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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Hey there, I quite like the africans - I have a secret fantasy about a monster frontosa 8 foot. .....but that's not before the 12 foot marine wall I build into my new fantasy home... what?? Justin Beiber taught us to never say never.
  2. Slowly getting around to editing all the video I took during the Aquarama visit in May this year - if you're going to Singapore, Kelson Betta is a MUST to visit. Unless you hate fish, then - don't go. I'm putting together another vid of his SUPER RARE fish - but here are the lovely fighters he has collected from travelling all around asia and hand-selecting fish from breeders (Indonesia / Thailand / Singapore / China & more)
  3. CANT FIGHT GORGEOUS. Tank wins, now shut up and eat your frozen bloodworm.
  4. Razzo - a mere technicality (and my discus scape is looking a fright, so it HAD to DO) Are you scaping YOUR tanks for the competition??? HMMMMMM??
  5. Hello & welcome to the forum, sounds like a happy little community you have there. We're a glut for photos, so if you can hook up a photobucket account we'll love you forever. Cheers! -Ness
  6. Whatever works for entertainment value! I just secured a second judge and some MORE prizes - woohoo. What do y'all think? progress shots of tanks? or keep it top secret??
  7. Fame and for chooon to the choon of a $50 voucher which is rather useful for the likes of me - oh ! I've so many hungry mouths to feed... I'll probably just spend it on food! You may recognize this tank from such threads as: Aquascaping competition a little while ago - but at least you know it's mine, after the spawn log of that handsome gent, this is still one of my favorite photos. ANYHOO - hot tip - get a shmexy tank together and win bucks in Coburg Aquarium's Tank of the Month gig. http://www.coburgaquarium.com.au/article.php?id=85 How to be a winner for FREEEEEEEE (probs only really useful for Victorian peeps)
  8. Welcome to the party Adrian. Talk soon, Ness
  9. Thanks for that guys, I've solidified the classes so we can get started on planning our scapes - a bit of a different approach to last year's comp. (here goes) AusAquaScape Competition 2013 You know it's serious when she's using hyper colourrrrrr From June 5 - September 5 (6:00pm) you have time to put together your dream aquascape, to re-vamp your old scape or simply trim and shoot your amazing aquascape. This year's classes focus on size, style and suitability. These classes are open to Cold water / Tropical / Marine tank entries. Nano Tanks: Any tank under 10litres with any stock, including shrimp, betta, marine etc. Focus on aquascape design / plant growth / suitability of stock Betta Tanks: Any sized tank, show us your setup for Betta wilds or splendens - this could include a large tank divided, a single large tank for a spoilt betta, or a sorority tank for the girls (please exclude tanks that are barracks systems with no scape) Focus on aquascape design / plant growth Community Tanks: Any tank greater than 10 litres, list what fish you have in there, and show us how you keep your community happy! Focus on aquascape design / plant growth / suitability of stock / filtration & setup Novelty Tanks: Any size, any shape, any style - get lady GA GA on your scape, the more creative the better. Focus on imaginative design / fish saftey Iwagumi: Any size Iwagumi style aquascape, check this description of Iwagumi from Wikipedia: "Amano's compositions draw on Japanese gardening techniques that attempt to mimic natural landscapes by the asymmetrical arrangement of masses of relatively few species of plants, and carefully selected stones or driftwood. The objective is to evoke a landscape in miniature, rather than a colorful garden." HERE Are some excellent examples of Iwagumi style scapes Focus on design / Hard and Soft scape (rocks n plants) / plant growth / fish selection Biotope: Any size biotype / naturalistic style aquascape... Again another description from Wikipedia: "Biotope aquascapes are designed instead to replicate exactly a particular aquatic habitat at a particular geographic location, and not necessarily to provide a gardenlike display. Plants and fish need not be present at all, but if they are, they must match what would be found in nature in the habitat being represented, as must any gravel and hardscape" Essentially the most natural looking scape you can conjure, suitable for your fish. Focus on realism / Scaping choices / Fish selection FINE PRINT: September 5th is the last day you can submit entries (by 6pm) please forward these to melbournebetta@gmail.com Within this email I'll need you to fill out the following: Name: Forum username: Email: Tank category: (i.e. nano etc) Title of Aquascape: How many lt is this scape?: What fish are in this scape?: What plants are in this scape?: What filtration/maintenance comments do you have on this scape? Please note that the photos you send can't have your name on 'em, so no watermarks - I will put them up anonymously so people can vote. As an individual you can enter as many of your tanks as you like - however each tank must be DIFFERENT (for example enter one nano with your 9lt, enter your sorority into the betta class & your tetra tank into the community tank class) This time round I'll have a bit of a celebrity judge looking over the entries (to be confirmed) As well as ACTUAL prizes - that will be posted out, even interstate (taking various restrictions into account) The prizes will be announced closer to the end-date (but stay tuned for fishkeeping items such as plants, aquascape related tools, fish food etc, more on that as I shmooze my way around collecting prizes) And of course, there will be a winning banner for your signature so everyone KNOWS how amazeballs you is. Your time starts.................... now!
  10. So you think you can scape scape scape Think you can do better than the image above? Yeah? Well good luck with that! It's time again for the Ausaqua Aquascaping Competition, but we want to hear your feedback first. What sizes of tanks should we consider? Do you want a novelty section? Have you got any suggestions? What's a good lead-time so you can prepare your tanks? This time round it'll be a bit more involved - there will be multiple prizes for Australian entries (to be confirmed) and a pretty special judge (top secret, to be confirmed) EXXXXXXELLENT, time to get a peek into everyone's tanks for the annual AusAquascape COMP!
  11. White clouds are excellent bowl/small tank fish - keep the lid on as they are darty little dudes and might fly out the top. If you go down the Betta track, you'll need a heater - be warned, they are contagious and it's hard to have "just one" Shrimp are the other tropical option - don't put them together if you want the shrimp to breed, this is the joy of these little dudes.... they're pretty great. Start with Glass or Cherry shrimp and look into live plants (also you'll need a good light for growth) shrimp have virtually no bioload so you will only need to do very basic water changes. Best of luck.
  12. New Web Page I Has: FYI LOL ASL ETC (it's late) ...but I have a new website! http://www.victoriabetta.com/melbourne-betta.html

  13. You may want to try Subscape, they make custom barracks & tanks
  14. Hey BB, Honestly, I tore the tank down around 3 months later and gave fighters up for a moment or three after this - and unfortunately got rid of the blue dividers, but I will say that they were stable and quite useful. If you could work out some sort of re-inforcement so they were more structurally straight (like some rods or something through the middle so they stay straight and don't sag) it would have been a thousand times better. I loved the idea that the Blue bizzo actually cultivates good bacteria and constantly has flow through it... young fry may get caught? I only had 3 week old dudes in there that were ok. It's not pretty but it's VERY practical.
  15. Hi Karen, Welcome to the forum, we all nerd out about fish here - so you'll fit right in. Luckily you're north so you can maybe check out someone Lea's youtube channel fishchick65 if you're after the specialty Halfmoons, there is also a bustling queensland breeder scene. Share your pics with photobucket, we all love to peek into eachother's tanks. -Ness
  16. Going? Hell, I'm hosting the damn thing. Then the next day I'm getting in an air plane. Then I'm flying far far away into the foreign lands over the seas and... you get the idea. But only for a fortnight. Yes, I'll be there!
  17. You probably need to know about the.... SubscapeAquarium Re-launch Event... Tropicalfish specialist and Aquarium retailer, Subscape Aquarium, will be hosting there-launch of their family owned and operated retail store on Saturday the 16thof March. Boasting a reputation for their extensiveexperience and reliable advice, Subscape has one of Victoria’s largest range ofhealthy tropical and cold water fish, and is also renown for being an aquaticplants specialist. With an abundance ofbreathtaking aquascaped tanks on display, Subscape is heading in a new direction-onethat hopes to inspire. Along with thenew transformation in the store, Subscape aims to change the way consumers viewtheir local aquarium retailer- as not just a retailer but “A DESTINATION THATWILL INSPIRE! Subscape’sstrength in the aquarium industry is their ability to provide outstandingcustomer service with a focus on an enjoyable customer experience. This isensured, only by employing staff that are dedicated and experienced. JustinNguyen, the owner of Subscape Aquarium has accumulated over three decades experiencein fish keeping and has a wealth of knowledge to offer, is still thirsty tolearn more. Jordan Ngoh is part of a growing team at Subscape Aquarium and wasawarded third place in the 2011 AGA International Aquascaping contest, makinghim the highest ranked Australian in the competition. He also sports a marine biology background. The remaining staff, all have extensive experiencein other aspects of fish keeping ranging from breeding, aquatic plantpropagation and even judging at fish shows! Theevents “show-stopper” is Melbourne’s largest functional 3000 litre display tankwhich is to be unveiled at 3pm on the day. With a lot of hard work, long hours and an articulate eye for detail,Justin has created a beautiful and magnificent underwater garden, inspiring “Ajourney back to nature”. If it is inspiration or the wow factor that you were searchingfor, then you need not look any further,this tank represents both. It will bethe talk of the aquarium industry for quite some time. The eventwill run from12:00 to 6:00pm with a sausage sizzle and face painting between12-2pm. Educational talks, competitionsand prizes will be scattered throughout the day. A fun filled day for the entire family! Locatedin the heart of Victoria Street, Richmond. Subscape Aquarium is a destinationfor inspiration, education and a perfect place to introduce children to whatmay hopefully be their first pet! Win a 4 foot tank, with EVERYTHING included! https://www.facebook.com/events/576275975734847/ Shameless plug.
  18. (: Welcome to the forum - those Fluvals are great little tanks, keep that water level up high and you won't have any issues with the lights faltering (water splashing = bad) Totally know the feeling about laying-low with the fish for a little while - welcome back. -Ness
  19. HI WENDY. (it's 1am, what do you expect?) Lovely to see you on here, maybe hook up a photobucket account to satisfy my nosy nature? pictures! -Ness
  20. Pure skill - and my Cannon g9 This pair <f2> are now at my workplace breeding happily - sort of. I jam them full of live food regularly... and they're theoretically going to breed millions of great little fish. it's been 3 months. Anyway - keep ya posted. -Ness
  21. Hey Bill, Welcome to the forum - plenty of fishy and goggy people on here - where abouts are you in the garden state? -Ness
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