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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Who is the little JRT, he's cute AS. Oh my god, it's happening now isn't it? Process photos, we're thinking of you - while sitting at our boring desk jobs all day. I want to be a rock star and fly out therrrreeeeeeeeee - have a great day! Wah. x
  2. Woah !! Killer setup guys - PLEASE PLEASE LOTS OF VIDEO PHOTOS WHATEVER - I couldn't get the time away from work (bah - employment) but GREAT work - jealous!!! I love that this thread has gotten a little bit firey - secretly - I love it, because frankly - nobody has anything to back up the aussie fish only argument! proof is in the puddin' and us dudes that want a show scene are killing ourselves for it... you dudes make the Aussie fish - and we can have a special show just for you, but right now the Aussie bred fish show is in my barracks... actually, of the 20 males, I have only 2 that I made. Show us your Australian made entries - then we'll have an aussie made show. Rock on! (PS. once we all agree that it's a good idea ....how are you going to prove it?) Ohhhhhh and: "Lets be honest, It's not that there are no fish it is because Australian breeders feel that they don't stand a chance against the imports and that is why they don't enter with their personally bred fish...I see many spawns on this forum from many members all through the year so why would there be no fish? Instead of entering the fish they bred they sell them and go buy imports to enter. That is just this forum there are many out there who aren't on this forum that breed betta as well but feel like I do and don't enter because they are up against imports." Excuse me mister, but I've had my Aussie bred fish come best in show (Judged by IBC standards) AND up against imported fish - just as many times as my imported fish (that I chose) ..have won.. our Aussie fish are F1, F2 at best - they really aren't that different! Personally I think we have the quality - I think we don't have the QUANTITY - and buggered if I'm going to hold on to all my fish just so I can participate in an IBC show (that happens, what, every year?) oh wait - we haven't had one yet... because the show scene is so small that people got to bust a gut getting it up. I agree that an acknowledgment system would be great, perhaps a separate award shaking the hand of the breeder/shower... but think about it - NO other pedigree animal show scene dose it. The ENd ! (:
  3. HEY! While an artistic temperament may be to blame for my mania... dont DENY that I'm the most fantastic amazing spectacular nonsensical frivolous contributor to any such forum that you ever did read. I can string sentences, hell, I can macrame sentences into bad 70's versions of lomographic design sensibilities if you like, ou préférez-vous que je l'ai fait en français? GOODNIGHT KIND SIRS. You still aren't voting. i was just about to retort: "Dont' call my IQ into question" ...but then realized i have yogurt in my hair
  4. t'has cometh into my consciousness that the major majority of the afore mentioned community (dot net) may or mayhap, may-not pick up what I am indeed, putting down in most instances. That said, and all things being equal: I would employ those that would (and those that would not) if they would please consider how incredibly boring their plain use of the english form of communications, in fact, is. If one would consider pluralizing that which needn't be pluralized, and stand outside in 120 K gale force winds and recite the alphabet, one might begin to fathom the futility of trying to do things 'correctly' and may indeed begin to stumble upon that which isnt and is in the forefront of my mind: which... is far more interesting than an correctly strung sentence. I do believe I've broken all of the rules, just now. shut up, you aren't voting for photos.
  5. JUST BECAUSE I HAVE AMAYSHING ENGLISH SKILLS THAT LEAVE MOST PEOPLE CHOKING IN MY ELOQUENT DUST, dosen't mean you can't post on this thread without nominiatinioningoing* (*new) some photos - so DONT FORGET MAN. THE prizes are UN BELIEVABLE quantities of praise, affection and other such invisible meaningful things that OCCASIONALLY use capital letters completely inappropriately Vote me. #1
  6. I'm still upset Razzi laughed at me when I said I wanted a tank full of fresh water seahorses. THEY DO EXIST ....Nice purchase Dave - they're kooky as hell - where'd you get them? -Ness
  7. HI Welcome to the forum, I'm probably not the best-equipped person to tell you more about fishless cycling - but I'm maybe the best equipped to say HULLO. The end -Ness
  8. Cool - will do it early this week. Let me know if you want a hand with certs etc x
  9. Three words: Delegate, Delegate, Delegate. Like I said to someone - if you're good at giving instructions, you can get just about anything done! (and nobody is going to shy away from jobs, I'll have my hand up if I can get there on friday) Accommodation is the big sting, do you guys have any idea if there's anything cheap around Caboolture? I'd even go a hostel! x
  10. Oh, I was going to say; do you have a care sheet that people that might be interested in getting into betta could look at? I'm re-developing a generic one for some LFS, if you'd like I can send you the template? x
  11. Oh my god guys, you've done an incredible job - Jarrod those surrounds for the placed fish are really clever, I really like that idea - packaging brain = brilliant! If I am able to get up there I'll have to make my own VIP tag! TEE HEE Will you be selling many of the fish that come in? How will all of that work? I have to admit, it's a bit of an incentive to get up there, if there's a whole bunch of new bloodlines in the country! It's been a great discussion - I have to commend this forum's overall temperament again - I appreciate that we can all share an idea or opinion and have it discussed with some diplomacy - some of those other betta forums out there (international) are full of egos, and every thread seems to spin off into firey name-calling (boring) .....and really great to get a summary of the show scene from Graeme, thanks for that, I didn't know much of it! I guess we're all busting a gut to get the scene up and share with people how fantastic these fish are - I guess that's the joy and responsibility when you are so passionate about something, Betta Australis get a standing ovation from me, while I'm at work, alone, in the shop, clapping.... Ehhem... Time to check my roster and look into flights methinketh... dus anyone need a mural done in QLD ...? (;
  12. Hi Julie from Brisbane! Haven't you fallen into exactly the right forum for your new obsession sorry, I mean "Hobby" Welcome to the forum - there's a buzzing Brisbane scene and some good local breeders around - so you won't be short of choice. All the best, have a good search around and ask as many questions as you can think of! -Ness
  13. MT - yeah thats a pretty healthy attitude - god knows all mu show winners (AND LOOSERS) get a dip in the spawn tank - it's nice to say in a spawn log that a fish won best in show or sommin' Yeah Vic betta operate under the AS of V show rules - and every fish exhibited gets a point, every fish bred by that exhibitor gets another point, and even if I show another breeder's fish - THAT breeder gets a point! All the points add up to goods you can claim like toasters, plasma screen TVs etc. I'm saving up all my points so I can get a Jacuzzi x
  14. Hey Chi, Certainly no hard feelings felt - this is the joy of Ausaqua, we all agree we're entitled to ask delicate questions and we all have opinions! ......I'm just pointing out how normal shows run internationally. The betta splendens have been in and out of fashion in Australia for a long time, while I can't give you a concise history of the breed in the country - from what I understand of the Victorian scene, in the 70's there were plenty of splendens, (VT / CT) and only a rare few halfmoons and very few plakats. They had a reputation for being delicate to import and often weren't bothered with by retailers and importers for this reason (in fact just about 90% of the females imported would die in transit, this holds true to today - that they are the most volatile of the splenden varieties to transit) ...just ask Coburg Aquarium. About 1998 when I got my first veil tails I was searching for the illusive halfmoons, and it wasn't until 2008 that I actually found anything remotely similar (delta) in a pet store, and I have to say it wasn't until 2010 that I noticed any Victorian LFS had a halfmoon or giant variety on the shelves. Still to this day they are few and far between - There is a reason someone's store is infamous around the fish keeping people, and the betta nerds - she's one of the VERY FEW people dedicated to quality and supplies a reliable quantity of these fish. Not to mention she's specialized enough to be able to keep them alive after they arrive.... this strikes AWE in the hearts of old professionals at the Aquarium Society of Victoria. Second consideration about the breeder/exhibitor point.... have a close look around (: who actually breeds, keeps and shows around you? ...nobody? We have a vibrant showing community, but even then we can only justify 4 meets per year, we get between 10 - 15 people coming... and if we were only able to show what had been bred locally by our members - there would be no show. Last Vic betta meet there was only ONE fish that was bred in Australia.... amongst 40 entries... that's pretty full on. While it'd be nice to have a class dedicated to Aussie bred or Breeder/Exhibitor classes - it's just not viable. Clubs are rewarding breeder/exhibitors with incentives, but there's not much more we can do. We are working our nut crackers off getting people interested in these fish again, getting the scene together, Vic betta have been operating for over 12 months (is it two?) and Betta Australis are working on the northern scene... it's hard! Boo Hoo My point is, you look around you - any breed shows (fish / cats / dogs / horses / bla bla) while some breeders show to illustrate the skill they have in the spawn tank, quite often people have stock in the show that they have bought. I don't think this is cheating, nor any less credible to be honest - you still need to select that show winner. In Thailand the corporate types see it as promoting the industry as the breeders strive to be chosen, they do what they are good at - and breed the fish. The corporates do what they are good at - and throw money at stuff - they buy the best ones, and they need to choose good ones to win, right? so it's about knowing the breed standards too. Anyway... this is totally ranty - point is that we need support in shows, cubs need energy and fish need water. The end. xx .
  15. Chi, This same topic came up at our last VB meet, and while I wish I was a bit more ~fluid~ in the financial department to purchase something worth showing, ship it to melbourne, out to the show, and then back to me (if it survives!) I just don't have any showstoppers in my tanks at the moment... so I won't be showing/participating, but I will be trying to get up there for the show if I can (I'm dollar poor but not time poor!! ....hmm maybe there's a correlation?) However, on the topic of locally bred (breeder=shower) versus purchased fish (shower bought a good fish, didn't breed it) Is actually standard practice in all the big betta shows... infact all fish shows - dog shows, horse shows.. hmm... Preecha (Thailand) is one of the 'buyers' for many international exhibitors that want to "support" betta breeding, the show scene and the styles of fish that are out in the world - but don't want to get involved with the breeding. So they just buy them... and show them... and win. It's a bit of a skewiff way of doing things, but there are few shows that actually actively reward the exhibitor for actually breeding the fish. Now that I think of it, it's a much easier way of doing things, what I wouldn't give for a barracks full of excellent show fish that I just buy up before a VB meet... (oh wait - I'd still miss out on the VB awarded breeder points.) I guess at this stage its just good that there is something like a betta show scene developing in Australia - lord knows the respective (active) states have been working our boobies off to get this scene up and running. What's it been? 2ish years, boys? ...since we started voicing things like "IBC sanctioned shows" and promoting the craft of breeding these fish? Anyway - I'm eyes on the thread, quiet but interested. Sad that I'm not involved (we all know I love being a show pony) but perhaps I can come up there and do a little bit of interpretative dance between water changes. x
  16. that soundtrack! ....personally I see teal or turquoise, not as yet blue. I also think that sometimes the green is present in turq/teal fish when there's a bit of red underneath that affects the way the colour reflects. So hard to tell - you aren't going mad.. it's a confusing colour! Especially when it's bloody green bodied, and blue finned ...is he really black on the edges of the tail ? it's a very sexy gradation of colour.
  17. YAY CLAPPING YAY sorry.. yep. see ya there.
  18. Standing outside the aquariums on the weekends, handing out fliers in my chicken outfit seems to be working.
  19. Welcome Melbourne Welcome! I'm a bit excited about the timing - we're having our daggy delightfull awesome amazing life changing Betta Show / Victoria Betta meet this Saturday. Avalook: https://www.facebook.com/victoriabetta Avanotherlook: http://www.victoriabetta.com/ There's quite a few halfmoons for sale, and lots of types of fish on the table show.. Crowntail / Plakat / Double tail / Giants / Wilds / Halfmoons etc JUSST SAYINNNN ...oh and welcome to the forum 'n that. -Ness
  20. Hi, we like fish too. Is it rude to just cut and paste from my last "hello" to a new member? I don't care, I'm lazy - gunna do it anyway. Hey SAF, Syno, Don't know how literally you want to meet members, but we meet 4 times a year under the guise of the Victorian Betta Group Details here:www.victoriabetta.com Or our facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/victoriabetta The next meet is this weekend (what timing!) you're welcome to come along as a guest - have a peek at the table show, talk to members about any quesitons you might have and watch/contribute to the info sessions (Q&A session) Bla bla spruke spruke Welcome to the forum! We aren't usually this intense... well I am, the others are genrally speaking, quite calm. -Ness
  21. Hey SAF, Don't know how literally you want to meet members, but we meet 4 times a year under the guise of the Victorian Betta Group - we have a website, nametags and everything! Oh my god. We sound like freaks from the interwebs. Oh well - mostly true. Details here:www.victoriabetta.com Or our facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/victoriabetta The next meet is this weekend (what timing!) you're welcome to come along as a guest - have a peek at the table show, talk to members about any quesitons you might have and watch/contribute to the info sessions (Q&A session) Bla bla spruke spruke Welcome to the forum! We aren't usually this intense... well I am, the others are genrally speaking, quite calm.
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