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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. No No You've got it all wrong, THEY FASHION FISHUN something anyway - so pretty, got a real camera on it.... forgive the state of the fish - that's the reason they're in here - this is a hospital tank. Below is lacey looking average but working the camera: This is buffy - from Neffy - extreme closeup - he's a piggy and is at the bottom of the pecking horder This is the really big one. As yet unnamed, goes by "the big one" Shyest, meanest. Shot with flash:
  2. YOU'RE ALL MAD (however I had toyed with a moss scape) YES! the next incarnation of this tank (when I rebuild the sorority and angel tank) I will make me a moss wall - dark green background is better than black on black) However, I'm totally melbourne just right now with a black angel black background blaquascape. You realize that the positive reinforcement for stupid DIY projects is only incentive for me to take more crappy iPhone photos and harass y'all with DIY projects. Not informative, forget that - I'm all about the entertains.
  3. Smartest thing I ever did - putting a BLACK BACKGROUND in a tank designed for BLACK ANGEL FISH Where are they? dunno... can't see 'em Nice tank Thanks. Can't see fish = FAIL Eh - next angel tank I do will have a white background and an un twistable stomach! ...i'm back on the coffee. I shouldn't be back on the coffee.
  4. Yan - UM HELLO - YES. E-Scapizm So - while the paint was mostly dry and totally stinky, I dragged the tank inside and got the hair dryer on it TOTALLY STINKS and I'm probably high right now - don't care. (Am i talking in point form? I think I'm talking in point form) ANYWAY Found a spot for it - popped the heater and filter in, scaped a bit over it (will have to keep an eye on the PH as this is a few sticks from the teatree experiment) Java - Rocks, conditioned water with Carbonate hardness powder - dechlorinator - amrite down - cycle - salt - conditioned filter - oh god - point form - rushing - cant think of what else I put in - water. um. I'll let all that bizzo settle and plop the sickly angel fish in - they've been bashing eachother and one has a bit of ..something... so they've all been in a multicure bath. STYLE WILL HEAL THEM. Good interior design. That's why people in hospitals are sick - cos hospitals are UGLY uh huh.
  5. Okay - it's bucketing down here so I've postponed my woody project. Decided to paint the sort of bits of the side too - so I can hide heater and filtration (little aqua one sponge number) So I masked them as roughly as possible without measuring or nothin. Anyhoo...took it outside so the occupational health and safties officer could oversee the developments He didn't really care, because there was thunder, and the pommeranian across the road was barking its bits off - so while he wasn't looking I sprayed the back of the tank without a MASK ! ( do not recommend) However DO recommend putting something down to spray on to so concrete dosen't get painty and landlord dosen't evict. The trick with spray paint (boys and girls) is lots of small layers, not big thickness and gloggy painting... this will result in drippage. I've used an enamel paint as it's quite a bit more sturdy than water based paints, and if I want to get it off, I will have to basically strip the tank and start again - and I like doing things the hard way. First layer - with appropriately happy and affirmative reflection. bad photo, deal with it. Now the thunder is cracking and the dog's going bananas, its probably getting wet, and with all the moisture in the air won't be drying any time soon. Awesome slap dash factor = 100 I shall let this paint cure and keep you posted with updates. I still don't know where to put this tank. Whocares!
  6. Im bored, I have a million deadlines and today, I'm working from home. So! What's something fishy I can get up to, to continue my quest in perfecting procrastination? Oh those poor little angels cooped up in a corner of my grow-out... I'm sure they'd love a tank of their ceru own, while I work out what the hell to do with them (they live in my sorority but I've pulled that tank down and medicated the ladies.) I know! I've got sticks and plants! Angelaquascaaaaaaaape! Tru? Got an old spawn tank, it's about 60x25x30 And I have a light that's way too big, that'll look lovely over the top, won't it (brought to you by slap dash designs) K, masking tape, gl Ehhem iPhone, anyway as I was saying... Tape, gloss black enamel spray and a rainy day (last element not nescissary) Ok,,, more pics to upload but I gotta go get done wood for an in related DIY project, more obvious photos coming....
  7. My god Matt you do love to tempt fate... Honestly if I was your mother - you could have a bloody miniature pony in your bedroom for all I cared, but I'd be getting the thong out on little 8 leg there. I was just thinking about this thread while I was in the work bathroom and took my shoe off to kill a white tail. THEN I GOT ALL SAD AND WISHED I HADNT KILLED IT Thought of Matt - got the guilts. Then put the shoe back on and forgot about it. Bloody white tails.
  8. Welcome to the fold. We'll ensure you're initiation is as painless as possible.
  9. SPIDERS! MATT!???? Are they hurty ones when they bite? Can you train them to do tricks? SPIDERS? .....they're actually quite beautiful, but me like my arachnoids outside - unless they are dandy. (like a sir)
  10. Thanks les - didn't even think of the smell - it's pretty often refilled (bless melbourne) so I should be right. In-depth-photo essay of me putting twigs in a tub coming.
  11. While I've spent the last 72 hours recovering - the wood has't yet made it into the bath. I am a driftwood failure. I did however move 300+ liters of fish and shelving so as to re-arrange my room (epic) Bus- that cracked me up.... i feel like i did all of those things just on the sudafed, thank GOD i'm over that flu/delirium/plague I felt just like... david after the dentist. ANYHOO - Les - is that teatree? and if so how long have you had it in tank - and did you think it plunged pH ? I think I'm actually afraid of the angry ladies I live with - I'm just going to plonk my wood in the 44 gallon drum and leave it out there - gets plenty of water changes with melbourne's moody showers.
  12. looking good! Was this a custom barracks or... ? (I feel like you've had a thread about this barracks and I've seen it - am I Alzheimers? )
  13. sweetheart - this is all BEFORE I go out! MAAAATE I'm going to have SO MUCH GREAT STUFF to tell my friends about the day. hate working weekends. making driftwood tea is the highlight.
  14. I love that I can reduce an educational thread about driftwood down to the size of a singular spanked bottom. Thankyou so much to all my fans for picking up what i'm putting down... I have been a lazy human, but the troublesome housemates are away this weekend, so guess who's going to be making tannin stains in the pink 50's bath TONIGHT! Woo - big plans people. BIG plans. x
  15. Lovely Ash, I love this shot: it's very ring-around-the-rosie..
  16. Cut from the same cloth methinks you'se ar. Nice to meat you Deb, easiest way is to get a photobucket account - then use the direct link url to paste into the forum. There's a few other ways of getting your pics uploaded elsewhere, but they're a pain in the proverbial. Exciting news about your CT spawn - and I assume clucking over bubs means you've left him in there? That's great - there's a few people that've had great success with that method. We're gluts for pics - so, get busy.... well, between feeding the menagerie - you might identify with George Orwell's Animal Farm. Opposing thumbs, that's all that separates us.
  17. Renting is a pain, I remember years ago mentioning to an agent (when asked if I had pets) that I had "6 very obedient (His face dropped and went grey) ...goldfish" Needless to say the concerns over water damage, and the damage that might be caused by my vicious pets (what the?) was cited when i was rejected for application. I now work with realestate agents daily, and I can confirm that none of them posses any quantity of humor. Good luck.... and LIE. it's the only way. x
  18. Merri - i love you - can we get married? hosses, togtaphy, betta. Fish pants is a spunk - nice choice, there's a few people around with Salamanders in Melbourne - ask Somchai2500 if he's got any ladies left. I'll have some - but not for another 3-4 moths. - Ness
  19. operating now at 65% capacity, have since reigned in the delirium and crack usage. i do love bottoms. Experiment continues tonight when I ask the kids if I can make tea tree tea soup in our bath (any housemate objections will be taken outside and spanked) photos will obviously ensue. Keep us posted with how you go Adam!
  20. oh my god. bloody hell. YES this is amazing. like crack. amazing crack. bottoms. yes. yes. straight wood. huh?
  21. Hey Jess, I'm Ness - nice to meetcha. Sounds like you have a rather solid setup - I have a 2215 and completely love the eheim filtration - I do regular 20% fortnightly water changes - but I doubt the tank needs it (100lt too) Get yourself a photobucket account so you can share photos (theres even an iPhone app for it) we're gluts for images. Plenty of clever peeps on here to help - best of luck with the bub and the tank! -Ness
  22. Oh this is great we can pool our collective knowledges and pluralize the knowledges so we can know moar and moar. Please note: I have more codiene and pseudoephedrine in my system than I probably require, however the black plague flu that has struck me down hasn't altered a bit - but my ability to string sensible sentences together has been severely compromised. STICKS! YeS~! I has them. Sitting on my front porch until I sieze an oppertune opportunity - i.e. when the housemates aren't home - to have a soaking session in the bath (sticks, not me) I'm going to pour boiling water over 'em and give the buggers a scrub, then leave overnight to cool (the hot water opens fibers to release tannins - thus the accelerated tea staining blaa blaa) I'll let them cool down over night and drain - then pop into the tubs outside. but frogs. after matt's posts about his bloody frogs, now I want some. stupid victoria and it's not having frogs in suburbia. i want frogs. stick plans on Thursday.... photo essay and health ensuing.
  23. I'd suggest it's something to do with moisture, never had it before....
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