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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. http://www.aquaticcommunity.com/breeding/angelfish.php " Once the eggs have been layed theplastic can be moved to another tank or the pair can be removed and the inlethose can then be placed over the eggs to provide water circulation and supplyoxygen. Methylene blue or malachite green are sometimes added to the water toprevent fungi or bacteria from growing on the eggs." - http://www.breedingaquariumfish.com/breeding_angel_fish/ x
  2. how exciting! I'll be following the answers to this thread..... ........... . . . . .... eye hart angels. x
  3. I still have a crush on the white angel - but I'm supposed to be looking at the tank! It's got a really nice arc / to the right with the plant heights etc, have you tried it with one of those black backgrounds instead of the plant backgrounds? I'm a bit of a subscriber to those, somehow makes it look a bit more modern? But the hardscape is really nice too - don't let it get lost up the back there! Looks really nice - who needs a TV eh?
  4. Hey, Photobucket is the most intuitive... and it's fast. And has iPhone application, and is great. Looking forward to hearing about the trip! -Ness
  5. Indeed. learn about the fish, you do. teach you, we will. In fact I have to be honest, I stalked this forum for a good while before I introduced myself and needed to ask specific questions - if you do a search [top right] you'll find there's often someone who's come up against the very same thing you're experiencing. So have a good look through the spawn logs - while it's a test of humility, you learn a bucketload (and fast) The courtship process is a delicate one - and, well - they're called fighters for a reason. May I be so bold as to suggest you get yourself a photo bucket - then you can just click and paste the direct link (you have to host your photos somewhere externally) Nothing quite like a picture to tell the story. -Ness
    1. Sarah


      Haha.... I want a fish that looks like me now!

    2. les


      LOL a bit like that what fish am I thred

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      hah I had no idea what it was all about, other than a display of abstract-ish art.

  6. Actually it'd be quite handy in a tube, but I really like the consistant pressure you get off a gun, but horses for courses eh? There isnt' yet a good pic of it - but it's working really quite well - I'm growing out 7 little something-month-old-noodles, while I wait for my miniature turq fry to get big enough to transport and not fit between the mesh walls. It's working quite well, the filter is working quite well with only 7 bodies to clean up after. I'd recommend this for anyone looking to do just one big water change and perhaps keep all the fry in one place. Just don't forget that if you subscribe to the growth inhibiting hormone or not - there need to be lots of water changes in this arrangement, you still have lots of bodies crammed into one tank. Not the most flattering pic - and totally NOT scaped! just threw in all the duckweed and wassitcalled, with some java and misc plants held down by rocks - i just want them to condition the water (I should put more energy into it, but there's so much disturbance with water changes!!! That wooden backdrop isn't doing the colour of the water any favours!! Happy noodle.
  7. Game on! Welcome to the forum, there's some kooky types, some arty types, some serious types and som seriously strange types. All types here really. And we like typing. That's helpful isn't it? About as helpful as that coffee I just had (I'm gunna pay for that) Whereabouts in this delightful state are you? wherever you are, you should click here: www.victoriabetta.com you don't have to, but it's not the worst thing you could do. What kinda betta have you got thusfar? - Ness
  8. Looks a million bucks! Makes such a difference when ou put time into planning a planted tank dunnit? (my sorority is looking like a true slap-dash-production)
  9. Desperate times. I just threw my mutt HM male into the spawn tank to spice things up for my hand/fin holding pair of dragons... MAN UP YOU FRILLY DAINTY MONGREL or muttpants is gunna steal yo' woman* (Dont try this at home folks)

    1. Neffy


      hahaha go muttpants GO!! you may not be the favourite but they never win the race anyway!!

    2. somchai2500


      Now now Nana Ness.. Try between 8-11 Dec. full moon and a rain due. :)

  10. Yep - if you're happy with form a first-cross back to mum is not a bad idea (:
  11. Wow - they just keep coming, I really like this last lil guy.
    1. kermadum
    2. shadoh


      I LOVED this album when it came out!!! ...oops - think my age is showing...lol

  12. it's 11:59, and I have just a moment to commend you on being such a great human! Happy Birthday HAI !
  13. Social Awareness Time - Scarlet Road: A Sex Worker's Journey 10:05pm SBS ONE Sneak peek: Impassioned about freedom of sexual expression, Australian sex worker Rachel Wotton works with many clients who have disabilities.... http://www.scarletroad.com.au/sexual-healing-smh/

    1. sha


      I watched this and must say it was very informative and well presented. I had never truly considered the sexual needs of people with disabilities.

    2. melbournebetta


      After the doco: I'm still astounded by this woman, what an amazing story!

  14. you know, they SAY these betta splendens aren't social fish, but I have to say that of the 5 bloody pairs I have lined up AND placed in tanks, they are mostly more than happy to swim around holding hands. Two males, yeah okay, that won't work, but I'm re-arranging my bloody fish room to accomodate double beds in every barracks. Multiple Epic Spawn FAIL.

    1. somchai2500


      Ouch:( best laid plans eh?

  15. Hi Steve, There's been a bit of Giant discussion of late, I'm trying my first XL spawn myself, so we'll be happy to hear any insider info you mignt have - and share our understanding too! -Ness
  16. Hey Matsya Raksita, Welcome to the forum - lots of wild keepers amongst us! x Ness
  17. oh my god love it... what a great start, it'll look a million bucks once the plants grow out a bit and it fills up a bit... I love that wood - is it real???
  18. Let me just suggest that y'all go to your LFS and get an approved silicone - there's plenty out there with scary antibacterial crazy junk that will kill yo phish.... infact there's a thread on here somewhere with tanksafe silicones (I bought mine from coburg) Joan - none of my spawns have been over 40, and the failed spawn I had growing out (the stunted ones you grew out beautifully) were only 80 in number. I have a happy number of 20-40 per section of that tank, and keep in mind it's all for the first 2-3 months, then they're jarred usually! Just scored a 2.5 footer with a nice heto light on ebay for $30, that might be the next grow out, so there's going to be 9 juvi fish in this one till the turqs grow up enough!!! x
  19. are you being funny Joan? daily WC not enough? I think you're being funny I could put a sponge in, yes?
  20. Right... next (forget the steps because I can't keep up and I doubt you're writing this down) This bit is a bit harder, I didn't measure or nothin, cos thats not what slap dashers do..... I wanted to make 2 partitions so that I could have 3 spawns growing out, and I only have to do one big water change daily. With my crappy not very sticky blue LAZER tape, I masked the edges, and then used gaffa to keep the screen up. it's not really straight, but I'm SO excited about getting out the silicone gun I don't care. THASWHATIMTALKING'BOUT: (Happiness is a loaded gun) Note, this is where you pause, enjoy the gun moment, think about how lovely and viscose silicone is, have a quiet fantasy about all the things you could fix and DO with this gunk... and then pull the trigger. ...nothing scoop it out, still..... nothing.... whats..... going on? oh - it's dried all through the nozzle, and despite the excited-ness, you're going to have to spend the next 20 mins building up the anxiety of the JOY of silicone just because... ugh.. ok [20 mins later and quite a bit more mess accrued = clear nozzel] TIME TO SILLY-CONE! Note iphone is playing Dolly Parton, you are working 9 to 5 on this thing, and because that sunroom isn't really ventilated you're probably off your face on fumes. Go outside, breathe, come back, remove LAZER tape.... admire dodgy job, don't care. (slap dash) - let it cure. Think about lighting and all the other considerations such as filtration and heat... oh.. dunno. Actually I don't even have a heater for this bad-boy.... ugh... more monies to spend... and I'll probably get a little internal aquaone filter - just for kicks... but this'll be getting daily or every second daily water changes of anywhere from 10 - 50% hmm.... Off to bunnings to see what's there: is this any good? I bought two: http://www.arlec.com.au/viewProduct.aspx?productcode=UC643&catalogueID=13&parentCatalogueID=5 Cost like $36 or somethin. UC643 FLUORESCENT CAB LIGHT-21W SWIVEL HEAD Product code: UC643 ( Current Product ) Anyhoo - gotta make a hood cos it's 90 cms and the tank is 91 - mmmmm wet electricals = bad. The tank has cured for 24 hours..... its got a good grip of the poster hangers, and has dried where I have inch thick beads in the corders so naughty fry can't play with cousins. Hmmm... silicone still looks dodge, ELECTRICAL TAPE! Finished for now, till I get my act together and get down to Subscape for a filter and a heater.... oh, and until the turquouse kids are old enough not to fit through the screens!
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