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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Award winning amazing aquascaping potato face. innit.
  2. I'm having a stern word with Justin Check these guys out! (Chromaphyosemion-bitaeniatum-Ijebu Ode) I could just give up Betta forever... I want a rainbow psychadelic magic eye-trick fish. Serkan, consider me down for some eggs... these are amazing.
  3. Empty your mail box lady!

  4. Exciting news, welcome to the forum. Take some photos and share them via Photobucket.... Personally I found the spawn logs a very informative way to see how others kept successful spawns. Cheers, Ness
  5. Happy Belated welcome to the forum - some great photos you have there, I'd love to see more shots of wilds wrapping (that's embarrassing, I think I've never seen it?) Please go crazy starting threads and sharing your fish - we're always grateful to see more. Cheers, Ness
  6. Melbourne. Torrential Devastation.

  7. James, This is fantastic - and don't fret, it's a good problem, you can always bring the fish to an ASV meet (Thursday Sept 27th actually) or another fish meet - I'm sur the LFS would take on any donations too. Brilliant shots too - needless to say! What a happy tank
  8. James, This is fantastic - and don't fret, it's a good problem, you can always bring the fish to an ASV meet (Thursday Sept 27th actually) or another fish meet - I'm sur the LFS would take on any donations too. Brilliant shots too - needless to say! What a happy tank
  9. Yeah have to say the natural light is a winner! They're lovely - will you keep up a white line? They're so unusual! x
  10. Hey Bubbles - He's a little miniature mini little iddy biddy baby Angel fish - maybe an altum? He's a little mongrel... today harassing a juvi guppy female - CHEEKY Les - yep. it's equal parts heaven, equal parts hell (for my plans to downsize the fish room) - I've already decided I want a big Fluval Edge to scape ! ARGH! But I'm not just baggin' fish (which i still haven't mastered) I'll be working on the renovation - marketing and branding bizzo. Fun! I get to spend someone else's moneyyyyyyyyy
  11. http://www.aquariumdesigngroup.com/ http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/ http://www.aquamojo.com/ http://www.abramsbooks.com/sea/ You got any fishy related links you want to share?
  12. no. bruce is the name of the saratoga at work. he's not coming home with me. he bites people.
  13. I pinched him from Subscape, I have a feeling I'll be taking home all the runts/rejects/occasional impulse fish. OH WELL! squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  14. Shut up. His name is Frank. He is about um... maybe the size of a one cent piece in the body - if you can even remember how big that is. And I love him. He came in a shipment of adult Angels and obviously jumped into the wrong/right bag - I found him when feeding the tank of XL angels (mixed bag, marble, pearl, altums) I admired that he was holding his own in the tank of agro angels (why they were called angel fish I will never understand) I had him in a solo tank floating in my sorority (which can get a bit feisty) but he jumped out, and now is quite pleasantly hanging around the big black angel (who is now dubbed the "bouncer" as she won't tollerate ANY narkiness from the betta girls) There are a lot of brackets in this post. I'm sorry. But I love frank.
  15. This is incredible - Amazing tank (and yeah, very unusual selection of fish) There's something really majestic about those XXL Plecos. I'm only just learning about the different ciclids, but no surprise they're prettu feisty dudes, I would have had a pair of cooking chopsticks and wouldn't have had my hand anywhere NEAR underneath the surface. There's a saratoga in the display tank at work that I've dubbed "Barry" who is quite fond of drawing blood - I just about need a pair of chain-mail gloves to feed him! Great work reviving the tank guys - so lucky you thought to record it! -Ness 0:37 of video 3 - WHAT IS THAT? It looks like it's been dripped in sequins and glitter. I think I want it.
  16. How exciting Muss! Lovely to meet you today - I'm sure you'll get more and more nests as spring continues to spring, great luck with the new barracks! -Ness
  17. I have a setup like the one you're aiming for.....They're called spawn tanks. Except my naughty fish don't spawn in them... so they're tanks for "mutual understanding" and fin holding. I've had my giant PK in with the most horrendously tempered DM HM cow for 5 weeks.... there's chunks out of both, but they're getting along fine (I want a spawn, not a community tank you mongrels. Get busy!) Nobody here is going to tell you to try it, no seasoned betta keeper is going to touch this thread with any sort of optimism. They are wired for this, you'll have a great time for a little while - then one day hormones / nature / aggression will take over and you'll end up with one or two floating bodies. Fact. It's like putting a racehorse out into a huge paddock and thinking it's not going to run. *shrug*
  18. I met this guy today - if you're into fish, and photography, check it. http://www.aquamojo.com/ ...AMAZEBALLS

    1. les


      Bookmarked that one thanks Ness

  19. That's a funny thread title and post. But I was at Subscape today and saw my first Killi in person... I made a SQUEE noise and think that I wants it. Then I came home with an angel fish the size of a pea.
  20. Yeaaahahahahhhhhhhhhyyyyyy ahmahgahd, you guys nailed it! I'm delerious 8 day working straight-insane-moment... Great work!
  21. Hey Briz - That looks like a fish to me! (photography = win!) HM females are notoriously difficult to import and keep alive - ask any LFS.... the reason there's often more males than females is not that they're brown! (: good luck with the ladyfish
  22. What a horrid result for so much energy in the right fishy direction (completely undeserved) We all know there is no Karma when it comes to fish: please don't beat yourself up, it's not fishy-la: 101, it's a mistake i'd make easily. I hope they all bounce back for you - you guys basically completed mission impossible! fins crossed
  23. HOW EXCITING!!! I get goosebumps when I read this thread - what a FEAT - y'all have had some pretty intense days, but looks like the scene is up I wonder if we'll see an influx of people coming through the forum after finding BA.... Thanks for sharing photos and the experience!
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