the courtship process, there's plenty of tips and tricks on this forum... you're also welcome to have a peek at my youtube channel (link in my signature under resources) that has some examples of spawning behavior. There's a thread too showing courtship videos. Bus's advice echo's what I would have said, you want to expose them enough that he's got a big nest, not too agro... and she's showing breeding bars, and is confident (not getting beaten up, running away ALL the time and is flirting under the nest) Welcome to the forum! -Ness (oh, and check out the facebook victoriabetta page, or our website) x
  6. Hey Silver, I'd suggest the first boy is indeed dragon (white scales) over cambodian/blond + red (as his body is a little bit washed out with the cambodian/blond gene) with lovely red fins. He may also carry the marble gene as he has those the white edges (butterfly edges) around the fins. I wonder if he's technically a Symmetrical Plakat? as opposed to an Asymmetrical PK.... maybe someone can answer this for you... Batchelor #2 is commonly called a 'Salamander' or 'Lavender' - these terms are interchangable at the best of times. Essentially he's got a red base, and over the top is a metallic layer of blue (is he shimmery under bright light?) this gives the purpley effect of lavender/salamander, it's very commonly paired with butterfly (which is a result of the marble gene) he's also got that little rim of white around the edges. Asymmetrical PK Final boy, yep- spot on, he's got spread iridesence, but not full mask (so the blue is over the body, not the black face) Metallic blue, with red wash underneath.... probably showing through the most on the ventrals and anal fin? Another Asymmetrical PK Cheers, Ness
  7. After my big mural painting (using aerosol) outside a bus stop, I'm pretty sure I've spent the past three days 'motivated' artificially. I've also enjoyed all the busmans coming out and telling me what they think of my work.... Hillarium, all I could think of was Busman coming out asking why I don't paint a big bloody crowntail on the side of the wall. x
  8. it is macintosh. infact both of my mac's won't let me update status. google chrome. I just tried in safari, laughing i was, when I clicked, skeptical I was. it worked. FUUUUUUUuuuuu
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. paul


      Did you get tagged while painting?

    3. les


      I love ze bras

    4. melbournebetta


      Hey Paul - I did... while I was painting the first few days this gang of idiot 15 yearold boys (maybe 8 of them) sucking on slurpees and smoking ciggies... all harassed me for writing on their wall - there's big blue tags saying ALIEN WIZARDS (I mean, seriously? harry potter meets X files, whut.) I think they got me on day 2, but only bottom left, so I incorporated instead of buffing. I'm an old lady, and I'm still intimidated by teenage boys ....FML

  9. Status update TEST IN SAFARI (if this works, I will cry, how can safari work better-er than google chrome?)

  10. So I used to try and post links to youtube and stuff, but then I noticed the status thingy on here wouldn't even let me post plain text. What up with that. There are things I need to say. Things that need to be said. Broadcast to the world. I tried turning it off and on again. No avail.
  11. Nice work, it'll be great to see shots of all the fish... is it possible to tally up what people's water changes and feeding regiemes have been...?
  12. Algae, actually, thats the only other time i've seen anything like this. Is there a sort of oily slick over the surface, or a sort of slimy scum that is a bit like when milk gets a skin when it's going off.. uh.. my stomach churned then just thinking about it.
  13. (There's one on every forum) MATT95 WOULD KNOW WHY PLANTS BUBBLE. i dont.
  14. ....appears to be working - I can't see what Razzi said. Phew NO MOAR AUTHORITY! Wooo!! I'm gunna ignore all the mods and run around in the nude!
  15. Hi Mike, there's a few hot tips about keeping betta here - the basics are covered on the Victoria Betta Website. Also look into the forum threads on here for care instructions I found the little Dymax IQ3 were a good size, you could fit a heater in the back, and the filtration was... well.. it was okay... water changes every 2 weeks was fine for one fish. So good luck - don't get a tiny vase, and welcome to the forum
  16. I do too - I guess I just hate the PM System on this forum... I could just disable that too.. aaaanyways
  17. Hey Gary, Welcome to the forum, you'll have fun going through the spawn logs and there's heaps of advise in the gene pool threads - good luck with your pairs, have a poke through the search engine - and feel free to start some threads to get the ball rolling if you have questions. Cheers, Ness
  18. Thanks Dudes. I am kind of loving all the puffed out chests, but its just a trivial thing I wanted to know RELAX I LOVE YOU ALL MAN.... Clearly I am noisy enough to take care of my own, I just was curious if the forum had this sort of mechanism. And the fact people might have wanted to know, but didn't ask, means it's worth asking. AY YAN - now you can *sniff* ignore... *sniff* .... me. Cheers guys x
  19. ....I'm just ASKING Facebook lets me block and list and restrict and whip as I choose, has AA got a blocking mechanism? Just, you know, for the greater good - of the people... maybe other people would want to know... you know.. just so... that they knew.......... I searched for 30 seconds and got nothing. Can you block a user on this forums?
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