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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Hey Fizzy, I'll try and photograph the insane purchase I made a few months ago on a whim thinking I'd put gravel in all my tanks.... now I have a 3 kilo bag of nice brown fine gravel that I don't know what to do with. You'd be welcome to it, what size tank are you covering? Watch out for the coloured gravel - as you've mentioned they tend to set the ph soaring.. I really wanted black black gravel for a small nano tank, but with the ph mention - along with the issue of it being painted.. just seemed wrong. Let me know how much you'll need and we'll see if my gravel suits. -Ness
  2. Shadoh - I think just a clear shot of the tank - any size (not RAW files plz!) Most of mine will be variations on bare bottomed miniature tanks - my 9 lt Separate betta tanks are all I gots to work with... however my own grow-out tank is looking lush as I have all my aquascaping plants in there ready and waiting (with the light on) (: Anyway - looks great, lucky ladies! ..What filtration do you have in there? -Ness
  3. Jarrod, this looks fantastic! You've re-inspired me about the idea of a beautiful sorority... love the plants coming out of the rubble. Will this be in contention for the Aquascape of the Century competition? - hope so! -Ness
  4. Mt - the Armadillo was one of the only large bodied HM's, the others might just be a bit younger (?) - he was the one from Coburg. I put him on reserve, and had to wait the 7 days for them to clear customs - in the meantime I accidently bought the dragon pair & turq from someone. I think I might actually not spawn the dragons, at least not in the near future, I prefer my Armadillo boy & the turq lady.... after all that.... and the turq gal with the BF Marble. Who knows, I might just decide there isn't enough water in my bedroom and seeping into my carpet during water changes, and spawn the lot. (Maybe not!) Oh, BTW those plastic dividers are what I used in the runs for the juvi grow out - i was stupid enough to pay $30 PER SHEET for a 35x35 size I buy them at the afore mentioned LFS, its what they use in their display/sale tanks - personally I think it's hideous. Will be investigating the cost of having acrylic cut to size to make removable barracks within tanks from now on. -Ness
  5. Hmmmmm sounds like you have the bigger shelving system - around 150 width. I'd just be looking at the 910 with around 50kg on the top 2 shelves (5 x seperate 9 lt filtered tanks per shelf) Then the 3 & 2 footers below as spawn/growout/sorority/divided tanks Damn...I just got paid today, after my splurge at someone Lea's and the split in my 2.5 foot tank (bloody silicone) this is turning into an expensive fishy week! Razzi, How have you gone with your shelving, did they let you swap it ? -Ness
  6. One little tank wouldn't hurt... would it? The 20 litre would be perfect for a little Halfmoon Betta Splenden... pop a heater in there, some good lighting... Think of the dramatic Aquascape you could do... much better to watch than TV.... note: image taken from my website - currently a work in progress so no link as yet. I feel like I have my car-salesman tweed jacket on trying to sell sell sell. (; -Ness
  7. Hey Fizz, Welcome to the forum - great to have another Melbournian on board... just be careful - you'll soon turn into a full fledged fish-nerd, you might even end up with a few tanks of your own! In the past I have kept some amazing show quality Ruykin that I got from Victoria Street (Richmond) a small aquarium called "New Life Aquarium" - or there's Subscape up the road from there - they are VERY helpful and have great quality stock. (They also have outdoor setups and fish already conditioned for ponds) All the best -Ness
  8. An acidental spree... under the guise of expanding the HM collection and breeding options.... but basically just a spree. OHM BF Marble Turq/Green boy (to pair with my current HM turq lady) He has a few bent rays and slight curl in his ventrals, but I am loving his tidy topline (behind the dorsal it stays a straight arc) AND how he fits into the oval of a proper halfmoon - ! An Angry Dragon: The Armadillo: (Another one for the Turq lady) ...the reluctant flaring boy (he has had a tough week) Also got a sibling female with the dragon male, but if I spawn I'm leaning more towards my turq lady - she'll be a busy little lady in the spawn tank... lucky I have my hands full with coppers/blues/salamanders at the moment. -Ness
  9. I was poised today to head out and purchase the bunnings shelves for exactly the same job today... lucky i checked this thread. I have 910mm and an awkward shelving unit at the moment, if this one worked, I'd be wrapped: Here 1830mm H x 910mm W x 400mm DCapacity: unit holds up to 750kg evenly distributed Is this like what you had brett? I realize pallet racking is better, but they're just too big for my little space.... my gosh, I dont know how i fit my office/artstudio/fishroom & bedroom all into a 3 x 4 mt bedroom. -Ness
  10. guilty! - sorry i wasn't aware we had to have permission to post (?) n00b. sorry
  11. Hey Roc, Always good to have a 'New Guy' especially when he's a Betta man! You're lucky there are a few breeders in NSW, I'm sure they'll become obvious - have a good look through the Gene pool at the spawn logs, when they are around 2-3 months old you start seeing them appear in the Classifieds section of the Forum. Also worth looking at (if you're as fussy about your fish as I am) see youtube channel "Fishchick65" for amazing imported HM's and specialty Betta. The old TV sounds like a classic transformation - they're quite a task, good luck... be sure to document it in the DIY section of the forum. (I sound like a flight attendant, and the exits are here, here and here.) One last thing, we're having a nerdy forum competition, it might inspire you to get the TV done! The thread is here Have a look around - enjoy - and if nobody has asked a question before- ask away. -Ness
  12. Hi Spanger & Spanger, What luck you have that you're both into the fish together, watch out, I recently got back into the betta world and now have 4+ breeding pairs, 9 juvies, 80+ month old fry and a whole nest of tails.... They're more-ish, and if you start with good quality fish, you'll love them all the more (and might even want to try your hand at breeding!) A great place to start is someone Lea's Youtube Channel - go search for Fishchick65, and sort from Date Added (for most recent fish) Don't be put off by pricing, these are outstanding quality imported fish from Thailand.... she ships them from QLD and I've had great experience with their health upon arrival. However you're in luck- there are plenty of breeders in NSW (and very active on this forum) so keen an eye on the Classifides. I'd suggest looking briefly at Stephan's site - I love showing newbies here, because while they're 3d models and don't look like REAL fish - they are as close as we have to examples of the "ideal" fish While you're just starting out - you might not end up with a wizz-bang show fish (I still don't have one) you'll know what to be looking for, and what's worth aiming for! http://superbbettas.com/Bettas4AllShowStandard/Bettas4allShowStandard&3DBettaModels.html Another fun place to traul around and get an idea of what you might like is Aquabid, google it... you'll never be the same again. (very pricey process, but nice to window shop!) All the best with your purchase, I love that you aren't rushing it -Ness
  13. Hi Circa, Welcome to the forum! -Ness
  14. Some lovely photos, As you know they look much stronger in colour when the light is behind you or to the side - shining on the fish. I'm quite interested in Rayne the female - do you have any other shots of her - she has amazing shapes on her. (: Great jobs with the close ups! -Ness
  15. it's a copper love affair, i'm a little biased, but my kids are HOT!

    1. Sarah


      They sure are haha, but you have a right to be proud - you've done such a wonderful job raising them. :))

  16. Bus- They're doing so well!!! Haven't seen a DT CT before, I'm pretty sure - he's beudiful. -Ness
  17. Hey Rhys! I'm often described as the 'mad scientist' in my house as I always come up with dodgy ways of making things work (they then fall apart promptly) you're quite the handy-man, looks great! -Ness
  18. Bec, I hate to do it - yeah yeah the fish look fantastic - but I'm a neddy lover too, and you already ticked two of my favourite equine boxes! My sister has begged me to get her a Percheron, all's she wants is a big white blaze, a pink nose and 4 hairy legs to brush. ...I'm more Iberian inclined... this is my boy Levante: Where abouts are your neddies? (I'm out western-district-way) -Ness
  19. This is gorgeous! Awwhhh you're making me want to turn the 4ft barrack tank into a beautiful community display tank like this... I love it. Nice work. -Ness
  20. Is now a bad time to mention I could be a Victorian bettababysitta? If one of the nice ones falls into my spawning tank I couldn't be held responsible.... sorry about the loss Nanna Jo -Ness
  21. Rojak - I'm interested in helping you out! What fancy betta do you have? - have you got photos? (I'd be interested in HM Splenden) Maybe you could email me: melbourne.betta@gmail.com -Ness
  22. He's lovely Sarah - is he SD or HM? Either way he's quite a stunner - c'mon, secret's out - who's the lucky lady? -Ness
  23. ....um, is it unusual when they flower? The Anubus in my spawning tank has a few flowers.. I didn't know they flowered, much like my favourite flower - arum lilly... ill photograph when the salamanders have finished their domestic
  24. Hey Tobz, You got the Outrageous red pair from someone - I missed them by a few mins - great selection. I'll be verrrrry keen to see if you end up spawning that pair - his dorsal is enormous (from memory) and my poor little red lady is lookin' for a new partner. (: welcome to the forum -Ness
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