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Posts posted by melbournebetta

  1. I've completely migrated from FREAKED OUT to completely endeared.

    These are my new favourite iddybiddylittlebabythings in my tank(s)

    Turns out one of the snails I plonked in my individual betta tanks (unheated, 10 litres) has made babies in there too...

    I'm a bit worried I'll be over-run with apple snails in a few weeks - how many will I end up with?

    (perhaps they will be a fun thing to contribute to the next Vic Betta Meet raffle or the ASV free table)

    I read that you can relocate them, perhaps I should put these eggs from the non-heated tanks back into the spawning/growout tank

    LES: they're around 4-5 cms long, and all piled up, they are a real pastel pink colour and matt in colour.

    and very very HARD, and strange dry.gif but mostly cute.

    Do I need to feed them anything (oh god, I have 80+ fry I don't need more mouths to feed................ or do i!?)

  2. Hi Rojak,

    Welcome to the forum - There are plenty of Melbourne betta keepers & breeders here - we even have our own Victorian Betta Group (part of the Aquarium Society of Victoria)

    What sort of betta are you going to keep, do you have any at the moment ?


    (p.s. we have old and young here, I'm about half-way!)

  3. Definitely an interesting proposition Michael, and by the sounds of it a viable step forward in bridging the gap between the specialist breeders and the customers that don't mind parting with more than $6.95 for a sick VT from the LFS

    As-side from this being my main motivation for getting into breeding quality HM Betta Splenden, it also taps into each of our network of local aquariums & enables a greater reach for sales.

    Agreed, it really requires a core group to operate Quality Control and the business-head of things... (: and definitely needs a shiny website and logo *grin*

    I have a wallet full of business cards from around Victoria of interested businesses that would purchase numbers of males & females from quality spawns, even on a periodical basis (however none of these discussions have come to fruition, as my spawns are only 1 & 6 weeks old)

    Buying and selling Betta Splenden (Specifically, as they're my focus) and others through a co-op could become a more protected outlet for excess 'stock' offers both the retailer and the customer "something nobody else can" Australian-bred fish that are more hardy to our water conditions, and hopefully bred towards IBC and the new CO-Op's Quality standards.

    That's the kind of fish I would have no hesitation parting with pretty pennies for.


  4. Hi Angela,

    Welcome to the forum, I'll keep eyes peeled on the classifieds section then!

    However, if you're getting into breeding betta, you might want to re-consider getting rid of all those tanks.... they come in handy.

    What sorts of betta do you have / are you interested in breeding, and where in Aus are you?


  5. Hmmmm, thanks Michael, those lil worms are definitely not getting into my stash of betta pellets, however I can part with the goldfish flakes (is that alright?)

    What environment do you think my new guests might prefer, I have light, no light, heat, no heat - how on earth all these options and environments are available in my 3x4 meter bedroom often amazes me.

    By the way, I'm thinking of purchasing that little tank at the ASV building, is there any way to get in touch with Ernie?

    If all else fails I'll be there at the meet on the 31st......... I could just wait..................



  6. They look happy (I can't believe I said that, they're worms)

    I mean; I followed the instructions on the articles pages about grindals, but wondered if they need a lid ?

    My Micro worms are seething and roaring around the inside of their lid and might have taken over the book shelf if they weren't lidded.... little maniacs.

    If they need a lid, do they need holes in this lid of lids?

    I just fed them fish flakes on the little bit of glass, from the goldfish's stash- is this of any culinary appeal or should I use the dry dog food? (don't tell the kelpie)


    They aren't just ANY grindals, they're Bettarazzi's grindals, so they need VIP treatment.


  7. Hey Odie,

    Allow mine to be the sane welcome; you've now met some of the cast... comedians, emoticons and all.

    Looking forward to hearing more about your lot - needless to say we're vultures for photos and spawn-logs.

    Feel free to purchase some betta and log their progress if you don't already have some (biased much?)

    (: Welcome.


  8. Bec/Neffy: Mr Salamabder (aka Bombastic) is a bit tricky to photograph, as are all out feisty little betta I'm sure, but this was the most accurate depiction of his colour.

    I waited quite a while for this colour to come through someone's channel, and I have to admit he's my prize in the fishroom.

    His form isn't quite up to Fuzz (the copper) but that colour!

    And he's super smart, I've taught him a few tricks & he just picks them up easy peasy!

    Paul, now I can't get it out of my HEAD! (or the image of Mr Bean dancing to Shaggy!) - Have you seen this?


    Mr Salamander better learn how to put the moves on little Lav; she's such a prude, who wouldn't want to marry a man that could dance like this?


  9. To be honest, I'm speechless.... I'm revolted and endeared at the same time. Part of me wants to kill it, and.. well the other part of me did actually kill the other one I found earlier.

    Until I thought..... maybe they're my friends, look at that colour, their matt pinkish arrangement, it's mostly beautiful, a little Earnst Haeckel, but beautiful.

    ....but then I got all maternal and protective


    is it apple snail babies? this is the only acceptable answer.


  10. 164704_1775614868770_1191277596_2069339_



    "The Salamander"


    "little lav"


    "Big Red Ned's wife"

    ...and that's roll-call until the Fry in the Fuzz x Fang Spawn & the Fuzz x Beryl Spawn get more interesting!


    'Razzi - Tim (copper CT) and Pants (the BF) were surprising finds at a Cobourg LFS - they now seem to be importing bonsai super deltas, so there's not much chance of finding more of the top two (may they RIP)

    But they got me back into the Betta game, with more gusto than I had anticipated (eek, 2 spawning tanks, and I'm eyeing off that small tank we saw at the Victoria Betta Meet)


    Thanks Bec,

    Big Red Ned & his wife were my first pair from someone, Unfortunately I lost him to fin melt in a rather drastic log (see the clinic thread/horror story)

    Saved the Salamanders and they're the next in the spawn tank, Third time lucky right?

    My first and second spawn are bubbling away in the tanks, if you like copper there'll be a surplus in a few months, and blues a-plenty there-after.

    Still looking for a handsome man to come along (hint hint someone) to pair with Big Red Ned's wife - she's a lovely fish (sibling pair to Ned) and is a proven breeder.

    Hope to meet you & your fish at the next Vic Betta Gathering!


  11. Looks great Joan, if the fish aren't too crowded I wouldn't bother culling it down, plenty of the professional aquascaping tanks are really heavily planted.


    Perhaps we should look at doing a Victorian / or all of Ausaqua Aquascaping photo comp? - we could break it down to size categories..... oooohhh that could be fun!

    (My 10 litre tanks don't compare to this - they are, how shall I put it - more..... bare-bottom zen rock gardens with the occasional Anubis) :blush:


  12. Hey NAATU,

    Always good to have new forum members, especially the Victorian variety.

    I've just gotten back into Betta after a big break, and found this to be the most fantastic brains-trust for various issues, and particularly breeding tips.

    You'll soon find out we're total suckers for photos too, so we'd love to see what you have and where you want to go with them... (you have to upload them somewhere first then link to them using the [picture] button)




  13. I have to admit I cringe every time I see an Axi - I feel terrible cause I know how much fun they might be BUT THEY HAVE ARMS AND I JUST CANT COPE (ugh the thought of them right now makes my skin crawl)

    ...sorry Sarah - horses for courses as they say!

    Oh and that fish looks like it's been photoshopped, i'm sure it hasn't, but.... ugh.... wrong-town.

    My 2 cents...


  14. Hey Rhys,

    You've already been welcomed (but here's another one) Glad to see the collection is expanding already!

    My mum is out in Ballarat, haven't yet been to visit her new place - is there a good LFS/Aquariums around the 'Rat for Betta?

    I'd love to hear about 'em, as I'm heading up that way next week some time.

    I have to admit (and to you Sarah) that I just don't 'get' axis - they have legs, it's just........... I struggle.

    However they look pretty healthy and happy - (eek!)

    If you haven't already seen someone's channel - check out fishchick65 on youtube - this is generally the reason everyone on this forum has no more expendable income (;

    someone imports from Thailand and uses some Aus breeders, and is basically the best betta retailer in Aus (QLD)


  15. Seconding and Thirding the sentiments of other commenters here.

    We all know someone to be professional, passionate and dedicated to the sale of quality fish that we otherwise wouldn't have access to.

    (: Please accept our thanks and support for the work you do someone.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with these sorts of issues, but lots of people aren't half as clever as the fish they keep.


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