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Posts posted by melbournebetta

  1. NEFFY you naughty lady, I was gunna keep the guessing game going! (you dag)

    Anyway everyone has a LOT to be proud of - the entries are fantastic.

    FOR THE REST OF US applaud.gif.gif I'll put up all the entries and we can busy ourselves guessing who's who - we've probably got some idea from various other threads - maybe some wild cards... who knows!

    Here are the entries (obviously staggered due to the uploading images restrictions:

    AusAquascapes 9 litres or under:

    "Betta Garden"


    "Green Salad with Betta"




    3 entries for under 9

  2. Hey Kirsten,

    Welcome to the party/forum.... a 4 footer! woah - with the right dividers you could have SO MANY BETTA!

    (a little bit biased? ..yes)

    Sounds fantastic, I do love a beautifully scaped community tank.

    Can't wait to see how it comes along!


  3. My mate has an ENORMOUS male cat that she bought as a "small female" her name is "evie" and is still referred to as a SHE, even after it was castrated.

    Another gender bender.

    Betta aren't self sex changing, however there IS a very simple bit of surgery that can be done to 'change' the sex of these fish... as illustrated in some of the 'reading' articles I posted a few weeks back.

    Totally and entirely possible that this is a late blooming male - particularly if you found these ones slow developers.....

    This could well be the best news yet!

    F1 F1 !

    Lucky you have that lovely new fish tank to play with



    You will be that crazy fish lady, just like me, just like all the other happy crazy fish ladies in the world....

    He can just be the beautiful, doting, loving, partner of the crazy fish lady... so ... there... he's off the hook, no crazy fish people (plural) just singular.



  5. It is really hard when you walk past what could have been a beautiful fish, but they've just not been cared for appropriately...

    I saw a bunch of fish in jars out the back of my LFS, one male had jumped in with another to get a closer look...

    fortunately it happened while I was sifting through, so we had a quiet word about how the other fish might not have liked the invasion of privacy, and put him back in his jar (so these things DO happen)

    I have a bit of a Mc Donalds philosophy with the LFS, if I don't agree with how they keep fish, I don't buy from them - plenty of small operations around that could use my patronage...

    Glad to hear she's making a comeback however - i love that you called her a minx - what a great name! is she yet "titled?"

    The girls seem to have such great personalities!


  6. aga-aquascaping-contest-winner-6.jpg


    Class 1: Small Aquascape (under 9 litres)

    Class 2: Large Aquascape (over 9 litres)

    Class 3: Novelty (any size novelty/themed/quirky use fish tank, must be safe for fish and able to be used as display tank)

    Note: The tank must contain a betta of any description, and be made visible in the photo.

    How to enter: email your best photo to melbourne.betta@gmail.com, and include the following

    Ausaqua username

    A title of the artwork/tank/scape

    Contact email address

    Note only one entry per person, each person can enter all 3 classes.


  7. Hi Emily

    a.) My sister's name is Emily and I always wanted her(your) name... can I please have it?

    b.) Welcome, lots of Betta nerds, breeders, keepers, ppls here, also somewhat smart and stuff

    c.) Where do you get your fishus?

    d.) Can you please take one million photos and post them in the showroom please thanks please

    x Ness

  8. Stewie,

    My own limited personal experience, suggests you'll have a better growth rate if you either cull or divide up large spawns.... a small batch say 20-40 fry so in 4-5 months you'll theoretically have full grown males and females.

    If you want to raise 200+ then I'd say split them up, or have an enormous grow out arrangement - you'll increase your odds of "top shelf" but it takes quite a bit of investment in live food cultures to get them fully grown, or at least to a stage where you can tell how good they'll be.

    Have you raised a spawn yet?

    Assuming by "Top shelf" you mean IBC standard show quality... these odds of good fry are increased if you begin with "top shelf" fish... and as we've seen on several spawn logs, including my own, two full HM parents guarantee only a percentage of HM fry and some Super Deltas & Deltas

    Majority will be pet stock... even if they are good fish, even the good ones won't all sell, so they end up as pet stock.

    Percentage of fish that are up to both parent's level of quality will be minimal... (have low expectations and you'll be pleasantly surprised) Stats depend on genetics of fish - (is there something more accurate out there ppl?)

    Not to discourage you, but the buying market is limited to specialist keepers and breeders - so keep it in mind.

    Some LFS will buy good quality SD/HM for more than $2 ea... it's not much, but you're moving stock.

    Who knows, have a crack - breed as many as you can, get the best quality breeding stock that you can afford (hell, go into debt buying good stock, I'm about to!)

    And shoot us a list of the fish you have for sale... if they're amazing I'll buy some.

    Goodluck, sounds fun.


  9. Michael,

    I have one of those reptile mats heating the underside of my tanks, but find it fluctuates from 23-26 (this is probably a problem, right?)

    do you find these cords hold a steadier constant heat? I think the pad heats up, then drops off, then heats up - but allows fluctuation more than a normal heater.

    I'm thinking I might try putting bluestone over the top (or something that will warm up and buffer the heat, i.e. hold it) opinions oh DIY master?

    Or should i just suck it up and get some of these cords?


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