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Posts posted by melbournebetta

  1. Shut up. His name is Frank.

    He is about um... maybe the size of a one cent piece in the body - if you can even remember how big that is.

    And I love him.

    He came in a shipment of adult Angels and obviously jumped into the wrong/right bag - I found him when feeding the tank of XL angels (mixed bag, marble, pearl, altums)

    I admired that he was holding his own in the tank of agro angels (why they were called angel fish I will never understand)

    I had him in a solo tank floating in my sorority (which can get a bit feisty) but he jumped out, and now is quite pleasantly hanging around the big black angel (who is now dubbed the "bouncer" as she won't tollerate ANY narkiness from the betta girls)

    There are a lot of brackets in this post. I'm sorry.

    But I love frank.



  2. This is incredible - Amazing tank (and yeah, very unusual selection of fish) There's something really majestic about those XXL Plecos.

    I'm only just learning about the different ciclids, but no surprise they're prettu feisty dudes, I would have had a pair of cooking chopsticks and wouldn't have had my hand anywhere NEAR underneath the surface.

    There's a saratoga in the display tank at work that I've dubbed "Barry" who is quite fond of drawing blood - I just about need a pair of chain-mail gloves to feed him!

    Great work reviving the tank guys - so lucky you thought to record it!


    0:37 of video 3 - WHAT IS THAT?

    It looks like it's been dripped in sequins and glitter. I think I want it.

  3. Oh, my post got deleted?

    ...I've been answering after some long days at work - apologies.

    Yeah I basically echo'd Sarah, my LFS will only buy stock if they are 2.5 cm in the body, and under 6 months old.

    So that's in a perfect world scenario, however I've decided to spawn as much as I can without considering exactly how they'll all be re-homed as there are plenty of people interested in purchasing Juvi fish in bulk lots - sometimes it's just impossible to get the pair to spawn - so I've found this to be a good way of doing things and forwarding my breeding plans.

    If you have good photos of the parents, you have a much better chance of parting with the fry.

    Best of luck..


  4. Hey Muss,

    Your heart is in the right place! However I'll admit with the Betta, that (in my experience) there is very little need to cycle the tank, as the fish don't really produce enough waste to inspire an ammonia spike.

    As your tank is 72 lt (http://www.fishfriend.com/tank_volume_calculator.html) and will be housing something like 8 betta- you're pretty safe!

    I'd get cracking with the sponge filter built into the sump with the pump, you could also put ceramic noodles in there too if you like.

    Now, when I set up tanks I do use a seasoned sponge to kickstart things, but a dash of "cycle" in the tank gets it going, de chlorinator (I use a carbonate hardness powder that locks KH and PH - optional) and a pinch of salt.

    If you have Indian Almond Leaf - it's a god-send to help halfmoons resist disease etc.... I'd suggest you look into that for the someone Lea fish - it really helps lower the stress levels after shipping.

    (: ....just incase you can't get a hold of a seasoned sponge.


  5. I have a setup like the one you're aiming for.....They're called spawn tanks.

    Except my naughty fish don't spawn in them... so they're tanks for "mutual understanding" and fin holding.

    I've had my giant PK in with the most horrendously tempered DM HM cow for 5 weeks.... there's chunks out of both, but they're getting along fine (I want a spawn, not a community tank you mongrels. Get busy!)

    Nobody here is going to tell you to try it, no seasoned betta keeper is going to touch this thread with any sort of optimism.

    They are wired for this, you'll have a great time for a little while - then one day hormones / nature / aggression will take over and you'll end up with one or two floating bodies. Fact.

    It's like putting a racehorse out into a huge paddock and thinking it's not going to run.


  6. Yan - there is a full time job waiting for you, if you can cope with the Melbourne cold.

    We will have lazers to protect tanks from children.... i'm zero tolerance on screaming and beating of tank glass.... however i just came back from the Melbourne Aquarium in the city - and that's all the kids in there seemed to be doing.

    Sticky fingerprints on my glass = bad photography.

    I want a "quick reference" sheet with all the basic info for each species on every tank - laminated and stuck on there with a little pic (this will take time to stocktake/develop) but I'm working on it.

    Paul - we are tropical and freshwater only - so are you okay with the first front half of the shop just being one big pond?

    I did mention dry-ice today on a sensor when you walk in so it's like a jungle, but the owner canned it (WHeRE /iS YOUR VISION MAN?)

    Thanks so much guys - all this feedback has been wonderful... I'll be starting a thread once progress is made... I'd love to share the development of a little/big independent LFS that just wants to make the likes of YOU happy.

    Overwhelming acknowledgment that you all find informed staff invaluable.... and if anyone in Melbourne knows of anyone looking for professional work in the retail aquarium industry - point them in my direction (:


  7. Wow - thanks Denning!

    Agree entirely with the stocking and staffing - but I guess we all need to keep in mind that the back end of this shop is about the fish, keeping them happy and healthy and easily displayed for sale.

    The front of the shop will be about inspiring beautiful tanks, showing you how a lovely 10 lt tank can work, and a lovely 10000000000 lt tank (?)

    So the stock tanks only really have the occasional plant, hiding place and filtration.... (oh, and sure! you can choose your own adventure/individual fish)



  8. SAF - please repost, all your opinions are really valuable

    I suppose I should have over stated the "forget the staff" element to this.. the reason I'm so confident about this fantasy shop that may or may not exist in reality... is that the owner is the operator is the manager, and he LOVES HIS FISH: I've (may or may not) have been going to this shop for 12 years, and he's taught me literally everything I know.

    So thanks for your feedback, but I'm totally confident that the staff at this place are either extremely informed, or under intense training (my god, it's a steep learning curve when you only care about one species)

    But the point is, there's always someone there who has the time to explain the details of any questions, so I'm confident about that part of the experience.

    What I'm excited about is the interaction between you and the shop - how you like to do things.

    Personally my approach was as follows:

    Outside shop: Create lush inviting spaces (pond/seating/plants/green) along with clear signage.

    Foyer of shop: Aspirational and display tanks, 6ft/5ft/4ft custom tanks here, all pro scaped tanks by award winning aquascaper (who also works in shop) showing happy community fish.

    Counter: Easy line of sight from counter to front door for smile exchange / two clear registers so nobody has to wait / storage, organised yo.

    Bagging area: Near to the counter, good flow of movement for conversation while you're bagging fish and people are asking questions/chatting

    Product: Dry goods and consumables at easy access opposite counter so advice can be given if required, or you can be left to inspect privately

    **More expensive goods like heaters and filters that will need some consultation behind counter, also preventing theft.

    Another display area: for tanks of all sizes (all planted and lit, and stocked appropriately - HERE's ONE WE PREPARED EARLIER) individual Nano/Betta tanks, custom 2-3-4 foot and Kit style tanks for "starters" or "advanced"

    This room also has an insane inbuilt 2.5 x 1 x 1.5 high tank that will be scaped with tank busters. KOOL - aspirational.

    The rest of the shop has tanks with your normal cold/tropical stock, rare species, local breeder specialities, and some really unusual stock, same goes for plants.

    The tanks are really set up and maintained immaculately (this was the reason I came back every time) with thousands and THOUSANDS of fish, all labeled and priced.

    ** At this point I wondered if a "quick-glance NEED SHEET" would be useful? like a laminated sign for Angelfish (for example) with Max growth size: / Temprature: / Food type: / Popular Tank Mates: / PH: / KH: / Temperament: / Notes: ....I guess this content could be on the iPhone/iPad app too.... would that be useful for you? (it would for me!!!)

    Also - they're looking at developing some "care sheets" like our VB Betta care sheet with the quick-glance notes and a bit of history about the fish with a picture (professional photographer coming through)

    Is that the sort of thing you'd be interested in? or u think a new fish dood would be into? Like how to set up a new tank once you get it home etc?

    What other stuff do you think people would be into taking sheets home about? Maybe how to ID disease?

    6ftaquaman: Good point on the narrow walkways, we're blessed with space, so we're lucky!

    Ash/Wild Nut: I'm with you - I like touching and comparing, I know what I want most of the time, so I want room to look - And I think the philosophy is going to be that every product sold is used/displayed somewhere in the shop to prove it's application and quality..... oh - and the hardscape stuff - that's a VERY good point, we need somewhere for the hardscape materials. (noted)

    Afr: Agreed - Stock organization, and keep it all together! Yes! - Agree with all your other points.

    Suss: From a rewards program, what would you like - say a loyalty card for every purchase over $20 you get a stamp (etc etc) then when you reach a certain point you get a credit or percentage off?

    Happy to flesh out ideas of what you guys think is a good system?

    James/Fist: Hours I can't really change, but they are clever: closing Wednesdays and opening all weekend. The poor owner is there from 6am and often into 9pm (but they're open from 10-6) but he's building tanks, training staff, dealing with breeder fish and following up customer enquiries! but the weekend thing is good.

    I wonder if n occasional "late night" with events, tutorials, door prizes etc would be good?

    We're doing a launch of the newly renovated shop (no, wait, we MAY or MAY NOT be launching.. bah - whatever) once it's all done - we can see how it goes then.

    What I love about this dude is he wants to promote the community and sharing of knowledge....

    Would people be into a scaping tutorial by an international award winner? etc?

    Serkan: You touched on this - it's a great idea, and will be elaborated on once we get the shop looking pretty!

    I do love the idea of a screen showing the progressive set-up of a big tank - sitting next to the actual tank - it creates an involvement so you can see how it's worked.... big and small!!

    We have the big 2.5x1 mt tank that I'd love to do this with!!! Excellent!

    Jay-ro: (Hi, I don't think we've met) Yes - the app might be cool - we're thinking of getting iPads in the shop, it might be a while off, but I love the idea!

    Joan: Great ideas, I'll ask about the cycled media, however personally I wouldn't do it - the amount of fish that move through an LFS just on a weekend alone is pretty scary.... however I see the benefit... so I'll run it by the owner.

    Cultures are hard, they need way more care than they're worth for retail sales! but live food is always on sale.

    thanks guys - please add your secret wishes for your LFS experience - ignoring the staff thing, trust me, they're awesome.



  9. Obscure?

    Yes, well - a little - but believe me, while it's general discussion - it's all TERRIBLY relevant.

    So here's a hypothetical that either is or is not true (I will deny everything) still obscure? yes, get to the point please. OKAY

    So say, for example - that you were helping with the renovation of a fish store... you know, the ones we go into and drool over EVERYTHING.. then end up spending WAY too much money...

    The back half of the shop with the stock fish and the plants are all sorted - they're really healthy and look great - tanks are good....

    But the bit that needs your guidance/help/suggestions/advice is the entrance, display tanks (tropical and fresh water only) products, food, all that guff

    Can you answer any of this?

    * What do you want from your LFS? (advice/priduct/stock/entertainment/education/community?)

    * How would you suggest you improve your EXISTING LFS, ignoring staff... what do you want to see more of / less of ?

    * Where should everything be - do you want to help yourself? look at packaging, compare products, or are you more likely to ask questions/advice?

    * Would you want to see every product in the store demonstrated somehow?

    * Why do you like your LFS? Why do you go back to the ones you are loyal to?

    * What are some fantasy suggestions for your LFS, like an interactive App. that updates what's new - shows you quick-glance fish needs etc?


    Oh, and quickly would be ace - I may or may not be walking through the space with floorplans on Saturday morning


  10. What a horrid result for so much energy in the right fishy direction (completely undeserved)

    We all know there is no Karma when it comes to fish: please don't beat yourself up, it's not fishy-la: 101, it's a mistake i'd make easily.

    I hope they all bounce back for you - you guys basically completed mission impossible!

    fins crossed

  11. Hey Suss,

    I'll be in there on Monday so I can ask for you - we really need to get the pricing structure organised.

    Maybe measure up where you think it will go and have a think about how many bays you want (i.e how many fish will go in there) and we can get some drawings together for you!

    Actually... now that I think of it - there's one that they made up a while back - it's got a sump in the back and is a bit different to my design - I'll photograph it and post on the forum next week.



  12. Woah !!

    Killer setup guys - PLEASE PLEASE LOTS OF VIDEO PHOTOS WHATEVER - I couldn't get the time away from work (bah - employment) but GREAT work - jealous!!!

    I love that this thread has gotten a little bit firey - secretly - I love it, because frankly - nobody has anything to back up the aussie fish only argument!

    proof is in the puddin' and us dudes that want a show scene are killing ourselves for it... you dudes make the Aussie fish - and we can have a special show just for you, but right now the Aussie bred fish show is in my barracks... actually, of the 20 males, I have only 2 that I made.

    Show us your Australian made entries - then we'll have an aussie made show.

    Rock on! (PS. once we all agree that it's a good idea ....how are you going to prove it?)

    Ohhhhhh and:

    "Lets be honest, It's not that there are no fish it is because Australian breeders feel that they don't stand a chance against the imports and that is why they don't enter with their personally bred fish...I see many spawns on this forum from many members all through the year so why would there be no fish? Instead of entering the fish they bred they sell them and go buy imports to enter. That is just this forum there are many out there who aren't on this forum that breed betta as well but feel like I do and don't enter because they are up against imports."

    Excuse me mister, but I've had my Aussie bred fish come best in show (Judged by IBC standards) AND up against imported fish - just as many times as my imported fish (that I chose) ..have won.. our Aussie fish are F1, F2 at best - they really aren't that different!

    Personally I think we have the quality - I think we don't have the QUANTITY - and buggered if I'm going to hold on to all my fish just so I can participate in an IBC show (that happens, what, every year?) oh wait - we haven't had one yet... because the show scene is so small that people got to bust a gut getting it up.

    I agree that an acknowledgment system would be great, perhaps a separate award shaking the hand of the breeder/shower... but think about it - NO other pedigree animal show scene dose it.

    The ENd ! (:

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