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Posts posted by melbournebetta

  1. She's very sweet MT,

    I'll be curious to hear about the stripes changing too - perhaps she thinks she's seeing another compatible fish, and showing signs of readiness?

    The weather in Melb is definitely ripe for spawning, out heaters don't have to work quite so hard either.

    All the best with the little lady (I've just discovered the personality of the female betta - and I have to say, I'm definitely impressed - these girls are FAST to learn and really good at tricks!)

    - Ness

  2. Hey dRAGJUNKIE,

    This sounds exactly like a setup I had imagined for my display tank.... although as it's Christmas time, the guys at the Acrylic place are shut, so I had to skip the TT shape I wanted to slide in to the existing tank walls.

    However, I've found this rather expensive plastic sheeting used to partition fish at the LFS, it was $20 a sheet and I had to cut it down.

    I then have my Eheim external filter in the rear of the far left and right partitions.... In the middle is the heater.

    The downfall will be if any of the fish become ill I will need to take them out (as the water is circulating)

    Also, I have solid sheets of plastic I can clip to the dividers when the kids need to have quiet time.

    I'm interested in seeing how your barracks come together - post pics when you can

    :) Ness


  3. Hello Aus Aqua,

    It's been about 5 hours since I last drooled over a live betta, and around 15 mins since my last visit to aquabid.com

    I don't so much need advice as to how to reduce my addition, as expand it!

    Since trawling the 'net for months, after advice, tips and info - I've come across Ausaqua... and you've answered all my questions, without me even needing to ask them.

    Let me introduce myself, I'm Ness.. I've always had a fish tank teeming with something-or-rather, since I can remember.

    My 3 foot tank even moved out with me years ago when I moved out of home, the 'team' comprised of Large Ryukin / Shubunkin / Blackmoor...

    Throughout my fish keeping, there's often been a little Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splenden) in his own custom made barrack or tank.

    Around a year ago I lost the a-team when they sprayed our house for Bora (white ant) after reassuring me it wasn't that toxic, they all went belly-up... except my mate "Tim" a lovely little old Crown Tail who is a lover, not a hater.

    For the next little while, every aquarium had pretty average stock, and I wasn't feeling the love - so I handed over the 4.5 foot tank and setup to the kid next door and focused elsewhere.

    ...until, well...

    I was doing a little "research" at work, and discovered Jodie-Lee's youtube channel.

    Oh dear.

    So the head-count by the end of Jan will be:

    Pair Salamander Butterfly HM - someone

    Pair of Extended Red OHM (he's a comb-tail) - someone

    Pair of Copper OHM (he's a rose tail) - Thailand import

    Pair of Royal Blue/Turquoise OHM Double-tail pair - Thailand import

    "Tim" 5 year old Copper Orchid Crowntail (SD)

    I'm really interested in the genetics of colour, but my focus is on form... I'm taking the hobby a step further (into obsession) and trying a few breeding pairs... after all the research and science, I realize there's still an intuitive element to successful pairings and fry raising.

    Looking forward to sharing my experiences with you, and gaining from your wealth of knowledge!




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