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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. hello & welcome to the party oh god, I have some fancy guppies arriving tomorrow, argh! what have i gotten myself into?? I'll be watching you lead by example with the Guppies. Ness
  2. Hey Lachie, Welcome to the forum. On the betta thing - sure you buy them in jars, and it sounds like you've had them before so I might just be repeating what you already know - but please don't keep them in jars. In my opinion they need 3 litres minimum to maintain a normal healthy attitude (this is for display/pet fish) if you're breeding and jarring, conditioning, selling quickly & spawning etc, it's a bit different. Here is a link to a care sheet that might cover some of your points. They do best with a stable tempreature between 24-26 (up to 28) Good luck with them (: -Ness
  3. That might explain why I hate Lud Wig.. I probably get the fancy pants version, I once had a nice pink one that went orright.. but everything since has been a disaster Thanks Matto! Hey AFR, you might want to check out Subscape Aquarium too (Richmond)- they have super cheap plants (and have great BETTA!) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Subscape-Aquarium/165185040211176 x
  4. Personally I'm a bit of a fan now of strapping java moss to things - river rocks are best weights... but looks smart on driftwood too - just be sure to tie it on tight with cotton thread, some people have had bad experiences with Betta getting stuck I have a few of these that do quite well in average light: Microsorum pteropus "Windelov" aka Java Fern "Crested' Obviously Java will do alright too, but I like using it's wide leaves shoved into a corner of the spawn tank for infusoria and as cover for the females. I really like Loma fern (freshwater seaweed) Lomariopsis lineta I use this in fry tanks as it's easier to handle (For me) than Java moss when I'm cleaning up and the kids love hiding in it. Also a handy plant to absorb all the badies when I have fish Jarred. Ludwigia goes okay too, but I've found it wants more light than i have available Top pick would be Anubias (Anubias barteri nana) I like the smaller Anubias varieties, but they're all pretty hardy and grow rapidly enough to be interesting.
  5. Mammoth effort moving house - let alone a whole fish room, I recall my 80cm wide shelving setup relocation program taking DAYS. This is looking great Razzi, seems really efficient, it's really handy to see how you've set up... so I can plan my dream fish room, that i'm moving into, in a million years time.. nyuk nyuk Chin up mister, I know the name of a great Chiro! x
  6. Ahhh that's irritating.... I feel your pain... stupid falcor did the same.. now his missus has got dropsy. You know the drill, feed 'em up and go again... crossing fins for you buddy. x
  7. Great - well we're happy to have you - oh - and you don't need to quote every time you reply x Ness
  8. I wish I had something old enough to enter... sorry d00ds Next time, fo' sho'
  9. I only need 78 Moar votes (HA - DREAMING) however I appeal to your sensible appealing appealable natures, flog this on facebook and I'll be ya best mate: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=351194024943609&set=a.351193294943682.83241.165185040211176&type=3&permPage=1 NEED LIKES !

    1. gulp


      How do I 'unlike' :P

    2. mumofthehoarde


      posted it to my wall...hopefully you will get some more 'likes'

  10. Hey - WOW your fish are beautiful. Now that you have a photo bucket account - go to the picture you want to include in the forum thread (like I have below) Hover over the picture in the album, and see where it says Direct Link.... Click on that once. Then come to the forum (here) and click on the [iNSERT IMAGE] icon just above where you type (near the emoticon) and paste in the link So tell us about these fish - did you breed them? Where did they come from? -Ness
  11. Hello - welcome to Australia and welcome to our forum. There are a few fish available at the moment in Melbourne - this is a good link to start with: http://www.victoriabetta.com/for-sale.html Actually there is a Meeting where guests are welcome, we talk about all things Betta - and it is happening on March 20th at Clifton Hill - this is about 4 train stops from Flinders Street. Looking forward to seeing some photos and sharing what you know about breeding these fish! -Ness
  12. you aren't going to be short of fry! my golly!!!
  13. JHA - those shots just make me want to throw all my males in together... oh my god our fish look good together.... look at those colours! Shame all my boys would rather tear the place apart than hold hands. It's always going to be a shame that (for the majority) our male betta can't live together I guess you're likely to get the occasional nOOb that walks into a LFS and buys six to throw in the tank together without doing any research.... (which probably happens quite a bit - which is why betta keepers on other forums and youtube seem to totally over-react) ...but Zui, it's interesting to watch an established tank like yours. I still think it's a freakish occurrence that "shouldn't be tried at home folks" but even seeing Joan's XXL heavily planted tank, I saw 3 males in there, sure they fought, but there was a pecking order and territories, so it sort of worked. I guess you dont' keep show fish in a community tank with other betta, my show females don't make it into the sorority, them girls is naaaasty! keep us updated on it, do you happen to know if the boys were from same spawns or grew up together? or just plonked in and it worked? (is it just me, or are the Plakat a bit more diplomatic than our long finned friends?)
  14. You're going to cop some flack for this... but hey, each their own. So 4 male plakat, what else is in there? I see Gouramis? and.. a Molly? If you're going to go down this path (in public) I'd suggest some more plants and coverage, they're less likely to take chunks out of each other (such as the top photo) if they can steak out their own territories and have more visual barriers. goodluck!
  15. Hullo, Welcome, make photos! (: sounds lovely. -Ness
  16. These fish are particularly hard to shoot - there's plenty of photogtaphy advice if you want it on this forum (do a search) But looks great ! he's a bit handsome.. (: Keep 'em coming x
  17. looks good - how much weight can those shelves hold? my fish room/breeding setup/grow out/spawn tanks/display tanks are all in my room. gets crowded i tells ya -Ness
  18. ipad is not food pad. yeah i was a bit confused about the framing too - but they look good. YOUR SO STREET ART SHADOH... come to melbourne and do some stencils around town, you'll fit right in Seriously - they're very good!
  19. ho my gawd. thats insane in the membrane. good on ya - and good luck!
  20. If you feel like it - you're more than welcome to bring him along... we don't have many crown tails in the CT class so he might just take a prize home! I'd personally love to see him, and we can tell you a bit about his genetics when we see him. Show n tell!! (: looking forward to the meet, see you there! -Ness
  21. Good point Roy - Here's the link if you're interested in meeting some of the local Melbourne breeders and keepers - lots of photos so you can see what happens at our meets, there will be a big table show this month with quite a few on sale. It's exciting to see so much energy going in to a new betta setup, do you have an idea of what splendens you like at this stage? Welcome to the forum -Ness
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