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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. it's taken me a while to get a good shot of the little ventraless boy - i love him! Gosh, I've only just noticed his spread - do you think he's nearly HM? Thanks Adam, and the little lady is a real stunner too. x
  2. Lol Bus - pitch one over here - I'm having heart palpitations about going away and feeding 50 individual fish - what the?! Jarrod, I associate the tail-biting with the behavioral vices in other animals.... (such as horses crib biting, or wind sucking) - obviously this is where I have more behavioral knowledge - but there's some truth in it.... each of these vices are results of environmental stimulis. I doubt we'll get to the bottom of the tail-biting issue any time soon, but in my experience with Ian and the Armadillo, it's a result of the physical symptom (i.e. finnage/tail inhibiting optimal movement) so they just chomp it. I read in an article somewhere that there are nerve endings throughout the fins of all fish - so they are getting "information" that it hurts - so they must be pretty motivated! Anyways, if you can cope with it, I just medicate the tank and keep an eye on it (not much you can do) I wouldn't let it stop you spawning him, in fact it's a reason TO spawn, and you can do a longitudinal study throughout the generations! -Ness
  3. :( Skype kicked me off the Melbourne Betta Meet... awhhh... I want to be cool like the cool kids

    1. Melbourne_betta_HM


      Skype did the same to me that's why I got disconnected afew time


  4. Madam Del, LOVING this thread, please forgive the photo request, but these marine colours just make me all GOOEY with jealousy. I want that shoe eel to happen NOW NOW NOW! Setup just sounds beautiful! xx
  5. I know they're naughty - but they're so beautiful! -naughtiNess
  6. Ian continues to tail bite - my philosophy has to do with mobility, he just cant swim with all that bloody tail, so now I keep an eye on it, keep salt and a bit of bettafix, and wish him all the best. For a while there I was medicating cos I thought it was rot... but after busting him, I can relax, keep his water clean and (soft) medicate regularly. Sorry to hear it.. t'is a damn shame. Has he got DT genes do you think? or any RT in his finnage? P.S. Handsome pants. -Ness
  7. Hey Gavin, Welcome to the forum! Terang, I love the market there... (I work horses in Caramut, nearby & I think Jo Oakley is in the Western District too) Lots of great breeders, keepers, enthusiasts and supporters of all things betta and fishkeeping! -Ness
  8. Sarah, I think you hit the nail on the head... we can only make their lives as comfortable and luxurious as possible, all the while they make our lives fantastic while we share company. Sorry little lottle Aristotle had to leave so soon. He even got me over the line from being CREEPED OUT BY THESE FISH WITH LEGS ....to actually kinda liking the little dudes. x Ness
  9. Hey Kirty & Chris, Just letting you know that the Vic Betta group are having a little meet this Sunday http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11689 You're welcome to come along and see how it all works as a visitor (don't have to be a member for your first visit) There will be a few fish for sale, along with an awesome table show - sounds like there's going to be a good mix of wilds/splenden/plakats etc. (: Might be worth a trip to Clifton Hill? -Ness
  10. Bus, You make AA sound like a 12 step program..... do you think we'd need more steps than that to the recovery of Betta-mania? hmmm Lyrrin, Welcome to the forum / 12 step program / confessional / bragging opportunity / learning curve / discussion. You're lucky you have lots of talented breeders in QLD, including someone Lea's amazing shop where she imports top notch HM and CT Betta. Keep eyes on the Classifieds pages too, most breeders ship also. (: Do you have any pics of your old breeding setup? -Ness
  11. Welcome Chris, Sounds like you've come the right place my friend! There's lots of clever betta keepers here, along with all sorts of other fishus and furry animals. I've got my breeding setup in my room, my Kelpie under my desk, the German shepard in the hallway, and often there's a broken bird or stray somewhere in the backyard that I'm looking after! Let me know when you open your pet shop, I'll come in and help! Until then - enjoy the forum, I've found it really handy..... And yeah - get a photobucket account - we want pics!!! -Ness
  12. It's lucky phil, Welcome to the forum phil, them's some handsome fish you gots there. -Ness
  13. The BEAUTIFUL SD male has found a home with a new Betta keeper & Ausaqua member called "James" The sale of my Armadillo fell through as I have begun to suspect him of tail-biting, so this beautiful little peach/copper flared up and started singing Shannon Knoll's "What about me?" Very happy to have spread the betta frenzy via this little man. (in his new home)
  14. Hey James! Welcome to the party - I believe we've been emailing already, I've only just gotten back online & found your intro. I love catfish, except when the guy at the LFS told me they'd be happy with my show quality Ruykin, and proceeded to eat their tails. Gorgeous IN THE RIGHT TANK! ... any pics? -Ness
  15. Yeah, it's really come a long way! There's something very Art Nouveau about those taller plants at the right that sit across the top... love them... Nice one Nefster. x
  16. What great timing... There is a fish fair coming up: Details are on this thread Plants, Fish mafia, breeders, Fish, Stalls, joy, fun, The Victorian Betta Group - what more could anyone want? -persuasiveNess
  17. IT LOOKS LIKE THE LETTUICE IN MY GARDEN.... not the broccolis. I also have creative parents.... we like to pluralize things that dont needs it. x
  18. MIDNIGHT TONIGHT Aus Aquascaping COMP DEADLINE ____ <- deadline... gotta be in it to win it... come on - I haven't even started yet & i'm putting entries in!!! UNDER 9 litres / OVER 9 litres / NOVELTY

  19. Hey Kirsten, Welcome to the party/forum.... a 4 footer! woah - with the right dividers you could have SO MANY BETTA! (a little bit biased? ..yes) Sounds fantastic, I do love a beautifully scaped community tank. Can't wait to see how it comes along! -Ness
  20. Hey Winston, Theres method in the madness of the forum; Welcome. These intros are basically here so we can harass you for pics of fish/fishroom/self etc... bit mostly fish. Sounds like you'll be a great addition to the AA brains trust! -Ness
  21. It is really hard when you walk past what could have been a beautiful fish, but they've just not been cared for appropriately... I saw a bunch of fish in jars out the back of my LFS, one male had jumped in with another to get a closer look... fortunately it happened while I was sifting through, so we had a quiet word about how the other fish might not have liked the invasion of privacy, and put him back in his jar (so these things DO happen) I have a bit of a Mc Donalds philosophy with the LFS, if I don't agree with how they keep fish, I don't buy from them - plenty of small operations around that could use my patronage... Glad to hear she's making a comeback however - i love that you called her a minx - what a great name! is she yet "titled?" The girls seem to have such great personalities! -ness
  22. Hi Emily a.) My sister's name is Emily and I always wanted her(your) name... can I please have it? b.) Welcome, lots of Betta nerds, breeders, keepers, ppls here, also somewhat smart and stuff c.) Where do you get your fishus? d.) Can you please take one million photos and post them in the showroom please thanks please x Ness
  23. They're so CUTE Would look very nice on my BBQ is that wrong? that was wrong wasn't it ? I'm hungry. xx
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