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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Rodger, Where abouts are you? There are some cool Bolivians and Mature Blues at my work - along with some Golds that are ..well, teenagers - but the adults are incredible when they grow up, it wouldnt take long. -Ness
  2. Super cute - great to see shots (:
  3. I don't know much about much But I see these shiny little dudes up the back of the shop I rikey Nothobranchius Rachovii: Size: 5cm Temperature: 22 - 29C (71 - 85F) pH-Value: 6,5 - 7,2 Lighting: Not too bright Food: Dry, live or frozen food Swimming: Found in lower area Aquarium setup: Planted aquarium + stones/roots Behaviour: Non-agressive easy to keep (mixed aquarium) Reproduction: Egg-layer Tank size: 40-80L for group or 5-20L for a pair/trio Pretty! https://www.facebook.com/Subscapeaquarium
  4. I've just discovered these guys - the colour on the full grown torpedos are in.sane.balls, and watching a gang of 30 in an 8 foot community is pretty special.... I guess it's a bit like letting out a female into the prize winning halfmoon tank, but one halfmoon is about the same cost of half a torpedo barb caudal. PHOTOS SIR.
  5. miniature africa! they're VERY cute and quite nice fish - i'm stil wrapping my head around cichlids (I still love the way every person i speak to says cichlid differently) would love to hear your observations of spawning and raising behaviors with these dudes. x
  6. ...they eye must be blonde at heart ......actually, come to think of it - i've been called blonde. totally never, like, understood like, what they were - like - saying, but.
  7. these and the clowns are neurotic, dropping colour is pretty common, I see tanks full of mostly coloured dudes, and the occasional pale one submitting to a bit of a social threat. as advised, don't fret unless they stay pale, they're either stressed or sickly.
  8. Sorry with the bubble bursting. But odds on he'll sprout eventually and get agro. I've had naughty jumpers get out with my Girls Gangsta Paradise sorority and cruise around there with the dominant females telling him what to do (You know how some guys just want that?) Anyways, not sure how you feel treading through fields of landmines, but I'd steer clear, don't freak out - but start making pans to bag 'im and move 'im. You may need your very first MALE BETTA TANK? HMMMMMM I have 13 tanks in my shed from 9-150 lt if you want to come buy and take one? (Northcote) x
  9. Les - That's amazing! Think UP - get vertical (although you look like you've filled a few shelves already) I have tropical backyard Jealousy. oh. and fishroom jealousy. xx
  10. Chi, I was a bit excited about the thing that was happening - you know - that big thing that happened in the world? Yeah. Obama is an ANGEL (fish Sorry Lee, I'm a bit like that - it's a lovely tank! I get a bit excitey-cite.
  11. LOVE that angel fish is his name OH BAM AH!?
  12. Probably good for adult betta - however this tank is designed for fry 2 weeks old and grow out (:
  13. Feeding newly hatched fry Day 0-2 = egg sac day 2-10 = Vinegar Eels / Microworms (you will need a culture) Day 10-25/30 = baby brine shrimp From then on it's grindals / mozzie larvae / small pellets, frozen foods cut up finely That's how I do it, people have their own ways. Yes, you need live foods for fry, adults will be happy with fozen and live foods
  14. Hey Paws, Firstly, start at the beginning. Research is your best friend - have a peek here at the care sheet Victoria Betta have put together... we recommend a minimum of 3 litres per male. In a 3 foot tank you'd be best off with 6 or more females - with LOTS of plant coverage (fake or real - it's about hiding spots and breaking up the line of sight for agro girls), oh - and sharp eyes - the girls will hammer out a pecking order in the first few days but anyone that persists in aggressing might want to be isolated in their own tank or re-homed.... you'll need to be on top of it so nobody gets hurt. The more fish in a sorority the better (filtration and water changes to suit) Filtration is confusing. Sumps either work on the same level as the tank (at the back) or on a different level (below the tank) basically you are pulling old water out of the tank into the sump, running it through some sort of filter (sponge/noodles/carbon) and pushing the new water back into the tank. I'm no expert, and prefer to have a canister filter completely over-do my filtration so I don't have to think. Can't help you with the availability of live foods - but ring around your local stores, keep in mind that frozen foods are statistically just about as good as live in terms of nourishment. (: Hope that helps. -Ness
  15. Not sure why you need a photo of this, but - here are some of RiffRaff's HMs in my freshly cleaned barracks. cleaned. not... sure... why.. *shrug* it's like when you clean your room and you want to tell everyone about it i guess
  16. Soooooo Remember this project? I was eyeballing the big tank this morning on my one day off - thinking, I have fifty things to do on my one day off - maybe I could transform this tank again to house my 4 spawns at the moment What a great idea. I was going to be a good DIY nessy photographer, and kept thinking of funny things I could say, but at the end of the day, it's going to be night. And I didn't Anyway - here's the shots $50 of filter foam from Clarks rubber, the tank still had the poster edges (on the bottom and the back) so i cut little splits along the edges and sort of wedged the foam in. For the front I've used random suction caps to hold the foam in place - somebody say SLAP DASH PRODUCTION? Why yes, yes it is. Here's the final shot, I've got 2 x 10 watt heaters set at 32 and producing 28 degrees tank, filter foam, seasoned sponge filters in each compartment, plants n stuff. I made some daggy javamoss carpet squares with some plastic I had lying around... and used the middle one to hold the bowing foam out. It's architectural.. man. From the left: I'll be surprised if these guys live - but they're the salamander spawn I just had - a few weeks old... they're tiny... but they were the reason I've done this... I want them in a stable environment before I leave them for 7 days. I'll have someone feeding them BBS every second day(ish) but they were previously in 6 lts, now they have about 60. In the middle: There's about 5 of these guys - from my HM x Giant spawn - they're pretty big, I'll be jarring them when I get back from away holidaaaaay This is the only one I was able to sex - oh, you can see the freshwater seaweed carpet I've bound - will this even work? On the right, are my few week old Spiderman spawn and dragon spawn (they were a few days apart) they're growing out nicely (about 4 weeks) Already on adult brine and grindals soon <moar>
  17. Shrimp are kooky and fun, they are pretty low maintenance too, with virtually a zero bioload. You could look at a small gang of Guppies? The fancy russian ones have incredible tails, I have 4 in a little self-contained Dymax IQ3 (9 lt I think) and they're happy chaps. Maybe look at a gang of lil tetras or danios? (assuming it's heated?) if not a little handful of white clouds might be nice. the other option is a little nano aquascape, maybe 3 side by side with a good light above? I love this setup:
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