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Status Updates posted by melbournebetta

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. zhong89


      I was going to say it's kinda rated MA...

    3. girlz0r


      HAHAHHAAHA i think my eye's just fell out.

    4. melbournebetta


      too funny. cant help it... is there even an M rating on this contraption.....? better post something else to soothe the pains

  1. i saw sanchez kissing the dragon lady maniac this morning, soon as i peeked into the tank they both disappeared. ooooOOoOoooo Sanchez and Madam, sitting in a tree.. k . i . ... .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. les


      good luck Ness. now let the courting begin

    3. melbournebetta


      he's only killed 3 females... trust Adam's maniac red dragon to retain not just all of her finnage, but her dignity too.

    4. les


      this may just setle him enough so he dosnt kill any females in future My DT killed two girls but now has mated twice with no kills

  2. Full moon tonight - fins crossed for some fin-crossing.

  3. what's on my mind? the F2 salamander ARMY, I keep going back to the tank, and there is still a carpet of fry on the bottom of the tank.

    1. Nicola


      Salamander Minions?

  4. aquascape shmaquascape - i just discovered paladarium.

    1. shadoh


      Aren't they AMAZING??? There used to be a shop here in Brissie with some beautiful displays, but after they sold, the new owners replaced the 4 display paladarium(s) with cichlid tanks...grr

    2. Nicola


      I see what you mean O.O http://www.plantedtank.net/articles/Paludarium-Construction-Photo-Journal/28/

    3. Sarah


      I know, I love these!!!

    1. Sarah


      Haha.... I want a fish that looks like me now!

    2. les


      LOL a bit like that what fish am I thred

    3. SiameseFightingFist


      hah I had no idea what it was all about, other than a display of abstract-ish art.

  5. Desperate times. I just threw my mutt HM male into the spawn tank to spice things up for my hand/fin holding pair of dragons... MAN UP YOU FRILLY DAINTY MONGREL or muttpants is gunna steal yo' woman* (Dont try this at home folks)

    1. Neffy


      hahaha go muttpants GO!! you may not be the favourite but they never win the race anyway!!

    2. somchai2500


      Now now Nana Ness.. Try between 8-11 Dec. full moon and a rain due. :)

    1. kermadum
    2. shadoh


      I LOVED this album when it came out!!! ...oops - think my age is showing...lol

  6. Social Awareness Time - Scarlet Road: A Sex Worker's Journey 10:05pm SBS ONE Sneak peek: Impassioned about freedom of sexual expression, Australian sex worker Rachel Wotton works with many clients who have disabilities.... http://www.scarletroad.com.au/sexual-healing-smh/

    1. sha


      I watched this and must say it was very informative and well presented. I had never truly considered the sexual needs of people with disabilities.

    2. melbournebetta


      After the doco: I'm still astounded by this woman, what an amazing story!

  7. you know, they SAY these betta splendens aren't social fish, but I have to say that of the 5 bloody pairs I have lined up AND placed in tanks, they are mostly more than happy to swim around holding hands. Two males, yeah okay, that won't work, but I'm re-arranging my bloody fish room to accomodate double beds in every barracks. Multiple Epic Spawn FAIL.

    1. somchai2500


      Ouch:( best laid plans eh?

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDvHO5ZSGo8&feature=related This is me. This is how i am dancing. This is what I am doing. It would be, it would be SO nice! Tasmania heres I comes.
    1. Neffy


      Have a great adventure!!

    2. forever_and_a_day


      this needs a like button. have fun in Tassie!

    3. paul


      If we took a holiday...

      Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!

  9. http://www.victoriabetta.com/show-points-standings.html ....FAME AND FORTUNE WILL BE MIIIIINNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Soak it up, Ness!

      While only one point - that one point puts you in the lead. :)

      Remember, nobody likes a bad sport.. Ness? Bad Sport? Never.

      Grats. :)

    3. somchai2500
    4. mumofthehoarde
  10. Spawn tank is empty........ until I return from Tassie... then I shall have three spawn tanks.

  11. SadNess is a beautiful Giant Marble Copper Dragon Female... who just dropped her bundle in the chimney after 2 weeks of courtship in the spawn tank.... boo hiss.

  12. SadNess is a beautiful Giant Marble Copper Dragon Female... who just dropped her bundle in the chimney after 2 weeks of courtship in the spawn tank.... boo hiss.

    1. mumofthehoarde
    2. les


      It shouldent take to long for her to fill

    3. Neffy


      aww thats a shame :(

  13. Okay, can i get excited about the ASV meet THIS FRIDAY... is it actually on, or am I going to end up with 30 bagged fish, trading table goodies, donations and a bit stupid grin - only to hear it's next month or something?

    1. Sarah


      Naw, poor Ness!

      Have fun this Friday (saying it helps yea?)!

      Make sure to take lotsa piccies for us outer-staters. :)

  14. Could it be, that I was perhaps, a little bit too excited about the next ASV meet, that I printed out cards, did a stock take, bagged and tagged fish, even worked out a cool heating system for sale fish............. only to realize it's on in 2 weeks, not tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zhong89


      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... well it's better to be early than late right?

    3. Sarah


      Haha, always best to be prepared!

      At least you didn't turn up!


    4. melbournebetta


      I didn't... but Melb Bill nearly did - he was "on his way" hahahahah I confused Everyone with my enthusiasm!

      Oops - Peaked too soon

  15. Internal Filter suggestions for 60 lt tank? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

    1. Yanagi


      My suggestion would be a HOB filter, lol

    2. Nicola


      Aquaone has some good ones, that do come with a spray bar. they also have a sponge inside them for then nitryfying bacteria to be held if you don't have gravel :)

  16. back on the horse, the spawn tank is playing host to two shiny little fish that've been courting for 2 weeks, and are now civil enough to be left together... technically 'going steady'

    1. luv_my_fish


      woohoo! i set my spwan tank up again to try a new pair...i hope we both have better luck this time around =)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicola


      heehee, they always come up with odd or interesting videos.

    3. Bettarazzi


      You have too much time on your hands and clearly need a much bigger fish room!

    4. melbournebetta


      Hahahah Razzi, don't worry, it's about to expand more than I can probably handle!

      EEEK Thai imports on their way.


  17. Just did the waterchanges and over-haul... somehow my spawn tank has found it's self set up again... however did that happen?

    1. Nicola
    2. Bettarazzi


      The Christmas faeries had nothing better to do.

    3. kertaz



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