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Posts posted by melbournebetta

  1. Sorry Les,

    That was a bit silly - I just assumed everyone's browser changed it into english... Don't fret, there's plenty of photography tips - I'm still trying to locate the one that says you should photograph a well lit tank in a dark room - this way you don't get the reflections of the rest of the room on the glass.

    Anyone with good suggestions of photography links (or tips) please add them to this thread :)

    I'd also like to add, we have confirmed Doug White from Aqueus (St Kilda) as a judge, along with someone Mattherson of LFS (QLD)

    ...third and final judge TBA


  2. Spanger,

    Sounds like this little man is about to enter the penthouse.... what a lucky fish!

    Kudos to Sarah for answering you so thoughtfully, I'm sure between everyone's comments here they've summarized the general beliefs of what's going to work.

    As for aesthetics, wellllllllll that one's up to you... (fluro!) but as you've spent so much time already setting the tank up - howz about you check out the Aquascaping Compeition 2011, it's for all of us beginners to show off the beautiful homes we make for our fishus.... even our lady ga ga neon-fishus.

    IAL isn't usually available through petstores, again someone is your best bet, unless someone posts them up on the classifides.

    My understanding is that live plants help equalize the nitrite and nitrate (correct me if I'm wrong ppl) I've got heavily planted tanks with long soft green that they love resting in, or hiding in, so that might be an option later on.

    The other thing you could consider getting is a "Mystery Snail" or "Apple Snail" if you find you're getting a green tank, they do an amazing job keeping water and GLASS clean, however you do need to hoover up behind them a little (siphon) but its a trade-off, perhaps something for down the track.

    If you have anywhere mozzies lay their larvae at your house - my adult fish LOVE the bigger "wrigglers" so that's a cheap easy live food - otherwise some LFS sell Adult Brine Shrimp by the bag.... Frozen blood worms as a treat will have your blue man over the moon.

    Looking forward to photos once he settles... lucky boy.


  3. Wayne,

    I want to respond to the silicone queery, but I've already hijacked this thread enough!

    Will look at a new thread in DIY for patching naughty tanks.


    'Razzi, I'm going to dive in and get one of the Office works shelves (found one on Gumtree, comes with tanks too! Yikes! more tanks....)

    I'll let you know how they fair.


  4. Hey Fizzy,

    I'll try and photograph the insane purchase I made a few months ago on a whim thinking I'd put gravel in all my tanks.... now I have a 3 kilo bag of nice brown fine gravel that I don't know what to do with.

    You'd be welcome to it, what size tank are you covering?

    Watch out for the coloured gravel - as you've mentioned they tend to set the ph soaring.. I really wanted black black gravel for a small nano tank, but with the ph mention - along with the issue of it being painted.. just seemed wrong.

    Let me know how much you'll need and we'll see if my gravel suits.


  5. Confirmed Judge #1 Doug White from Aqueus (St Kilda)


    Big thanks to Doug for offering his time and advice....

    No bribes taken!

    However any inspiration / advice / plant supply can be directed to their retail store in St Kilda.

    @ Jarrod: As with all competitions, once all the entries are in (may 22nd) I will post up the entries, and we can spend 7 days ohh-ing and ahh-ing over the L33t Skillz... and celebrate the winners on the 29th!

  6. Would you consider putting her to the little man in your avatar? Technically he still should have his father's size genetics... and he's a really lovely little fish..


    p.s form a constructive p.o.v this little dude would help round up her body shape (hopefully produce a nice arc in the topline - with the first boy)

    And perhaps the finnage will be tidied up with her nice little fins, you would be producing SD tho... I'd imagine.


  7. Wayne,

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll wait to see how the 3 judges that I've invited come back - some may just not have time (Yes, I've asked someone)

    Dave will be in the next batch of emails if I get any "no"s from this lot.

    I'm hoping for judges that can give different perspectives such as Design/Layout/Creativity, Lighting and practical Aquascaping such as appropriate placement of plants/props, Alternative uses of materials and the actual plant health and species appreciation...

    Just a comment too for all those non-aquascape-arians, don't worry, I'm not really much of an expert in planted tanks either!

    No need for serious $$ investment in this comp - I'm probably going to be looking at some uses of bare-bottom-tank design, and some pretty unusual uses of props... so it's just a fun way to show off our ideas, and how beautifully our fish live!

    Those who know more about the substrates, plants, designs and proper scaping will be sure to lend a hand and offer advice!


  8. Rojak,

    I love the devil's advocate - who knows you might be on to something, he might mature into a stunning Pale pink dragon - let's hope not for neffy's sake.

    Cam did mention that there were several Females in that shipment- and that he was only bringing in PK giants, and CT/"HM" Long fin splendens.. however there is the chance that the breeder has some PK in the lines and the females are males (however unlikely)

    I am curious about how old these guys are, hopefully only a few months... would be great if they bulked up a bit with a feed.

    Will love to see how this lady goes with the Salamander man - but shhhh let's not give away the pairing just yet (cat's out of the bag)

    I think it's hilarious we're all enjoying Andrej's look, it's certainly all over the media at the moment, He carries himself with such elegance and is real sweet in person.

    Also love that the boys are having to 'appreciate' him and then qualify their persuasion - Hell, I'm a single straight lady, but I'm completely in love with Andrej!

    Pity he dosen't bat for my team...

    Just as pretty as your little dragon tho.


  9. Shadoh - I think just a clear shot of the tank - any size (not RAW files plz!)

    Most of mine will be variations on bare bottomed miniature tanks - my 9 lt Separate betta tanks are all I gots to work with... however my own grow-out tank is looking lush as I have all my aquascaping plants in there ready and waiting (with the light on)

    (: Anyway - looks great, lucky ladies!

    ..What filtration do you have in there?


  10. Everyone's in a flutter!

    Relax, I'm not up to harassing world class Japanese (or other) pro aquascapers as yet, and those guys aren't exactly going to spend much time on a small comp like this.

    My landscape architect knows quite a bit about aquatic plants as she's worked on several wetland redevelopments and the like, I thought she would be best at critiquing the design elements, there are a few local shops that deal with aquascapes primarily over fish... and yes Matt, I had thought someone from that other forum might be handy to look at plants & specific aquascaping techniques we use.

    I was also going to speak with some if the senior members of the Aquariun Society of Vic to see if someone might like to guest judge.

    Aim of the game is to learn what makes a good planted tank, for those interested, and just a chance to show off how beautifully we keep our betta.

    This is just a fun comp to get our tanks invigorated with some local dinky judges (shouldn't have said rockstar, my bad) nobody is going to be embarrased by their efforts

    Les I like your suggestion.. I'll follow him up this week, & betta obsessed, just do what I do a d buy plants a week before the shoot, they will "sink or swim"

    i might even invest in gravel ooohhhh fancy.

    As for fish, maybe its best I broarden the rules and let you poke whatever you like I'm the tank, the reason I want a fish in the tank is so it proves the tank is "fishsafe"

    so revision (to hopefully encourage more entries) and fish species, so long as there is at least one fish & they are recognizable.

    Matt, you can enter once every class.

    Time to get wrinkly fingers!



    Oops, I mean Jess: u can enter one in every class!

    & Razzi, those water changes can wait! I know you have an amazing aquascape in you, even a witty novelty tank.... ?Hmmmmm wouldn't be the same without you!


  11. 36 days to go...

    I still haven't started mine - toying with impossible ideas and dealing with 3 foot grow out tank explosions - how is everyone going?

    Wayne, I'm waiting for a few emails to come back - I've asked around and am trying to get an expert on Aquascaping & Design to have a look!

    Special guest judge... or Judges if I can wrangle my landscape designer and a few other appropriate rock-star persons - if all else fails - we can group vote- that'd be fun too!


  12. If you can put her in a chimney with the other girls, I'd let them flare themselves silly - just an idea, but the more exposed she is to stimulation such as other males/females that she can't get to, should reduce her inclination to become territorial.

    Over stimulate! Get the behavior sorted out first, (or at least try) hen worry about putting her in the spawning tank - think of that poor male's welfare!


  13. Mt - the Armadillo was one of the only large bodied HM's, the others might just be a bit younger (?) - he was the one from Coburg.

    I put him on reserve, and had to wait the 7 days for them to clear customs - in the meantime I accidently bought the dragon pair & turq from someone.

    I think I might actually not spawn the dragons, at least not in the near future, I prefer my Armadillo boy & the turq lady.... after all that.... and the turq gal with the BF Marble.

    Who knows, I might just decide there isn't enough water in my bedroom and seeping into my carpet during water changes, and spawn the lot.

    (Maybe not!)

    Oh, BTW those plastic dividers are what I used in the runs for the juvi grow out - i was stupid enough to pay $30 PER SHEET for a 35x35 size

    I buy them at the afore mentioned LFS, its what they use in their display/sale tanks - personally I think it's hideous.

    Will be investigating the cost of having acrylic cut to size to make removable barracks within tanks from now on.


  14. Hmmmmm sounds like you have the bigger shelving system - around 150 width.

    I'd just be looking at the 910 with around 50kg on the top 2 shelves (5 x seperate 9 lt filtered tanks per shelf)

    Then the 3 & 2 footers below as spawn/growout/sorority/divided tanks

    Damn...I just got paid today, after my splurge at someone Lea's and the split in my 2.5 foot tank (bloody silicone) this is turning into an expensive fishy week!

    Razzi, How have you gone with your shelving, did they let you swap it ?


  15. One little tank wouldn't hurt... would it?

    The 20 litre would be perfect for a little Halfmoon Betta Splenden... pop a heater in there, some good lighting...

    Think of the dramatic Aquascape you could do... much better to watch than TV....


    note: image taken from my website - currently a work in progress so no link as yet.

    I feel like I have my car-salesman tweed jacket on trying to sell sell sell.



  16. Hey Fizz,

    Welcome to the forum - great to have another Melbournian on board... just be careful - you'll soon turn into a full fledged fish-nerd, you might even end up with a few tanks of your own!

    In the past I have kept some amazing show quality Ruykin that I got from Victoria Street (Richmond) a small aquarium called "New Life Aquarium" - or there's Subscape up the road from there - they are VERY helpful and have great quality stock.

    (They also have outdoor setups and fish already conditioned for ponds)

    All the best


  17. An acidental spree... under the guise of expanding the HM collection and breeding options....

    but basically just a spree.

    OHM BF Marble Turq/Green boy (to pair with my current HM turq lady)

    He has a few bent rays and slight curl in his ventrals, but I am loving his tidy topline (behind the dorsal it stays a straight arc)

    AND how he fits into the oval of a proper halfmoon - !



    An Angry Dragon:



    The Armadillo: (Another one for the Turq lady)


    ...the reluctant flaring boy (he has had a tough week)

    Also got a sibling female with the dragon male, but if I spawn I'm leaning more towards my turq lady - she'll be a busy little lady in the spawn tank... lucky I have my hands full with coppers/blues/salamanders at the moment.


  18. I was poised today to head out and purchase the bunnings shelves for exactly the same job today... lucky i checked this thread.

    I have 910mm and an awkward shelving unit at the moment, if this one worked, I'd be wrapped:


    • 1830mm H x 910mm W x 400mm D
    • Capacity: unit holds up to 750kg evenly distributed

    Is this like what you had brett?

    I realize pallet racking is better, but they're just too big for my little space.... my gosh, I dont know how i fit my office/artstudio/fishroom & bedroom all into a 3 x 4 mt bedroom.


  19. @ Bettarazzi, I agree that it's not the anal that is used to travel up and down, still the caudal is the motor, however with length to sprint & move forward is there then potential that the overall body is getting more of a work out - along with the flairing to improve or.. should I say maximise the individual's capacity for spread.. would that be right?

    Obviously all theory until I experiment with the next batch - 9 isn't really a very good balance of control and experimental groups.

    @ Shadoh, there is absolutely no argument here that a sorority would be the easier setup - as for more natural - well who knows? survival of the fittest isn't really a factor that plays out as equally in our fish rooms as it might in the ponds of Thailand... those little ladies are unlikely to have as much 'competition' around, and I'm sure they'd travel further (where possible) to steak their own territory... all hypothetical.

    ...as for choosing my females, I want them in the same "gym fitness" as my males, so I can make an informed decision as to what to pair who with next.... sounds completely anal - and yes (: it is.

    Oh, and I was discussing this with Neffy, I doubt if I could cope with a tank of top-notch ladies with chunks out of them... probably not (:

    I prize my ladies, and would show them seriously if the scene were bigger in Melboune (buut what I wouldn't give for an easier setup than having them all barracked) - the eternal dilemma.

    I came across this article from the wiley online libary:

    "This paper examines the waning of intense aggressive behaviors in Siamese fighting fish subjected to continuous visual social stimulation. Damaging biting during subsequent fighting was dramatically reduced in fish which had been surrounded for several weeks by conspecifics, even though the overstimulated fish performed only opercular and fin displays to the fish surrounding them, not biting. The latency to opercular display was diminished, but the rate once opercular display began was not significantly different. In the 18 encounters observed, a socially overstimulated fish never dominated a control fish. This result suggests a visually mediated mechanism, which reduces biting tendency when there is prolonged, inescapable visual exposure to mildly aggression-releasing stimuli similar to those which trigger biting in live encounters. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc."

    Which partly confirms the theory that socially active/stimulated fish have reduced aggression - biting, but still demonstrated "fin displays"

    (this is all done with individual fish un-carded as I understand, so not in a permanent sorority situation)

    Makes for a good read and food for thought.

    As for what makes a good half moon.... I have to second 'Razzi, find two healthy fish with good form.

    The odds of a spawn with great form are pretty high.

    Easy, Right?


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