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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. See? He's razzed but has a nice white background.... however murphy's law says he'll flare the best in front of the mirror - where you haven't done your hair and aren't ready to be photographed this early in the.... afternoon. (hey, it's my day off) thu End.
  2. SlapDashProductions TM Presents D.I.Y Photo Tanks for Betta and whattevva. Step one - Locate crappy 8 litre tank from Big W - approx. $30 ea When I first got into betta I had 8 of these lined up with sponge filters in each - and heated with a thermal mat used for reptile tanks - while it was okay, the temp's fluctuated from 24-30 and water stability was too hard with weekly water changes. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle d00dz Step 2. Remove ugly lid - or keep it if your fish are of the jumping variety. Step 3. Find a good sized mirror, preferably only thin to cover 1/4 or 1/3 of the overall length of the tank Step 4. (I feel like new kids on the block) Adhere it all... I used masking tape cos I couldn't find anything else, oh - and I cleaned the tank and mirror (duh) ooOOooooOOooh Step 5. FILL WITH WATER AND DONT GET THE PAPER WET - oh yeah, put paper BEHIND the mirror - the reason for this lovely flat background will become apparent in a momento (trus me) The idea is that the fish will "pace" up and down the tank, flaring as it passes it's self and when he's in the position you want - SHOOT HIM ! Alternatives to the design are remove the mirror and use another fish in a beanie box or sommink. WHATS AMAZING ABOUT THIS POST is that I only need one of these tanks - THERES MORE! (but wait) I've got about 6 of these tanks to GIVE AWAY thats right GIVE AWAY. I'll be bringing a selection of them to the ASV meet on the 29th - expressions of interest will help me work out how many to bring. Oh - and they're designed to be used outside with el naturalo lighting for true colour kapture. Results of the phototank as follows:
  3. Nice to have you Doctor, This forum is a pretty friendly joint, and would very much enjoy adding more juice to the collective brains trust! There's plenty of questions in the Clinic, so your opinion would be most welcome. I feel like I need to curtsey, I've got my polite on. I do that when I think people have academic certificates framed in their offices...... I have a picture framed that I tore out of a book in my office. But my office is my studio is my fish room is my bedroom is 4x3 meters. Why are we talking about interior design at this hour? goodnight Doctor.
  4. Two pairs in addition to the Melbourne Betta Line Up: (the numbers here are getting a bit out of control!) Giant Dragon Marble (non Red) HMPK (Symmetrical?) Mustard Dragon HM
  5. Hi Kiara, I assume this was the pair you mentioned in the other purple genetics thread? They're really lovely & you'll end up with nice coloured fry, just not sure about purple (google purple betta - you'll see it's an urban myth!) ....thusfar. In terms of letting him decide on his partner, I appreciate the "natural selection approach" but have a good think about what you want out of the fry once they grow up - what sort of fish do you want to breed? Give a moment to think about how you'll sell them or deal with them once they get bigger - Maybe look into that happens when you cross different tail types - and if the results are what you want to have a play with - go for it, but see if those mixed types are desirable for other buyers - it's not likely that you'll want to keep 20-100 betta yourself! Certainly not trying to frighten you out of breeding them (I'd be interested in buying some HM Dragons!) and there's lots of interest in Betta in Perth, most of my sales go out in that direction! Just good for you to know the difference between HMxHM or HMxCT Welcome to the forum, I hope you find it helpful! Cheers, Ness
  6. could you finish wrapping properly so I can go to sleeps now ? kthnxbai

    1. lildeb


      If it's worth doing, it's worth doing properly Ma!

    2. paul


      Hmmm, you wouldn't be the first to lose sleep over a romantic interlude! Problem is you were just watching...weird much?

    3. paul


      BTW... which pair is it that you're all pervert with? You haven;t hinted in any of your posts!

  7. bare bottom bits will never cease being amusing for me, however I can't tell you how much I love my bare bottom ..tanks (ah, so funny) They really are so easy to siphon up gunk (especially if you have an apple snail on cleaning duty) and fry are pretty quick to learn to avoid the siphon airline chipstick. Very hadsome tank, I like the idea of the bonsai pot for the crypt, I tend to hide my pot bases with hardscape so they just blend in. Nice one bruv.
  8. Technically Salamander Butterfly: (so you wouldn't call it lace, it's the marble/butterfly gene that creates this - which is what the salamander at the top of this thread has) However the butterfly pattern is most desirable when it shows 50% 50% colouring like this: It's a bit confusing to say "lace" as it is a bit of a colloquial term for slightly transparent blacks: I.e. the ones that aren't opaque melano black black.... or black lace can refer to the transparent black trim such as the fush below, but you'd call it red/black lace butterfly: These are just based on what Aquabid users term their fish colouring as - the above might be called black lace fire.. they love saying red is fire. I'm just pointing out unoffical terms, and the causes of their colouring... ain't no genetics class... Yes, isn't that a slightly off topic miniature pretend education? hmm yessss... x
  9. Great stock to start with Pixie - and someone's fish often have a bit of Thai magical luck in the spawn tank. Be sure to prepare them as best you can - give 'em a good feed for a week or two and ensure they're conditioned (that way they wont get rot and stuff when they've spawned and their immune systems are down) Very exciting, I think you'll get a mix of Red and Non Red Salmanders - got some marble genes & butterfly so you'll get a mix. Very exciting! x Ness
  10. I really like the idea of that first NRed pair His anal fin isn't too blown out - and I really like the the shape of the front of it too.. She might help even out the shape and branching in the caudal In fact I think you'd get several fry with good even results in the overall shape of finnage (that'd be my priority with the kids) But everything else about them form wise is there - great body shapes. With the Platinum - isn't that technically dragon (I hit my wall here with colour knowledge) so wouldn't you then get coper marble with Non Red bits? That sounds a little bit like a good idea.... Anyway - notebook is a good idea, I literally have mine all written down in a note book. -Ness
  11. Nah, BBS are easy as pie. it's only because I'm flexing the BBS muscle at the moment that I am the bbs whisperer one of them rectangle take away containers, 2cm of water hot or cold whatever, out of the tap. Add 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 or a bit less of bi carb - it's not rocket surgery then add eggs, you know, enough - maybe a teaspoon, halfateaspoon full Shove under aquarium light, float it in a tank, but have it as near as possible to the light you have shallow water = aeration you have light = happiness you have heat = form light 2 days mate you'll have pink little sea monkeyyyyyyyy
  12. Hey Zac, Welcome to the party, they're pretty addictive little fish I must admit. We'd love to see some photos, but to show them on here, you have to have them hosted elsewhere - photo bucket is the easiest to use as you just click on the direct link to make pics appear in threads: Hope you find the forum handy. x Ness
  13. The Rocket/Cherry/Red Target/whatever crowntails are... were a mistake... sort of an acting out - kind of, beautiful mistake. You know the kind that you are really glad you made? I swore I'd only get a pair of CT that I thought were exceptional, and once they arrived I realized I'd totally fluked exactly what I wanted. This is a whim, let's be clear, I'm even clearing out my plakats to make room for more HM breeding stock.... but their form is just. oh. and then I put them in the spawn tank, and now they are plakat CT's... and not in a good way... so all I have is pixellated images and a video. Failure... can't even show 'em.... BOO. Better spawn 'em eh? x
  14. gots no good pic of this pair & was too keen to throw them in together, now they don't look dis shiny:
  15. Sorry these aren't new photos for anyone, but I'm using this thread to record pics of all my breeding stock (line up-update) Salamander F2 Sire (pictured right) these are 2 sibling males I've kept Salamander F2 Female "two" Video of the boys: http://s1138.photobu...nt=MVI_3495.mp4 Super Blue Bettarazzi Royal Blue (until proven otherwise) Female: No good shots of this guy (and he got pretty beaten up in the spawn tank- Razzi's girls are FIERCE) Bred by Kertaz: http://s1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/nessbay/?action=view¤t=MVI_3495.mp4 x
  16. I love Killis - keep us posted with how spawns go Ash, I'd consider a trio (oh dear, I AM diversifying) Beautiful fish you gots there.
  17. YOU LOOK SO HAPPY Did you make a mixed tape (what's that these days? a playlist?) for a special someone Matt?
  18. Sounds good, and I'd totally be up for a similar arrangement at Vic Betta - we just need the surplus spawns. I guess there's always that variable of the "slow growers" too which will be good if people have more than one fish - I look at my kids growing out and see some are quite big - and some still half the size!! Same water conditions and feeding. Ah the eternal conundrum... Anyway - Lab coats on ppl....
  19. Yeah I guess I'd be interested (maybe it's better to hear about all that stuff at the end? participants might want to keep their secrets secret just while the comp is goin') But I guess with all the food and water changes and stuff... its a bit of a science experiment as well as a bit of fun! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I LOVE FOTOS!
  20. Meh, Sarah got cited and thanked - anyone following the thread saw that in the conversation. Oh, I realize now this is about which club started the idea... meh... let me retract my retraction and regret sticking my head in. politics make my face ache. I'm just emo that it's only happening up north (not that I'm having any bloody luck growing out my kids) but it's a great idea.... It'll be interesting to see how the fish develop differently and compare the keeping methods - we might learn a thing or two. Can't wait to see the flood of pics (I'm a glut) as they pour in, will there be progressive shots do ya think? or is that givin' the game away? x
  21. Polygraph. Joan always goes straight to the fine print (and the trading table)
  22. That's beaudiful, the most exciting thing that blooms in my tanks is algae.
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