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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Jarrod - I love those VT's! Very handsome little boys...... do eeeeeeeeet
  2. Thanks Nefflet.... I think she'll get a burl in the tank on Thurs when i'm home all day to watch! I hope I don't hear the jaws theme music... sometimes I hear that sound coming out of the sorority when Ruby is in a bad mood. x
  3. i know!!!! thats the bit that freaks me out.... she's pretty docile when un carded.... she might float in the tank for a spell while I can watch her. yikes! PK n00b!
  4. Just wondering on people's opinions - I have a nice big copper dragon giant PK, and a 2.5 foot big sorority that is home to around 10 females. None really get torn up as I often remove agro alpha ladies.... and they have a pecking order sorted.... Has anyone kept PK giants with their other ladies? I'm open to floating her in a large container to see if she's mental - or even throwing her in there to see how it goes - but .....would like to know what the PK gals are like never ever did have one before. She's literally 3 times the size of some of 'em Thoughts? -Ness
  5. This is a great insight! (how did I not see this in march??) Nice one Jarrod. -Ness
  6. if you can't tell, I'm waving my arms around like a loopy person and trying not to order my glass just. yet. Cheers Jarrod (photos anytime) xx
  7. Would you mind? I'd love to see it (before a water change) to see how grotty it gets! I think I'd prolly try and run it all off the Eheim, now it's about flow....... Cheers J
  8. Fantastic! Thanks Jarrod, I'm getting me the feelin' that I can order the glass... be it with the 2 aqua ones or the eheim. How often do you do WC's? and do u have to siphon anything out in between? I'd probably have the .5 cm gap running between barracks to encourage flow too (just a small gap, not the whole way) Has anyone had any experience silicone perspex/acetate ? Could I use the same stuff? hmmmmz
  9. Thanks for the vote of confidence Les.... I'm keen to get going on it, it's just which design is going to be best. Here are the options thus-far: (in order of preference): Each barracks design ends up at 60lt each x 2, so = 120 lt ( Eheim Classic 2215 is rated for aquariums up to 350L) And here's the breakdown of option 1ish... Just some ideas... Totally open to modifying the filter outlet so that each barrack gets it's own adjustable flow into the top, and will still have perforated bits, or an open bit at the bottom to suck out the gunk. I imagine I'll also be fiddling with this weekly and using the sucky bit of the filter within each cell to do a kind of "direct filter" and vac up the muck. ...anything's gotta be better than the second daily water changes. I'm hoping to keep the whole project under $250 by using the Eheim and around $100 per barracks for the glass. The headache of keeping all my beudiful fish alive: priceless
  10. Firstly, Welcome Shazza! Always great to have some new betta enthusiasts on the forum. You'll find no end of help here - the AA brains-trust are pretty friendly lot too. Lotsa breeders online here too which is handy - and a pretty active Victorian gang. (: Can't wait to see pics! -ness
  11. OH MY GAWD!!!!! I've probably got a few females that could do these - but ian... wellllll i'd have to fail ian.
  12. I'm throwing this one to Cam at Coburg who has offered to put his Aquacultured brain to the impossible task of making me a pretty barracks (fussy tart) But part of me just wants to place the order and get on with it!!! poor lil fishies rolling around in their tiny houses sooking about their rights. YEAH YEAH I'm working on it! :P
  13. Nothin's changed on that front - we're all secretly complete voyeurs. We'd love some tips on shooting fush too - I gets me the feeling you know what you're doing with that thing. -Ness
  14. Hey Sarah, Yes please please lots of snakey pics - it's pie in the sky, but I'd do anything for an Aussie python rolling around the house (housemates might protest, a little...) Also great to hear you are having a betta renaissance -looking forward to show n tell & taking advantage of your l33t skillz. Got any shots of your old fush? -Ness
  15. Great timing! She'll have a shipment that's cleared customs this week & will be all stocked up! TAKE PHODOS! x
  16. Cheers Serkan, Had always wondered about all the wild-caught killies. Gorgeous fish. -Ness
  17. Rhys - I totally wonder that too - sometimes there's THAT PERSON looking WAY too long at the betta section.... makes me wonder what their username is. Ness, they aren't all on the forum (duh) Don't forget to do a "call out" or Wanted to Buy! There are lotsa Melb breeders (not just my shameless spruking self) with good n proper show fish fer sale. Mandz, you have been VERY naughty!!! Do Tell - do you have ideas for a display tank with "one of every colour?" .....my fantasy alive. xx
  18. Could it be, that I was perhaps, a little bit too excited about the next ASV meet, that I printed out cards, did a stock take, bagged and tagged fish, even worked out a cool heating system for sale fish............. only to realize it's on in 2 weeks, not tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zhong89


      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... well it's better to be early than late right?

    3. Sarah


      Haha, always best to be prepared!

      At least you didn't turn up!


    4. melbournebetta


      I didn't... but Melb Bill nearly did - he was "on his way" hahahahah I confused Everyone with my enthusiasm!

      Oops - Peaked too soon

  19. Hheheheh the slippers made me larf. My - - you have taken the hobby to a whole new level (respekt) Lookin so orderly and tidy!
  20. You'se are awesome. @Yan: I think that back area is just an excuse to regulate the flow between all barracks... @Nicola: That's exactly the ticket! I think that's even the one they had in the shop display barracks I can pick up one of these bad boys for $35each! (filters 100lt / 1000lt p/h) @Paul: You're picking up what I'm puttin' down. @Rhys Thanks! .... I'd really like to use the eheim to run all of these, so handy hints are welcome. When it's a more respectable hour, I shall try and de-code your message and try to make a wassitcalled Silicone master extraordinare - yes, engineer; no. How can I invent things when my brain is busy doing this: ...? ...?
  21. Hey -- just curious, what's the philosophy with wild-caught fish? Is there a limit, or are the waters teaming? -curiousNess
  22. Internal Filter suggestions for 60 lt tank? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

    1. Yanagi


      My suggestion would be a HOB filter, lol

    2. Nicola


      Aquaone has some good ones, that do come with a spray bar. they also have a sponge inside them for then nitryfying bacteria to be held if you don't have gravel :)

  23. Jess - Yeah I can do that trickle bar if it's just one little pump, that should be an easy modification - and it'll make the water flow more efficently.... but i'm a bare bottom gal (ooOOOoooh) Lots of plant material and a timer with good lighting too - so my little green solar panels will do some of the work. x I think it's time to just BUY the glass (or I should probably wait a moment and measure up the filters I buy first eh...?) INTERNAL FILTER SUGGESTIONS? (uncharted territory)
  24. i want a spawn log of the trees nom nom nom
  25. This is where my little dyslexic brain seizes up and freaks out.... not to mention my engineering brain wonders how the hell I'd create that thing. I think it's more like Paul's image - minus the holes, go with the opening at the bottom (just can't use it as a juvi grow-out I unfortunately went into a petstore (impulse) and saw this barracks, while I quite liked the concept, it was too big (and as a shop display, they don't sell these) But they had a similar method - dividers were all 5mm off the floor and used gravel to ensure nobody got out. I would keep it bare bottom (oooo) and probably do water changes far more often. So a crappy internal filter would do the job of keeping this 60 litre tank ammonia and nitrate free??? Maybe this is the way forward..
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