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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Just sat down after a 40 min DIY Extravaganza... the only issue will be the amount of photos I have to upload (ehem) I found this a pretty easy process, the lengthy part was driving to the hardware store to collect scraper/blades/tape and silicone, only to find that I had to drive to the aquarium to buy the right silicone. At least the lovely guy at the hardware store didn't just try to sell me any old silicone...He warned me off the black stuff, and a few other brands - as they have chemicals that are antibacterial/antifungal and leach poisons - we don't want this for obvious reasons. Please note, this is a back-up grow out tank and is not designed to be a display tank, thus I've elected to attempt this - I can't really be bothered making it immaculate, but found the process quick and easy (I'm pretty slap-dash!) and if you took better care it would probably be easy to execute a tidy re-seal... List of supplies; Silicone (tanksafe) $12 Blades $2 Blade holder thingy $4 Masking tape $5 Silicone gun thingy $11 iPhone that dosen't really work as a phone $ Priceless Tank in question: You'll notice the tank has 3 sides with that litte 90 degree support, this is to increase surface area tension, as this is stuck on with silicone also... the one side that leaked had no support, and had just started leaking in a small area: getting the silicone off was pretty easy, came away quickly: <continued> Once all silicone bits were off:
  2. ]Tomorrow is the day, the little spawn/grow-out tank started leaking a few weeks back, the kids have all been re-located and it's time for this tank to get a little TLC. I saw this video on youtube and this site's instructions - and thought i might give it a go. If i can get to bunnings (my car is a little reluctant to play with me at the moment) I will post step by step shots of my success/failure. I'm somewhat inspired as I don't have to take the whole thing apart (see video) but can just re-seal the lot from the inside. Hope this might help others, as I'd struggled to find much info on the process on this forum. Wish me luck! -DIYNess
  3. supa big fun unwrapping the showbags from the auction and playing AQUASCAPIST

  4. Check those Angelina Joli LIPS!! I thought my copper had big kissers... (: Glad to see they've settled well and look lovely! -Ness
  5. let your new copper gal do her job! When you have a good breeder - and that's their job... she'll be expecting VIP lady-service (such as my turq lady who's in one of the "big boys tanks" getting BW and live food, none of this sorority business) My poor little turq lady is about to be paired up with 4 of my boys - just can't decide who's first with her! (Thus the VIP treatment) You certainly saved the best till last.... while Aurelius is (to my mind) the best fish you have in terms of form, Sahar is also a really lovely example of HM (Anal is a little long, but he seems very tidy) I like your son's taste in fish. I would wait wait wait for a good HM girl to come out of Bettarazzi's super blue spawn for him... something with fantastic branching and straight rays... Tiny looks to be a sweetheart, but isn't a patch on Aurelius.... he's certainly up there! And while I'm not the biggest fan of VT's - perri is a total hottie.... very neat little fish... What a collection! ...are all the ladies in a sorority tank together? -Ness
  6. I have a few like that... "lovers not haters" Including a handsome armadillo man that I want to spawn, but he's... too.... busy....... floatin' around for me to take a good shot and decide if he's nice enough!!! >:T Naughty sweet caring gentle bloody fish! -Ness
  7. Yay! Great colour on the little guy - any shots of him flaring? -blueNess
  8. Hey Poss, It's cause AA is only able to display images via a link - not host the images - it'd be paying for much more hosting if that were the case check out this thread on how to upload using photobucket - you can use any image that is hosted elsewhere - but the bucket is really easy to use. Cheers! -madNess
  9. We love the Teals don't we 'Razzi? Soon we'll be over-run with teals and blues... I'm excited to see the new pics of your newly jarred kids too BTW (ehhem) remaining on topic.... yes Harry is a strange colour! it seems teal and black over - what? cambodian? I'm a bit confused by his pigment. (paul?) Anyhoo Aurelius is the rock star, and in my book - the only one to spawn really - he's in a totally different league. -wannabeIBCNess.
  10. Let's look into it... I have to get some appropriate packaging for one or two small fish.. Fastway only really works out cheap if you're a regular sender... so let's forget that (was quoted $140) Australia Post express post under 2 kg was $30 guaranteed next day delivery.... they might get a bit beaten up - as I can't say "LIVE FISH" on the outside, but will make up "fragile" signage for it.... I'm keen to send the girls out if you like. They'd be a good match as I know they have no DT in their history, however have a dash of marble, as ONE of the 9 fry have the same cellophane BF pattern as Aurelius. There was no red wash in any of the ladies, and the one male (with the BF pattern) had it, and then lost it (redloss?) but they have a little bit of black from mum - so my one breedable male is not a full copper, but a copper orchid... with a decent metallic spread over his body (just not full mask) Cheers, -Ness
  11. Looking good Bev - I love Boots, he looks like my very first violet betta & tough as old boots! Aurelius is a stunner - I'd throw that little man in a spawn tank before you could blink! hmmmmm just had an IBC flavoured idea... I have some excess copper girls from this spawn there are about 5... I could try and find the better girl with best caudal spread and ray splitting (some have 2/4/8) If you'd like one, and happy to pay postage I could bag her up and send her to you? (: otherwise looks like you have plenty of ladies to choose from! (Angel and Beth are my picks for deltas - not sure about kate's angular topline) Great shots, glad the harassment paid off! (hehe) -metallicNess
  12. A series of CC-licensed postcard images designed for Japan's RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology. ...made me think of banana
  13. Harry - click on this link I have a Red Dragon Halfmoon breeding pair for sale - they're both a real dark red tail with slight black trimming, and thick white full scales on him. Matching female with very tidy form.... they're both on live foods being conditioned for breeding. I paid double this for them, and have since realized I have my hands full with 8 other breeding pairs - happy to negotiate on price a little. or email me if you're interested: melbourne.betta@gmail.com I'm taking them on Saturday to the Aquarium Society of Victoria Auction of they don't sell by then.. so there's your timeline. (: Cheers, (also Kermadum's fish are lovely!) Ness
  14. Sarah, The photography of these guys is FANTASTIC, you've totally drawn me in (i used to get so freaked out by them) - they're SO WEIRD THEY AVE LEGS AND GILLS AND TAILS AND.... and they're actually really cool - and so SMILEY cuuute
  15. Hey Harry, I have some HM's for sale.. a Dragon pair and some young copper females (no males for sale) What colours are you interested in? -Ness
  16. Great username, Welcome to the party. -Ness
  17. Awh Sarah, I felt I'd seen this orchid male before (Bus, was it the one on the weebly site i made?) can't remember whos it was. ANYHOO I even stalked Bus's content and couldn't find ANY pics of this - detective Sarah where was the mention? (I must'v missed it) I'm ready for a spawn log now Bus, you start that thread and I'll start the dirty little secret thread. -Ness
  18. p.s. nothin' dirty about that little secret... not nearly as bad as my DT mongmong dirty little fishroom secret... I want to start a thread of people's dirty little fish secrets!
  19. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i has excitement... i want... hurry up and make them grow! -ness
  20. Hi Chantel, Sounds like you've come to the right place - ignore the ones that have "taken it too far" - they're all mad as hatters. I'm Ness, and I'm completely in denial. I only have 200+ fish in my bedroom, and a wall of tanks. Thats not taking it too far... taking it too far would be investing in a single bed, removing all other furniture and buying more industrial shelving & spawn tanks.... (and that isn't happening until next week, so I'm fine - right?) (; -Ness
  21. Nanna Jo, You read my mind - let's keep it top secret and do the big reveal on May 22 when the entries get posted See if everyone can guess which is yours (might be obvious - might not!) woooooooooo aquascaping comp! (I'm the worst spruker ever) -Ness
  22. Hey Harry, Sounds like your bedroom will rival mine for tanks - we'd love to see some pics (had to ask) Welcome to the forum, lots of great resources and spawn logs for betta and other fish. Check out the Classifieds too for sale fish -Ness
  23. Joan - we're having an AA Aquascaping come (gosh, I'm really spruking this aren't i?) You should enter it!! - see general discussions for the thread- Oh oh - and we want pics of Bettarazzi's blues! hehe -Ness
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