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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Intuition says male, I have some butch girls, but none have this........ boy-ism -Ness
  2. Hey Danielle, Welcome to the forum - sounds like you've had some great betta experience. We LOVE Photos- we're pervs. Grab a photobucket account, its' the easiest way to share. No I'm not a Photobucket rep. Just nosy -Ness
  3. Welcome, I hope you find a good LFS, they're few and far between. Marine 6 foot would be a challenge, keen to hear how that pans out for you ($!!) -Ness
  4. It's great to see the big pet stores are recognizing that a range of the fighters is a good idea - I just wish I didn't have to suggest putting a heater in the barracks or whatever setup they have each time. Oh well, they might learn that selling fish with tail rot isn't a good move? (maybe?) Guppies are hit and miss from the suppliers - generally they are mostly purchased from a major importer/wholesaler and it's easy to have guppy health drop quickly if it's not treated... They're susceptable to bacterial infections and various other things, a few doses of Melachite Green wouldn't go a-stray. Look for bright eyes, clean gills and no tears - and I dare say look in the tanks for floaters. someone has some incredible fancy guppies every now and then, I love my blue metal moscows -Ness
  5. Yan, this is awesome news! (Crap about the housing situation) but GREAT that you're getting your perfect fish. It's like me wanting a sensible car, for years I had the worst versions of the worst junk piles of the worst variety. Now I drive a corolla and it's the most bland, boring sensible most fantastic car in the world. because it works irrelevant? Yes, it's been a long day. NICE FISH
  6. I really like that tank - love the plants that grow out of the water. Do you know what they are? -Ness
  7. Welcome, it sounds like you have your tanks and hands full! Turtles are pretty cute, but I'll stick to the under-water varieties of tankmates... Good luck with the 7foot!
  8. HEY TFB (My name is ness and I love an acronym) The Rivulartus are amazing when they colour up, I've got a juvi pair and I just love them! Are there any/many aquariums out your way? I grew up in Foster & will be heading back for the regional show (doggy high jump contender!) Welcome to the forum, you sound well and truly addicted, we don't have a 12 step program... but just lots of encouraging peeps -Ness
  9. I lurk a lot nowerdays

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadoh


      I'm a shadow of my former online self...

    3. Sarah


      I seem to be a bit of a lurker these days too..

    4. Rhysmachine101
  10. Until you have water results it's hard to speculate - I'd take a cup of old water out - do a major change and serious gravel vac.... you can test both waters to see if there's any ammonia/nitrite build up in the old water. External canister Eheim is gold, one of the few filters that are built without an in-built life-span. Probably look at a 2215 or 2217. Sorry to hear about the crash, it's always devastating when the equipment lets you down. -Ness
  11. It's true. We won't help. No, we will, but we wont. Tell your wife that the alternative is heroin, that shifts perspective & usually works. We will help with fishy things, we like those things, and generally as a rule, fishy people are a bit of alright too. I've just "downsized" from 300 litres between 12+ tanks, down to 150 litres in one tank. Samesamebutdifferent. There's something sort of magic (once you get hooked) about the fish gig. Let me suggest greedily that you get a photobucket account, and use it to link and share photos. We like photos. We're pervs. -Ness
  12. Pete - You don't do things by halves do you? A large community that size would be amazing, we got to get the next generation hooked early I say! Photos would be great, feel free to throw around ideas of what to stock it with too. You should have a peek in at Subscape, the store has some seriously handsome Aquascaped 4/5/and 6 foot planted tanks (: Best of luck! -Ness
  13. Yeah, well you can cut your teeth on anything really, and maybe a few VT spawn trials is a good idea - but if you're serious about raising fry and jarring and water changes and waiting and waiting and waiting for them to grow get good ones
  14. Where abouts are you Azza? Best place to start is by clicking through people's spawn logs, they generally tell you everything they're thinking and doing. And alllllll the mistakes and hot tips are in there too. Any of my spawn logs in my signature will be testament to the learning curve that is Betta breeding - it's ace. My primary advice: GET AMAZING FISH. then breed, you MIGHT get an amazing fry out of the lot. (:
  15. ....actually not really, but a little bit, sort of. More hours in the day and I might bet a better person - however I wanted to say that I think about you all of the time, you. Forum, you. I used to do multiple updates a day, I used to take fifty photos of the same pinhead fry and squeel about it all day long.... you might just be relieved that I'm not doing that anymore. That's okay... But I miss you. I'm sorry forum... we had a good thing going for a while there, but things changed. It's not you, it's me. I have a new job you see, I work here: And as for the fighters, well I do a lot of water changes, and they all get live food twice daily, but... none of them are in my tanks. Infact, forum, while I'm explaining our break-up.... I should probably tell you.... I don't have multiple tanks. Just one. Don't think less of me, I'm moving in a new direction - just for a little while so I can clear my head. These are the things I gaze into the tank and see now.... Henry is a Peacock Gudgeon. Malvern is one of 5 Blue Juvinile Angelfish There is often black mongrel photobombing by the Bouncer.... (still) So I hope you understand, why we can't be together, like we used to. One day, I hope. We can try again. x Ness
  16. Hey James, Welcome to the party - sounds like you've had some success, that's great! We're nosy buggers, so set up a photobucket account and link pics so we can perve. I work at a local fish store (Richmond, Subscape) We've got some shiny Halfmoons in that I'm trying not to buy... I might hit the boss up for some HM females too. Anyways, welcome - always great to have more breeders around, so I don't feel so bad about taking a break. Check out the Vic betta shows and ASV too (links in my signature) -Ness
  17. Allow me to be the first to make a free-willy crack, and a welcome... Hy. -Ness
  18. You'll be right! Glad they're going good for you - seems they're eating x
  19. I'm going to be awful and ask why you have hatched eggs and hadn't thought what to feed 'em... but good on you for trying to spawn. Live food is key in these early days, I'd suggest you start trying to hatch brine shrimp now so you get the hang of it. (It's everyone's biggest problem on the first spawn) You'll have a bit of loss in numbers too, so keep live food up and water changes are your new best friend. Goodluck
  20. Jarrod! that's incredible, he's totally the same colouration as Mig (I rememberrrrrrrr) Great to see some cool "accidents" happening in your tanks!
  21. Royroy's runts are bigger than my mature males! Aww little giant girly looks so happy - they were lovely fishies
  22. Water Temperature: 17-24 degrees celsius pH Level: 6.6-7.6 General Hardness: Soft-Moderate Reproduction: After mating the female carries her eggs underher tail. The young disperse when they are fully developed. Feeding: Omnivorous and Herbivorous (grazes on algae). Willscavenge on most fish foods. Ideal for nano tanks and planted tanks (ensurefish tankmates are of similar small size). Please note: avoid the use of copperbased treatments if invertebrates are present in the tank.
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