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Posts posted by melbournebetta

  1. someone's magic hands?

    The fish just having had a near-death experience? (shipping)

    The change of water conditions?

    Their age?


    The fact that they're in their peak physical condition when they leave their native environment... and after they arrive it's all down hill?

    I'd be surprised if anyone could actually answer this question.

  2. While I can't speak about the wilds - someone else please shed some light - I've not dealt with them before... I think this should be alright.

    The biggest thing is visual barriers in a sorority (As mentioned) things like wide-leafed silk plants, or live plants if you have good light, are really handy.

    You might want to consider stocking the tank with some other fish to spread-out the tension?

    I've had good luck with docile small angelfish, I'm sure the others can suggest calm tankmates that might be suitable.

    Personally I like bordering on overstocking, filling the tank with plants to the brim, and putting a huge external cannister filter on it so I know the water is good.

    What are your thoughts on barriers and filtration?

  3. I got all excited that there were new fish for me! (No nessy, new fish IN Melbourne) ....damn my egocentric breedername.

    Riff, this is a great way for Adrian to promote the fish he's got, tell him he needs you in the shop to spread the word of what's out there - there are few places to buy this kind of quality fish!

    PS the hot tip with posting photos is you can post up to 5 shots, then everything else turns into links - if you wait 10 mins, or someone says something in the meantime, then you can post again (its a spam measure)

    Jarrod, I assume you realize these ones come through someone? Great to see some really unusual colours coming to melbourne, I am excited - hopefully Adrian tells people about this forum so we can all watch them grow (and BREED)

    I think i'm a bit razzed cos it means that there's enough people buying quality fish out there, I wonder what they're doing with them?

    Anyway - I should mention to Steph and Lilly that there are some interesting colours here for those girls - it seems the yellows are back in popularity which is great to see.

    That orange boy is pretty special - I wonder with those black flecks, if he's got marble, or if it's just that effect people talk about with Reds and Non Reds, the black outlining to some scales?

    Great post!

  4. Clara and Magenta have a bit of fin tear, but nothing I would worry about, if the water is in good condition and they're getting fed well (as I'm sure they are, you'll be fine)

    Daphne, is both mustard gas (yellow with black edges) and dragon scaled, it's always a bit hard to tell if a female is "halfmoon" or not, as there is an argument that they don't "flare" regularly like the males - unless they are carded and are displaying regularly, I believe most females are super delta anyway, they are rarely true halfmoon.... as with the males.

    Daphne is displaying well here however - her ventrals are straight, her anal fin is stretched (and a great shape) but she seems to branch out with her rays to only split to 4.

    From what I understand, the Delta tail is up to 130 degrees, the Super delta is up to 170 and the Halfmoon is 180 degees spread (Over halfmoon is 180+)

    If you were going to breed with her, I'd look at putting her to a double tail to improve that dorsal, and the spread in her tail.

    Form-wise she's nice, but I would be looking at using any one of the other 3 females first in a breeding program.


  5. Everyone have a crack, it's easy - and have a poke around for creative-commons or copyright free wallpapers with fishy business, remember water/plants/driftwoods/textures/fishy stuff are all relevant.

    I did a font search and seem to have ID'd he AA font as Didot - with some spacial tweaking - here is the link to the template if you want to work with it... feel free to illustrate the text (Resembling the font/words) yourself.

    Here's a boring example:


    Hint - if you can, keep the background transparent so the green header shines through in all it's glory.

  6. probs:

    Copepods, Cyclops


    Size: 0.1 - 0.2 cm / 0.04 - 0.1 in

    Copepods are small and funny looking one eyed crustaceans. They usually move around the tank glass and other surfaces, usually with one short leap at a time. They are completely harmless. There's are many different colored species.

    Water Fleas, Daphnia


    Size: 0.1 - 0.5 cm / 0.04 - 0.25 in

    Water fleas are usually used as fish food. They are tiny crustaceans and are easily recognized of their jerky vertical "swimming". They are completely harmless and really interesting creatures. I call them fat, sad reindeers (well, they look like it what_is_that_bug_in_my_aquarium_clip_ima).

  7. My Bettas – 1

    0:30 Black with limited iridescence (blue)

    0:48 “Red Devil” Red and Black Multicolourwith wild type iridescence, white ventrals

    1:53 Salamander Marble (Red base, light iridescence,perhaps Cambodian base with cellophane edges, white ventral tips)

    2:46 Red, perhaps extended red, light iridescence

    4:27 Non Red (i.e. yellow) perhaps pastelyellow?

    My Bettas 2

    Probably multicolour fry, who are theparents?

    Sorority, red, marble, multicolours

    I can’t see the colours of the fish in thehang on barracks, 5:17 might be spawn tank damage, maybe pop some salt in acontainer for him? He’s at risk of fin rot.

    6:15 Guess: Copper dragon?

    6:23 Blue butterfly if he has red hes amulticolour butterfly

    6:40 looks like a salamander male, if hehas white edges around he has marble/butterfly genetics.

    Female he’s in with… Dragon non red? (can’tsee)

    7:20 Giant Marble cellophane dragon (seegill plate) but really light dragon coverage… if any

    Female in with him, dragon marble, perhapsblack/multicolour base


  8. Bus - I'm with you (Actually after seeing your black boy in with the kids I was inspired) but I like dads in if possible....

    So that he can differentiate food from kids I tend to feed stationary food when the babies are free swimming, so he's not tempted by little wriggly children.

    Something that's worked in the past is a really gentle double tap on the corner of the tank that's furthest from where the nest was (or wherever suits you) and then feeding only in that spot.

    This way he works out quickly where the "Canteen" is, and that sound is associated with dinner, it might be a deterrent to eating babies (I have no idea, just guessing) but I've never had a dad eater whilst feeding like this

    VERY excited for you - grow them out fast (like you need instructing) so I can 'ave some pls.


  9. Can I just admit that this is the very post I have been waiting for from you Busspants? This is fantastic!

    I've had a wrapping drought too, it's frustrating fo' sho' really excited to see your updates - GOD I love a good spawn log.

    I really like the colour on these two also, it's great we have someone spending some time on real cadillac crowntails.


  10. Thanks guys - that's great, I've got 2 or 3 of these little noodles.

    I moved the black male into my sorority (holding tank/breeder net) and have noticed what looks like velvet.

    The temp is slightly higher, but the water is pretty soft... now I feel like a dufus, he went bank into the cooler guppy tank with some multicure (floating) but is apparently a jumper... *asdfjaoi2ej*

    so I think perhaps the moscows have it too?


    Multicure for everyone, I find the colour scheme boring.

    Would soft water and slightly higher temp be enough to set off velvet in these otherwise healthy fish?

    And is it right that they don't mind a bit more salt than the average tropicana?

    I've put a pinch of salt in with the multicure metal lace kids, and the black male is isolated with a freaking lid, salt and mc

    Should I have a pinch or two more salt in the fry tank? I don't want my new favorite babies getting unwell.

  11. Hey LemonK,

    Welcome to the party, Lovely to see another melbournite onboard... Let me cordially invite you to our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/victoriabetta

    and or any of our Vic Betta meets, more details found here: www.victoriabetta.com

    OKAY spam a-side what kinds of betta do you like? There's a few spawns growing out in various jars around the state, and lots of great events coming up with betta that have recently evolved with the hobby, so you've chosen your timing well!

    We do love a photo, so while you might have some shots of shrimp (we all have our downfalls... ha!) We'd love to see what you're keeping at the moment because we're sticky beaks.

    Anyhoo, enjoy - have a poke around, most of the questions you'll come up with have been asked before - so have a good search through the forum, it's a great resource.



  12. Hey there,

    We'd love to see some photos of the lucky pair you hope to breed with - use the search function for spawn advice, there's plenty of articles and youtube channels on behavior and tips.

    Indian Almond Leaf is your best friend, so is water quality, then spend some time working out the behavior of your fish, and you'll all be better off.

    Best of luck.

    (and welcome)


  13. Ash, consider getting them up to a few weeks and selling them on in lots (obviously unsexed) but basically I hold back on spawns thinking that I can't grow them out entirely - but I reckon if there's magic in the spawn tank and I don't have room, just do it!

    I can always part with them at a VB meet or sell them on if the parents are well documented.

    (; I'd take a bunch of fry!


  14. Les tell me about the blond gene - I did a brief search for this lastnight and there seems to be plenty of people asking about it and a whole lot of idiots answering differently.

    Is there a blond gene that just produces paler fry, do they colour up the same, and what do they look like when they're older (tell me all you know master)

    I have a beautiful black girl that accidentally got in with the red metal lace, so she can be my side project... trying to keep the 2 original metal lace strains as pure as possible so I have strong lines.

  15. Yeah I've come a long way (baby) with plants, especially considering I'd melt elodia 12 months ago.

    My fish are my plant food, and I'm a bit cheeky and don't have any substrate so I can push all the driftwood towards the back, do a little cleaning up and re-arrange it all.

    The Val - super LONG val is my new favourite , it reminds me of Mucha's Nouveau illustrations:


    That's how I imagine all my females posing when I come to the front of the tank.

    No Plant food as yet, I should consider it really, I think that the tank is so "well stocked" that there's enough poo going through the system that they're getting their fill.

    I'm on top of the lighting too these days, I bought some cheap bunnings "under shelf lighting" with some $20 T5's, and my milfoil/anubias/other random green things really like it.

    I went through a stage just going to subscape every week and buying more "green bags" and now I'm over-stocked, it's so nice not HAVING To have only java now!

    I'm a bit of a fan of crested java I must say.... and Süßwassertang is the new java moss.

    Anyway - girls like green. x

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