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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. Yeah I've heard the same about the black sand and pebbles - effectively they're just painted finishes, so they're pretty toxic to begin with - I'm sure Yan might have some handy advice on that stuff. I'm a bare bottom girl, so can't help you with substrate. x
  2. Yeah I've heard the same about the black sand and pebbles - effectively they're just painted finishes, so they're pretty toxic to begin with - I'm sure Yan might have some handy advice on that stuff. I'm a bare bottom girl, so can't help you with substrate. x
  3. Innnnnnnnteresting - I'd love to see how your aquarium shots translate - we've got some talented photographers on this forum... and then there's the rest of us!! (: Can't wait till your tank is up...
  4. Welcome, sounds like you're in good hands. As far as lighting goes, I bought some brilliant fluro T5 "under bench lighting" from bunnings - they're around 80 cms long, one fluro, have a switch and housing - and my plants never looked greener. (get to know me, and you'll realize I'm an expert at killing plants) these were cheap and have just about turned me into a plant expert. Sailfin mollies are pretty amazing to watch, the rest - well I don't really know much about, unless they're betta splenden, or betta splenden. Have you considered a betta female sorority? Pretty colourful, hardy and smart... you could even look at some angels in with them. Looking forward to photos! go get a photobucket account and share the love. -Ness
  5. My god, that's so bad I can't tell if it's a good bad flash mob dance, or a bad good take on a bad small town mob dance or a .............creepy mall verison of a bad downtown mob flashing their dance parts it's so Napoleon Dynamite I can't ....think... straight. you win
  6. praise. what do i get for flooding the phorum with photos of boring things like - look! my fish has SCALES and nice EYEBALLS.... praise baby. that's all yo' gettin' from me. NOW, PHOTOS !
  7. and photos will take place NOW! SURPRISE!!! it's a photo and video competition!! pls?
  8. Shut up, I'm not finished trying to de-rail this thread out of jealousy
  10. i still cant make it work so now the clock on Aus Aqua is the same as the clock in my car & both refuse to be changed. can't fight time, or progress.
  11. if you learn to roll, Yan might come over and do water changes allllll daaaaaayyyyyyy Looks good sarah, I love your version of messy - you should see mine! x
  12. Without starting a new thread - has anyone got good links to beanie box sellers, or know of anyone selling up to 40+ boxes? Chanks -Ness
  13. Hey Riley, I've had several spawns grow out - and have noticed the growth rate is very un-even, so it's most likely that.... unless you have Giant in your genetics somewhere, I think it's unlikely. Think about them all in a small body of water in the wild (100 litres in a little pond - etc) with 100+ fry.... the older siblings will get first dibs on food, and at some point, will turn on the little ones that are weakening and slow as they can't get food. The idea of 100 fish growing at the same rate means that they would all equally get access to food and resources.... wouldn't work I guess I subscribe to the survival of the fittest, and thats the basis of my reasoning, only backed up by my limited experience! An issue divides the masses (I've watched 50+ aquarium industry professionals split on this) is the growth inhibiting hormone. Personally I reckon the bigger fish (the alphas) are less affected by this hormone that all fry are theorized to produce, and they the big uns. Worth looking into. Cheers, Ness
  14. We'll get you there one day! I hate small tanks too, infact I hate my small bedroom, so I don't impose those on my fish (unlike the gross betta tanks you see available at pet stores - how do they heat those?)
  15. Hey Khuli, Welcome to the forum, yeah it's a bit rough you lost so many fish - I guess that's the steep learning curve that we all come across when we start out with new fish! We're glutons for photos, so sign up to photobucket and get shooting!! Maybe we can one day coax you into the betta world? Muahahahhaha...... mmm.. betta. Anyway - welcome! -Ness
  16. Sarah, Little bonger has come a long way - he looked a bit sorry for himself, but he's flaring and looks like his few wiggly rays have straightened out. Has he been through all his 12 steps?
  17. so who's email is weaselrat@hotmail.com

    i'm confuse...

  18. black angelfish you say. breeding, you say. OH YES. (welcome)
  19. hi, sorry i thought that was just an edit - needed to sort out the ugly link. anyhoo. the little bastard is in the spawn tank. yep. that is all.
    1. girlz0r


      The power of reddit. Arcade by arcade...

    2. Neffy


      I read the other day he has raised 190k for his college fund from the movie and arcade sales :D

  20. Wild nut has the most magnificent orange dalmatian VT, he's one of the few fish I've seen that I would cross over into to VT country to develop. She mentioned that his spots developed and spotted much more over time - this dude might too? Thanks Jarrod - that helps. (MT) I couldn't make my cache worrrrkkkkkk - we empty it a bit at work. x
  21. Okay so we've got this Orangey reddish orange lovely pants man. Can someone explain how the genetics of Red and Non Red, along with Red LOSS (which is CRAAAAAAZY) works with a fish this colour? I'm assuming the betty splendens site is down (which is my go-to resource for colour genetics) what's the go - yo? Is orange basically a yellow underneath a sort of transparent sort of red? love it. want it.
  22. Well you know me, I'm really not one to infer crassNESS.
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