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Status Updates posted by melbournebetta

  1. FYI new someone shipment due Aug 3rd

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wild Nut

      Wild Nut

      Don't tell me. I keep trying to cut DOWN on my numbers haha.

    3. melbournebetta


      I'm terrified, I know I've got several pairs coming, but Preecha mentioned he was going to throw a couple more in - not only is this importing bill going to kill me, I gotta find somewhere for them to live! Yikes!

      Spare barracks anyone???

    4. kertaz


      Do you know what are the extra fishes he's gonna throw in?

  2. I wish Aus Aqua had a chat function, more chat function in my life. Yeah. That's what I want

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Well, mods... we promise we will use it! Fish chat would be fun.

      Caudata.org, the salamander forum. We are so salamander wannabe owners haha (although I do have axies, which are sals).

    3. Matt_95


      I use Caudata too, I have no sals though :( Join Ness! :D

    4. melbournebetta


      "join us, be one of us" ...sounds like a George Orwell novel.

      (; maaaaaaaaybe I'm already there, under cover!

      .....or maybe I'm just lazy :P

  3. Secretly wishing photobucket had uploaded my 800+ holiday pics lastnight while I slept, turns out it crashed after 4.... who'd have thought 8GB of photos & video would kill my connection - wah... lucky i have no life, and will be doing laundry and updating the forum on a Friday night.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      On behalf of the country - Welcome Home Ness!

      Can't wait to see the pics!

      Life? Showing us fish lovers photos of fishtrips is a life... right? Yes? Somebody say yes! Ah, I hear a yes.. it's me, but that's fine. Gosh now I'm talking to myself.

    3. little_troppo
    4. Sarah


      So um.. where are those pics Miss Ness?

  4. Yeah, I dunno, my fish food is kind of salty

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      *cough* Reminds me of a very nasty accident I had in the fish room.

      Axolotl pellets. Never. Ever. EVER!!!

      I didn't even have time to see if it were salty, was too busy trying to get that TASTE out of my mouth. Gosh, I felt bad giving them to the 'lotls after that - they eat anything I tell you!

      *cough* Righhhttt... I wasn't going to let that slip...

    3. Yanagi


      I too have tasted fish food. Blabbing away, got hair in my mouth while I had been feeding fish.. pull hair out of mouth, leave flakes behind. om nom nom? LOL. Wasn't too bad actually! I think I'll pass on the Tang's nori though.

    4. melbournebetta


      I was laughing the whole time I updated, laughing and eating, and laughing and patting the dog, and munching on those pellets, my lord... these fish pellets are making me THIRSTY

  5. I had every intention of full water changes today, that was until I just pinched a nerve in my back - OW - now i'm horizontal on the first day of sun we've had in weeks. bah. spinal health.

    1. les


      Give that girl tramadol she neeeeeds it take care and see your doc you may only need a minipulation

  6. :( Skype kicked me off the Melbourne Betta Meet... awhhh... I want to be cool like the cool kids

    1. Melbourne_betta_HM


      Skype did the same to me that's why I got disconnected afew time


  7. MIDNIGHT TONIGHT Aus Aquascaping COMP DEADLINE ____ <- deadline... gotta be in it to win it... come on - I haven't even started yet & i'm putting entries in!!! UNDER 9 litres / OVER 9 litres / NOVELTY

  8. I think.. yep.. yeah, pretty sure.... I think I like Killifish

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. footycards


      It is impossible NOT to like killies!

    3. KillieOrCory


      Which ones are you after?

    4. melbournebetta


      The ones that are completely unbreakable, have every colour on 'em and... um. yeap... the shiny ones.........

  9. supa big fun unwrapping the showbags from the auction and playing AQUASCAPIST

  10. just discovered the 'view new content' button... ohhhhhh CLEVER

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BettaObsessed


      I had to go looking for it when I read your comment. Will test it out :)

    3. Pyrefly


      I just found it the other day as well! Has it been moved to a more convenient spot recently? Love this feature on other forums so glad to finally find it here :D

    4. melbournebetta


      Accidental click - Killer discovery!

  11. it's a copper love affair, i'm a little biased, but my kids are HOT!

    1. Sarah


      They sure are haha, but you have a right to be proud - you've done such a wonderful job raising them. :))

  12. Salamanders on my mind, and in the tank.

    1. Neffy


      Best of luck :D hope they spawn!

    2. melbournebetta


      hmmm.... he's showing signs of fatigue & pinhole tail rot :( WHY is he so damn freaked out by spawning, she's even come over with fins clamped and tail up... and he chases her off. Bubble nest all but gone this morning. They get another 48 hours before he gets a dose of TC :(

    3. Nicola


      Oooo the salamaders look pretty :)

  13. Thanks for the grindal worm culture, my housemates didn't exactly understand why I got excited when an envelope of dirt and worms arrived, but you and I; we know about the secret joys of such things.

    Thanks once again!

    Mucho Appreciato

    (The Academy copperxcopper spawn are singing your praise)

  14. Finding a home for Jeffery, anyone in need of a handsome XL 2 tone comet?

    1. bewarebrunette


      if I were closer I would take him, he is very handsome

  15. It's a wrap.... a copper x turq HM wrap to be more specific... wOO

    1. Sarah


      Yay! Well done Ness.. well done fishies! :D

    2. Bettarazzi


      Big WOOP! Of course you mean, turquoise/heterozygous metallic turquoise/metallic green. LOL

    3. melbournebetta


      oh my, she's shiny - can we stick with that? - until she's proven which T/HM or T/MG....... my head hurts.

  16. The Salamander pair have been rested- she was. not. interested. and he's showing stress with some potential rot (straight into a salt bath young man) So the Copper / Turquoise are in the tank sparring as we speak.

    1. Neffy


      Awww good luck with the next pair ! Hope mine do better

    2. melbournebetta


      They WILL/MUST! ....cos I want a lady from your spawn :P

  17. Dear Jess,

    I've been talking to Joan about doing a logo for the Vic Betta Society...

    While I was doing my research, I was really looking for a good outline image, and I've realized the image you had on the certificates was really great, did you do that?

    How would you feel about us using it - altering it probably a bit - but trying to see if it would fit in as ...

  18. Hey Elle,

    Just saw your DA site, very impressive - what is the course you are doing?

    Seems besides betta we have a few things in common, I work for an Andalusian breeder in the Western District & finished a Fine art course a while back :)

    Hope uni is ace and u can take a few fishes with you.


  19. Conditioning the Salamander HM pair is she even interested? - all the while Mrs Turq is bursting and Mr Fuzz are making eyes at eachother... The Salamanders will get a go, but the Copper/Turq temptation is real...... eeek - full moon on the 4th, make it count!

  20. Copper daddy (Fuzz) watching the kids with such ferocity, when I lifted the sheet to check the temp he literally swore at me! fingers crossed for lots of Fuzzy kids.

    1. GoldenGirl13


      wash his mouth out!! How rude!

  21. Hey Stephan,

    I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for your website, the models of correct form are really important (form is a focus of mine, as a new hobby breeder/keeper)

    I've found your site to be really informative.

    :) all the best.


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