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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Secretly wishing photobucket had uploaded my 800+ holiday pics lastnight while I slept, turns out it crashed after 4.... who'd have thought 8GB of photos & video would kill my connection - wah... lucky i have no life, and will be doing laundry and updating the forum on a Friday night.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      On behalf of the country - Welcome Home Ness!

      Can't wait to see the pics!

      Life? Showing us fish lovers photos of fishtrips is a life... right? Yes? Somebody say yes! Ah, I hear a yes.. it's me, but that's fine. Gosh now I'm talking to myself.

    3. little_troppo
    4. Sarah


      So um.. where are those pics Miss Ness?

  2. Hahahaha.... well... yes. I envisage plenty of testing, lots of questions, then getting bored with these safeguarding processes (such is the artistic temperament) and just making the damn thing, pouring 4 days and 3 chiropractor visits into the whole fiasco, only to learn that I have 15 large barracks that don't work. I also would have documented the whole thing in true NESS style, complete with funny shots of me silicone myself to something... all for nothing. Gah - then I would have to get the mods to change the title of the thread to "how not to build a barracks" and I'd look like a complete knob. So, my psychic premonition out of the way, yes (in short) that was what I was asking - wondering if it's the height of the hole drilled into the beanie box, or the actual height of wherever the hole is in the tube that dictates the water height within the box. I guess I can test this tonight (Conveniently I have some of Hai's old Beanies with siphon holes) After reading lots of negative reviews of the Aquaone barracks, I still want one - simplify my life with pre-packaged goodness.... but at the end of the day, it's night.... and I'm going to have to make it meself.... I can feel it in me waters. Slightly off topic (YOU STARTED IT) ....very excited about the HM Koi - they must have gone through quite a few changes up till now - can't wait. x Ness
  3. Mwahahahha..... you boys are brilliant, I'm in good hands with this project methinks. (thanks) Might put together some dodgy drawings and show y'all what I have intended... it'll be an "alternative" design cos a.) i'm an artist and don't want to play by the rules b.) I like to be difficult. c.) I gotta maximise the growout situation in a very small set of shelves, cannot let the mad fish lady status get any worse. I was just going to use the eheim as the sump filter (I hadn't thought of using it as the pump.... hmmmmmm) and I won't be asking it to pump more than a meter higher than it's own location, but I do like the idea of a bigger biomass = sump. Adam, I'm a bit confused about what the pump looks like (and how the hell it works) can I see a shot of yours? Secondly, I see where you have the levels set up on your individual beanie boxes, and understand the lower hole is where the water levels out to.... but if that "outlet" hose is drooping all the way to the ground, would it suck up the gunk on the bottom?or would this act as the level, and have only 1cm of water in the box? I'm not that smrt with phyziks n stuff might have to have a play tonight.... and then quizz Razzi on the weekend. agh-ness
  4. Woah - Amazing photos! Makes total sense, imagine them in their little puddles/small ponds with 200 fry... there's some serious competition there, so if the GIH (growth inhibiting hormone) is real or not.. or if there are just different growth rates - those lil dudes would probably get eaten anyways! nom nom nom -Ness
  5. I've just returned home & resolved to use this design as reference for a miniature version... mah gahd... i'm delving into this keeping business waaaaaay too heavily, but the easier i make it, the more fun it'll be to keep making more and more phush! (right?) BASIC barracks question - could I use my big Eheim canister filter to do the filtration? Or is that a "how long is a piece of string" question that would need diagrams and water quantity answers? I'm thinking of barracking the equivalent of around a 5ft tank. -jetlaggedNess
  6. Nice job!! I can see why you've had your hands full- looks VERY smart. I've seen enough in the last week to inspire an overhaul of my fishy systems too! While we love staring into tanks, there's something nice about an overall smart looking room. -jealousNess
  7. Hey Migaloo, Welcome & happy to have you....... is it just me, or is your name already famous around these parts? <challenge 4 Sarah & AA brains trust.....> spawn log? somewhere? cant r'member..
  8. I love my aquaone, it's pretty ferocious with current (for my female sorority) but looks a million bucks with the inbuilt light, effective filter and the rest. Mine was an ebay win (bargain!) so, sorry can't help with that bit. -Ness
  9. GREAT fishus bussy - just beautiful. When do you think the orchid CTS will be up for $ale? xxNess
  10. Abby - he's beautiful - nothing like the VTS available near me - where'd you get him? I got some Cello's in my latest spawn - these are inspiring shots! -Ness
  11. Are the 'dimples' you're talking about the spots . . . . . . . . that kind of run from top of the gill to the caudal fin? Have a second look at any of the close-up shots.. they're visible on some of the colours in betta - but present in all fish... i have no idea what they are tho! See it on several types of fish too. They're lovely fish.. shame about the biting - just about all of my older males do it!! x Ness
  12. Hey CeeJai, I'd be trotting down to the LFS pretty damn quick and looking into hatching Baby Brine Shrimp - all the green water and microworms in the world will only have your fry satisfied for a week at most. It's about the forward thinking of these little dudes - I'd be avoiding the egg yolk option if it can be helped. All the best with them... but I have to say it's probably wise to be pessimistic about their fate - it takes quite some time to get your own BBS hatching technique down, and you really do need a Microworm or Vinegar eel culture for the first little while. Personally - unless the tank is putrid, I would leave them in there and (as Paul has said) and start to siphon out the muck from the bottom - try using an airline hose attached to a chopstick/knititng needle so it's not so strong. Goodluck. -Ness
  13. Ashlea, Firstly welcome, you have indeed, come to the right place... we're all suffering from the distinct and delightful description of "Fish Mad Persons" ....this is a place for all your fishy confessionals, queries, and photo sessions! While I'm a complete splendens nut, there are some very talented wilds keepers, including the lovely Hai who has just celebrated his male releasing month old fry. There's plenty of meets, associations and social activities in the Victorian realm of fush n such... so look forward to potentially meeting you ! Loving the shots - makes me feel more NORMAL with multiple tanks overwhelming the house. Enjoy the forum, looking forward to hearing more about your kids (p.s. I used to keep show ruykin, and ALWAYS had a naughty shubunkin in the tank - they're so charismatic!!) -Ness
  14. OH this is gunna be goooooood I think I've decided that I'm into the marble gene now - particularly with the dragon or good irids over the top to mix it up! He looks like a Pollock Painting! He's the one in your Avatar yeah? "Blue Poles" Yea Yea Yea They're both very tidy fish. !
  15. Coral is Alien life form. Miss Del these shots are amazing - I have to second Neffy's observation - you're totally getting the hang of the camera. That shot of the Blasto is incredible... What camea are you using? (This might have been asked and answered before) Cos I can't reccomend a little eBay second hand G9 enough... they're light weight and the macro is insanely powerful. I'm just wondering if you're able to mess with the white balance on your camera, this would help with the colours that the LED lighting are producing. Some little autos also let you choose what lighting conditions you're shooting under. Worth finding out - I've now discovered in my grow out tank what lighting setting and white balance I need to demonstrate the most realistic colour. Anyway, back to your tank, I have to admit; i'm with the fish- I like the piled up rocks to the wall - I always struggle with layouts that have large quantities of coral/rock/hardscape all piled in the middle... just dosen't look realistic (to my eye) For some reason I always imagine scaped tanks to just be like a cut and paste section of real life... at least thats what good scapes make me imagine. PS mind those stingy things... you could threaten it with your drippy nose if it gets too agro. or set the shoe eel on it.... it could be like your pitbul. x
  16. two ton!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing effort that must have been to keep up with (I can only imagine water changes) I admire your persistence with moving house and having to give them all up - and taking on the Betta. How do you find the maintenance difference? I imagine the smaller tank would actually be harder to keep stable. Anyhoo - Welcome to the forum, we look forward to sharing your excitement over your betta. What do you have in the tank now? -Ness
  17. Yeah, I dunno, my fish food is kind of salty

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      *cough* Reminds me of a very nasty accident I had in the fish room.

      Axolotl pellets. Never. Ever. EVER!!!

      I didn't even have time to see if it were salty, was too busy trying to get that TASTE out of my mouth. Gosh, I felt bad giving them to the 'lotls after that - they eat anything I tell you!

      *cough* Righhhttt... I wasn't going to let that slip...

    3. Yanagi


      I too have tasted fish food. Blabbing away, got hair in my mouth while I had been feeding fish.. pull hair out of mouth, leave flakes behind. om nom nom? LOL. Wasn't too bad actually! I think I'll pass on the Tang's nori though.

    4. melbournebetta


      I was laughing the whole time I updated, laughing and eating, and laughing and patting the dog, and munching on those pellets, my lord... these fish pellets are making me THIRSTY

  18. oh my! ...are you looking for a new tenant that is good at water changes and would dearly love to feed the snake some naughty mice?? Wow. Shy is one thing you shouldn't be mister Jungle (seeing now where the name comes from) What an amazing habitat you have... I mean home... no, I mean habitat. You clearly have a skill for not only keeping live things - but enabling them to flourish! Your house looks like heaven. More pics! -greedyNess
  19. As for schooling behavior - they don't exactly group together (in my experience) as say tetras etc..... But I could be wrong? Maybe all mine had A.D.D
  20. I wish you could put the white male to the green female and get pastel green.... i'm with you jarrod - this should be as easy as mixing paint!
  21. Good attitude - those fish have landed in good hands - honestly I can't wait to see what you come up with. I'm pro white (in a totally colourful eclectic kind of way) they are little angels - love 'em. xNess
  22. Razzi, I've got a buddy who's got an empty tank that I'm thinking some Sailfin Mollies might be good for - would you do a 'batch' of these in your spawning-spree? (This is great - just put an order in with your friendly Razzi breeder) x sailfiNess
  23. Jarrod, Looks like all your Christmasses came at once - I was curious about Supremebetta breeder, as I thought maybe his shots are a little bit too "vibrant" to be real - but that DT male sure has some amazing colours - it'll be interesting to see what he throws colour/finnage wize! What are your thoughts on the length of his finnage (the DT gene) as probably factors in his tail biting? Would you cross him to his little lady? ...I can't remember when you're supposed to out-cross to avoid deformities.... ? (20 questions, sorry!) Also - that white pair have me drooling, can they go in the spawn tank first? I think i'm willing to cross-over to the white side... after bussie's black spider CT's had me over to the dark side... you boys are corrupting! The Green pair aren't anything like the photo- obviously you're happy - would you mention it to the breeder - just so they know you know that we know? ..you know? Or not worth it? The male in the pic is full mask and quite a different body shape (colour changes so much it's hard to make that call) And the Female has different scale formation to the one in the pic... they don't appear as regular as the ones in the AB photo. Regardless, the Santasack-barracks are full, and they're beuuudiful. x Ness
  24. I had every intention of full water changes today, that was until I just pinched a nerve in my back - OW - now i'm horizontal on the first day of sun we've had in weeks. bah. spinal health.

    1. les


      Give that girl tramadol she neeeeeds it take care and see your doc you may only need a minipulation

  25. What a stunner! Look at that colour... beautiful.
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