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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. I just got memo from my fish, they're moving out & have requested your exact address, and want to know when the tanks are cycled. (: Can't wait to see pics etc of your current inhabitants.... the photo pressure is on. x
  2. Hey Again, welcome to the forum. I hail from Foster (originally) so, lovely to see another Gippslandian joining the fold..... oh, that makes it sound cult-y, I shouldn't give away the addictive nature of Betta keeping just yet. As for the multiple bettakeeping conundrum, well, I think we all have our own ways of getting around it..... do a search for Shadoh's fish room tour to start with. For us cool climate southerners, a barracks system is a good idea - and a nightmare to design. You could always partition a large tank, work out a way to heat and filter the bloody thing, and you're half way there. I'm working on a barracks design for 8+ fish at the mo'..... I'll keep you posted on that. The mirror box looks good size-wize, but I imagine would be a pain in the bottom to photograph through, and the mirrored back might be a constant antagonist for your firey little steed. it sounds revolting, but Kmart & Woolworths have a few really cheap ranges of straight-forward little tanks with filters/lights/etc all buit - in (just add water, and a fish..... and a heater...... and condition the water properly) For a fraction of the cost.... not a bad way to see if you like keeping fish in small quarters (as opposed to equally small quarters, in a bigger tank, with more and more and m... oh) Welcome. We like photos. Please take them. -Ness
  3. Handsome little Platinum white Delta Plakat! x
  4. Well said Ray, It's a tricky one really, and best to use one's moral judgement before one's wallet at times. I for one will always look for a second hand option before I buy anything new (this applies to most things in my life!) But for products that this isn't applicable to, consumables such as Stress Coat for example, I'll always go to my favored LFS for this product.... However I'm choosy about WHICH LFS I am supporting, when I see one that dosen't have a very good fishkeeping philosophy (i.e. more floaters than swimmers, or weird/bad sale setups, or just plain old wrong advice) I go elsewhere. When it comes to livestock (which is what we're really talking about) With home breeders, there's both the very best and very worst kinds; i.e. specialists, true passionate breeders with long term vision, happy hobbyists giving it everything, all the way through to the mate with the importer mate who's getting the cheap deals and undercutting the LFS, even to the heartless breeder that is too busy pumping 'em out to look at quality. There's good and bad in every livestock situation (not just aquarists) So I guess the question to answer is reputation, and what you think of the animal your buying.... where has it come from? Again, not always best to get the 'cheapest deal' because your dollar encourages whomever's hand you put it in. IMO x
  5. Welcome Dwalk, Nice to meetcha, always good to see another member - are you into betta specifically? Sounds like your spawning tanks are busy (more luck than me it sounds like) (: Do tell! -Ness
  6. I completely concur, however the housemate's abilities to access bank accounts and pay rent is an obviuos plus (at this stage, it wins out over good flaring and multi colours) Can't wait for the G&T and tour in person one day! My fishroom tour consists of standing still in front of a bookshelf. Maybe I could get a laser pointer for my tours, oh ! that's a good idea! x
  7. Nice one someone, What were the general con-censuses on starting up an official club? xNess
  8. Okay, can i get excited about the ASV meet THIS FRIDAY... is it actually on, or am I going to end up with 30 bagged fish, trading table goodies, donations and a bit stupid grin - only to hear it's next month or something?

    1. Sarah


      Naw, poor Ness!

      Have fun this Friday (saying it helps yea?)!

      Make sure to take lotsa piccies for us outer-staters. :)

  9. Wow! What a privilege, can I have a G & T while I get my tour pleaaaaase? SO lovely to see it all set up and lookin lovely, it's really like a backstage pass when you see someone else's fish setup.... I was watching it at work (no audio) till i saw your reflection talking! Now i'm no my iphone listening away... you DO sound like someone when you call the females "girlies" but I think imprinting is a good excuse for that! AWH I just saw THE CURSE OF THE FISHROOM! (poor sod) My god - what a setup - over 3 rooms... I'm beginning to feel like I need to expaaaaaaaaaaaaaand (it's a constant state of being) (: Thanks Jarrod!
  10. Nice job, and great tank setup - can't wait for the dramatic close-ups! -ness
  11. Hi Linh, That's great news, and welcome to the forum - lots of breeding resources here, so don't be shy to ask lots of questions, or look to see if they've been asked already. We're all gluttons for photos - so set up a photobucket account and share away! Do you know what sort of betta you got at the LFS? -Ness
  12. Me too!!! I went a bit mad for them when I was away! More shots to come of the BF MG and the Red man x
  13. (finally) some half decent shots of the Males from the Thai import. Unfortunately shot through sratched up beanies - but you get the idea. Dragon Copper Giant (whopper) OHM The Copper Marble Dragon "Panda" The White Salamander Butterfly Dragon "Petal"
  14. Oh my god this is perfect ! Exakery what I had in mind. I'm going to get all NIKE on it - and JUST DO IT (ordering glass - wooh - yeah - don't try and stop me ....unless you have a GREAT reason... any will do) I thinks it's the Aqua One Maxi 103F Internal Filter x 2 and then I can use the Eheim for the growouts. I think I've also resolved that I'll have little 5 mm gaps under the divider /sump wall at the back, and spray-bars with airline (like jarrods image above) coming into the top of the cells, at this stage they'll be just held in place with bulldog clip till I can find something to finish it with. Question: has anyone had any issue with fish getting through a 5mm gap? my kids will be 6+ months. Might also place a black bit of plastic in the sump against the back wall to hide all the back-stage works/heater/pump, as this will be my photography tank (kinda) SO IN CONCLUSION: This is the principal concept... Ten points. Now it's time to throw money at glass, masking tape and explain to the angry breeders that their condo is on it's way. x Ness
  15. Hi Kptn! Welcome to the forum, lots of friendly members and info here on breeding and fin types etc... We'd love to see some photos of your current fish - maybe we can identify their tail types for you and colour. (: Ness
  16. it's an applicable argument for just about every livestock item you can buy. there will be arguments both for and against each, but there's a good reason I'm taking my sweet time to find me a black lace angelfish breeder - homegrown.
  17. Lovely! I did like the cloud painting pair. Persivere with the pairing if you can - I really liked her too. I've got two pairs in the spawn tanks, one's been 10 days, the other 7..... it's weird-old-quiet season so it's an uphill battle (: lots of conditioning and intros (old-fashioned-courting) Best of luck! -Ness
  18. please make me some black angels and get your license and drive them to Melbourne. Newtanktown sounds awesome!
  19. Jess ! (somehow I've missed these posts) It looks AH MAZ ING Is that the little Salamander lady slap bang in the middle? I can't get over it... look at the first shot of this tank versus this last one!!! Beudiful.
  20. this wouldn't be the worst place to start... there's a few great links to aquascaping sites and masters. it can all take it's self a bit seriously - but there's something mesmerizing about a well scaped tank - and they don't have to be million dollar productions, just good design approach. Miss Neffy also went though a really fun process with her sorority layout.. and still is! There's some good feedback / ideas in there too. -Ness
  21. :( nobody answered my last question on that thread *sniff* so i ...*sniff* blame you all for my incorrect usage of the cambo term *sniff*
  22. The Beyonce tank has had a few new additions as quarantine has deemed them safe and healthy. Hilight of my life: Unflattering Dragon: Scenic Copper Marble Dragon Cambo Gal The Giant (Copper Marble Dragon)
  23. Hey Fishy, Welcome to the forum - yea yeah nice fish - tell me about the betta (i'm a little one-eyed you see) Photos would be great, and plenty of fishy nerds here to play with. xNess
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