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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. WOW look at those shots!! ...and I'll admit... he looks like a "Super Sai - Yan" I had a monster ruykin who had perfect dark red markings, white butterfly finnage, a light black trim on all fins and a BLACK bottom lip I called him Shi-tjin phonetically it makes sense, you sort of have to say it aloud. I can't praise this tank enough - even though I'm crap at keeping up (still want the shoe eel somewhere in your house Miss Del) Lots of lemon for you missy. Get better, then Get back to the tanks. We're a slave to our tanks, and face it, our wrinkly little fingers love it. x
  2. Hey that looks great! Theres's even a little cavity above the light you could put dividers in and and... oh... shh no more fish. N'aw I think it looks rather good, great work hubby. -Ness
  3. How exciting! I do love new phush in the mix... Jarrod, I know how you feel about the tail biting, it's just another thing to maintain, but I suppose its something for us to think about. I mean, my two first males Fuzz (copper HM) and Ian (idiot blue DT) are both tail biters, and I think it's come from older age, a bit of RT and too much finnage. (just my opinion) So when I breed Fuzz again (if I want another copper spawn) I'll think twice about putting him to a heavily finned sibling - theoretically this will produce the same result - heavy finned fish that tail-bite.... so I'll go with something with less volume... and hope this removes the behavior....unless the biting is genetic and it's not physically related? How do you think it'll change you're attitude toward who you choose to breed him with (totally depends on what you believe is the cause of biting! Mine is only a theory) Innnnnnnnnnnteresting! -Betta psycholoNesst (oh, thats a good one)
  4. Nanna Jo - Aren't you already in? Baby - Tazzy is BASICALLY south Melbourne..... anyone's an honorary VicBetta! (: But choo gotta cough up the big bucks to put a logo in your signature! mwahahah Qban, Have a look through the threads of Aquarium Societies and Meetings - we have several things coming up in mid July that might be of interest. And we'll all be there having a good 'ol time. What tanks/fish do you have at the moment? -curiousNess
  5. Oh he's gorgeous! Lucky boy to be in hospital with nurse Yan... oh he's so sweet... Great colours - Yanni keep him! His name is Ralph! He's got a bloody yellow mowhawk! Ah ma gahd.
  6. How exciting, welcome to the forum. I was in cuba in 2003, magic place- and the music! (oh my) We're building quite a strong Betta community here in Victoria, so welcome to the forum, and to Melbourne. Fortunately the meets are not very far from where you live, Clifton Hill and Nunawading (further east) You're close to Subscape, and New Life aquarium on Victoria Street, but haven't seen HMs or even CT's there in a while. All the best with your breeding - mmm maybe ww wwhen ii iits a lll little ww warmer? After today I'm putting ALL breeding on hold - sideways rain and HAIL. x Ness
  7. YEs like YEs want lovely yes want yes .... like!
  8. Hows the little bigears man going? still biting? edging toward the spawn tank? eh eh
  9. Looks great - what a good display tank, did you silicone it all yourself? and how do you manage the filtration (i can see the heater on the right) Nice Job! -Ness
  10. Lucky Marshall, He'll be happy with some feeding up and a mirror to exercise in front of! -Ness
  11. Wayne! I was looking at those today at work. OH DEY SO CUUTE WHEN THEY ANGRY And so ugly when they happy Hijack success = 0, they're still talking about fish. x
  12. Personally, if i had the time i'd get a dogfish They're a bit more expensive to feed than my Betta, but totally worth it. -seriousNess
  13. I was wondering what breed of fish a "tank buster" was (ha, you think YOUR a newbie) NOW I GET IT! That ram is beautiful - but what sort of fish is that mega monster? - i luf him. ...my dream fush.... not exactly a tankbuster, but might take your finger off (or arm off if he gits ya) I'd call him "Pokey" xNess
  14. Wow they're beautiful! Bussy, I'm with you, I've had a catish thing for a little while now - once I even acted on it, threw several hundred dollars at a large catfish that the guy in my LFS said would go fine with my XXL show Ruykins. Shredded their tails in 12 hours... oh how i did cry. Little catfishman had to go back from whence he came, I think I probably returned with a betta barracks and several CT's instead. They are just stunning! -Ness
  15. Jessy, it's at this point I'd like to hand you the AusAqua Cat-o-Nine-tails. Keep 'em in line with this.... (they love it) Congrats! xx
  16. yeah na good onya's sonyas..... i could never mod. i enjoy breaking the rules too much. x
  17. Kertaz, There's also a fun Fish Fair on in July - 17th I think - but check the ASV website (link in my signature) Anyhoo - should be fun - the VictoriaBetta kids will be there - some fishus on sale, some things to think about - lots of other tables with sales too - so keep a tight grip on your wallet! Come'n introduce yourself, we'll be the one or two tables that are laughing way too much, and having TOO MUCH OF A GOOD TIME. (we show 'em how it's done) See you there! -Ness
  18. Spanger is in, she's an honorary Victorian. Felix - there's also "New Life" aquarium on Victoria St near Subscape - but subscape are pretty good, I've seen some top top quality CT there. Anyhoo, there's enough stock around to buy cheaper from breeders.... (is it time yet 'Razzi, can I tell him about the club?) We have a super secret club with secret handshakes and everything! even has a website and meets and and... www.victoriabetta.com There's no scary initiations or anything, just, if it's your first time at fight club, you have to fight....... Oh wait, wrong club. -sleepyNess
  19. Hey Felix - welcome to the forum. Great to see more Melbourne members, we've got quite the thriving betta community! ...I started breeding HM's due to the lack of quality betta at the LFS's - let along HM's... although they often have decent CT's around - what stores have you been to? Personally my spawns haven't been too big - well, the successful ones haven't been big (eek! lesson learnt) 200 might hatch, but you CAN choose how many you keep. <insert moral dilemma here.> Currently I have a batch of 25 that are about to be jarred separately - this takes quite a bit of time and dedication, water changes daily/every second day and feeding twice a day! But have a look through people's spawn logs- it's a blow-by-blow account of how different breeders use different techniques to get the job done. (: Lots of spawns growing out at the moment in Victoria, so if you're in the market, keep eyes peeled on the classifieds or PM members. All the best with the fishkeeping! -Ness
  20. OH MY If my local aquarium had tanks that looked half as handsome as this... oh, I don't know what I'd do. Maybe I'd give up my dayjob. Oh one day I'll just pop into the store MissDel, ONE DAY! xx Beautifulllll -Ness
  21. Ciao Ciao, Welcome to the forum! Have you ever designed a house with a wall of fish tanks... one day when i'm a millionaire i'm going to build one, and employ Yan to live there and keep it alive. (shh dont tell Yan) Cheers, Ness
  22. I don't understand why we are helping Michael deviate from his true calling in life? =Better Betta for Nessa. What is WRONG with you people? Razzi - get back to the spawn tanks and make me some HALFMOONS, I want them ON MY DESK by MONDAY MORNING. -bossyNess
  23. Thanks for thanking me for reading, but i got 1/4 through and you lost me, I can't wrap my head around barracks, it's driving me mental at the moment too... plumbing, pipes, litres per whatever and engineering. When it's not 12:15 am, and I'm not still buzzing from MSG I'll read through again. FYI sorry I forgot to respond about the tanks you saw at my joint - they're terrible K mart $30 9 litre "Marine Master" tanks, I've since ripped out the carbon filtration in the lid and kept the light and lid. I do weekly changes and it's killing me.... also they fluctuate between 20-22 degrees with a critter warmer udnerneath - just not working! Want an Aqua one setup and be done with it. Can you come to my house and make me a barracks? I'll do the silicone, I'm VERY GOOD AT SILICONE. draw pictures so my sore brain can see if i want a copy of what you make. k? -illustratedNess
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