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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. That Green lotus is rockstar! & you nailed the hardscape - tres bien! The musak is epic, I wasn't sure if I should maybe not be crying when it finished....... I was dubious about the background, but it looks brilliant! they all look so HAPPY! (heart sideways angel 2:33 - can we call him curly?) p.s. discus in the signature !
  2. Ernie has turned into a beautiful little dude - he's got a great veil tail & filled out nicely... great job. While I'm not the expert on colour... here's a stab at what colours they are: Albert is a Metallic copper over red/red wash Sylvester is a multicolour - dark bodied with red and metallic blue (could be steel/royal/teal etc) Ernie is (plain cute) He's a marble, light bodied multicolour (cambodian) with steel blue iridescence over the red, cute pattern on the tail! Hope that helps. x
  3. Hahahah - well I remember seeing someone saying they 'breed like rabbits' so i'm open to that! They're so firey, love my little koi PK man... he's a monster! x
  4. There's been a few additions to the Melbourne Betta Stables of late, they don't all have names, good photographs or much else... so until I get a good bunch of photos, here are some of the new additions to the display/breeding stock/pet section at the MB stables..... Can't wait to shoot his missus, she's got a bigger beard than most of my boys.... Lovely corn blue / turq and white white white-out white dragon with cello - very feathery effect on the fins... he's a big of a poser too. Cornflour Blue/White Dragon (imp Thailand) Melbourne Betta embraces short skirts / Plakat! The Koi Plakat that turned everything around - in. love. with. this. lil. dude. His Missus: More there, but they be the only presentable photos at this stage x
  5. Hey Mania! Nice to meetcha, sounds like you have my kind of display tank!! I loooveeeee ghostknife fish & the sailfin pelc's. We're glutons for photos - so set up a photobucket account and get sharing! Welcome, -Ness
  6. Have a crack at the macro setting (with the flower) it's amazing for close-ups, the lighting setup you have is great - very handy little setup you have there MOH. x
  7. Looking good! I have an old camera and new Kermadum Fish! Shall Touche you soon! x
  8. Hi Foscent (where is the name from? I like it) Welcome to the forum - be sure to have a good look around and search for lots of terms, there's heaps of info about Betta needs, setting up tanks safely for them, what they need/want/demand etc. There's a thriving Melbourne community, and lots of active breeders at the moment. I'm trying *looks over her shoulder at the 2 spawn tanks* .....any moment now............... Anyway - I've got a few for sale, and so will some of the other members at the Vic Betta meeting coming up November 20 - oh - see Neffy's link for details. Or have a poke around www.victoriabetta.com to get a sense of what the meets are like. You're welcome to come as a spectator! We love new blood! Mwahahahah x Ness
  9. Are they just in one tank or is it community digs?
  10. angels! GAH! I was in the LFS and saw ONE perfect black angel (50c coin size) and I nearly swerved the Melbournebetta thing into a whole new direction. Stay on course ness, I'll just live vicariously through Bussy, Yan and Matt. They're so white! what size are they? hawt.
  11. What she said desensitise = less agro Lots of plants and visual barriers too. x
  12. They're really coming along... some nice shapes happening there. (and you know me too well, i just need my fish to be perfect drag-queens, i'm over geometry and form, I just want COVERGIRL fish) Sashay! Shante!
  13. Hi Alison, Sounds fantastic, can't wait to see photos of your progression. Best of luck with it. -Ness
  14. Hey Asil, I used to keep Shubunkin & XXL Blackmoors, they were all prone to Swim Bladder disorders, but quite often they could re-adjust with a change of diet. To be honest I wasn't as "into" the science of my fish at the time, so I couldn't tell you what the water quaity/parameters were (which might have contributed) Keep in mind these fish are ombivores, and looooove vegetation - i had plenty of soft aleodia or smaller leafed plants they could munch on- this really helped with the floating. Some just battled with it their whole lives - and that was that. Have a look into getting some sinking pellets too - this made a huge difference with my boys. In addition to plants and pellets - they also like OrangesBrine ShrimpPeasCucumberBlood WormsZucchiniGrapes (peeled)Glass WormsLettuceSpinach (in small doses) goodluck!
  15. Yeah - good job! And I'd have to second the idea of getting more "filler" fish - I have a tank full of ladies now and there is such little damage to any of them it's great. In the meantime, consider getting some wide leafed plastic/silk plants as the philosophy "out of sight, out of mind" really works - or even better - go get some live plants. you dont want them taking a comp cos they look sooooooooo gooooooodddddd (havent had lunch, my tummy rumbles)
  16. Wow - loving the form on the 1st and 4th in the video particularly - they've come up a treat! Actually I lost count- there's some others in there too... very lovely little specimens. Lucky i'm into long-finned-drag-queen-fish, I could be spending a LOT of money in your fishroom otherwise. Jazzy.
  17. LMF, pop into the chemist, they should have 'em (just have to ask) OR vets..... i keep getting weird looks when I ask for a glass turkey baster (plastic keeps breaking) when i insist, I get the strangest looks. do you think i should explain that I'm a BREEDER. no? maybe yes.?
  18. I do love jarring the big 'uns early and watching them bloom - I even stole some of razzis little girls when they were tiny tiny (he had heaps of 'em) and mine all developed really quickly after they were placed on a highly circulated sorority. GIH? Territorial result? Water quality? or the work of the Almighty? I did note that all my males really bloomed when they learnt to flare too... a combination of jarring and growing stronger with exercise. she says. sitting down at work. havent moved all day. need to find a mirror and flare at myself. -ness
  19. HAhahahahahahahahahah My landlord wanted to know what the buzzing and pink light was coming from my bedroom, I had such a good time acting all cagey and guilty about it... until I finally let him in to see my 2 foot glowing and the eheim humming. There's plenty of ferns and palms in my room, but nothing untoward..... no "bonsai MAPLE trees" in my room! Clever thread fist. me rikey. -ness
  20. Handy little tanks those, I had a collection of the 10lt ones from Big W for $15 each! the inbuilt filtration is a bit useless, and they're annoying to heat when you have 8 of them (oops) but handy for hospital and giant tanks. Nice one. -Ness
  21. It's beautiful, you're going to have lots of fun with this tank, I can already tell. Jordan is (as you know) the sensai of iwagumi, so you're in good hands! I can't really crit the layout cos I have NFI how these things work, but the hardscape looks very promising. We'll all be excited to see updates on this. -Ness
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDvHO5ZSGo8&feature=related This is me. This is how i am dancing. This is what I am doing. It would be, it would be SO nice! Tasmania heres I comes.
    1. Neffy


      Have a great adventure!!

    2. forever_and_a_day


      this needs a like button. have fun in Tassie!

    3. paul


      If we took a holiday...

      Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!

  23. If the spa is heated at all it will evaporate, when it's on, can you smell the chlorine/chems? I'd be tipping it will in fact contaminate your tanks. I like Wayne's suggestion - bit of wood over it, and put more tanks on... or give it a good scrub and turn it into a grow-out. -Ness
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