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Posts posted by melbournebetta

  1. Hey Joker,

    Welcome to the forum, we're a pretty laid back bunch of coconuts, so I do hope you'll enjoy - personal favourite is going through people's spawn logs and watching fry grow - it happens waaaay to slowly in reality, but spawn logs are like the fast forward version.

    My hot tip would be to do a bit of research, look into what kinds of Betta you like - tail types etc, get some breeding goals (colour/etc) and then start with some nice fish!

    Obviously it's a bit of a learning curve with their water parameters and keeping them happy - but it sounds like you have a bit of experience keeping fish happy!

    Feel free to ask questions, and have a go at the search function on the forum too - most things you want to know have already been asked...


  2. As long as you don't expect any real money for the veiltail varieties, most LFS can get them for less than a dollar per head.

    Personally I'd be looking at extending the ray distribution and creating a really lovely veiltail with a bit "more" in the tail.... there are some really lovely veiltails out there, in my opinion I'd be trying to improve your man's form


    It's really no mystery with what you'll get in terms of colour results, I guess the only surprises come when a fish looks solid colour but actually has marble genes hiding in there somewhere.

    So he's essentially red, I see a really light layer of iridesence over the top through the scales and over fins, he also has marble, giving him the butterfly effect with cellophane and white, but odd-on he'll change colour, the butterfly pattern isn't very clear on him.

    He's also got a very pale body, so cambodian or blond gene in there.

    Plus black - well you'll probably get multicolours, blue might pop out somehwere, but I'd say this sort of thing:


    Personally I'd find him a good extended red female:


    or look for a solid coloured salamander female (maybe butterfly)


    and then you'll get semi-predictable colouring, a really popular colour too I might add... and improve his form so the fish are desirable.

    (: Just some thoughts on outcomes!

  3. WOW you really have expanded - my god, they're addictive aren't they???

    That gas dragon has the biggest ventrals I've ever seen! I've always wanted to do a line of thicker fuller ventrals, the pastel on the lighter dragon is really intriguing, I dont usually like litre bodied betta, but he's amazing

    (nice dorsal on him, he might have double tail in his genetics)

    If these are all from Adrian, he's really getting in some quality stock, very impressed!


  4. It all sort of depends on how you want to approach it really.

    Some people subscribe to the Growth Inhibiting Hormone (google him) so at this juvi stage, personally I plop the kids into 800ml containers and start Jarring, with water changes every 2-3 days you end up accelerating growth...

    A hot tip I have would be getting them to accept flakes/pellets (as well as live foods such as grindal worms and mozzie larvae) also try and get them on blood worms (frozen) it makes feeding in jars much easier.

    One way (if they're don't just do it automatically) is to throw a similar sized guppy fry in there, as they will copy the behaviour (thats why it's easier to teach them to take food that dosen't wriggle in the group tank)

    The other way is to feed them dry/pellets food in the morning when they're most hungry.

    I'll let the others chip in with kinds of pellets, I just use whatevers around, and grind it up with my mortar and pestle so it's bite size, they can choke.

    Have a think about your Jarring system, whats going to be easiest to clean, water change, heat and isolate.... have you got an idea yet?

    The tricky bit is you can't really put them back in together after they've been separated - I've had pretty good luck re-introducing females into a sorority, but it's been heavily stocked and monitored.

    Boys will blossom and start to fill out when you jar, it's very exciting.

    I generally Jar at aggression or between 8-12 weeks... depending on growth.

    Hope that helps?

  5. Kirty:

    Go to subscape (http://www.subscape.com.au/) I know I spruke them all the time, but they taught me so much over the last 10 years.... and they do free tests of water chem and will explain the cycles and work out what filtration you have/need/etc

    And they're got purdy fush.


  6. They'll be lucky to have you Steph, and I'll be READY when you have a spawn tank full of babies to get rid of (mwahaha)

    I've never had any bad luck with shipping fish O/S and Preecha dus such a wonderful job wrangling the sellers, and someone - well, we all know someone is tops.

    Chopsticks and fingers crossed (:

  7. Steph, he's beautiful!

    I'd suggest he's a cello base dragon, with red marble genetics (or just red wash) it's in his ventrals and anal fin and actually a little bit through the caudal, and could be a really interesting fish in person, I can't wait to see more photos of him.

    Personally I really like the red under that dusky dragon coverage on the fins, I think it's real PURDY - but this is just my arty self talking, not my pretend staunch librarian-style-IBC-handbook-waving-self.

    Design-wise I can see why this boy took your fancy, those ventrals thrown back and his overall geometry are really lovely. GOOD SELECTION!

    The little yella fella + missus I sent the link to from someone can be the bannana-boat fun ones... but while this is a red man, I very much loves him.

    You've got a good eye!

    there's a lot of junk on AB

  8. I treat it a bit like ...god, what, organizing the olympics?

    Personally I'd suggest you do it very first thing, or very last, not in bits and with a whole day plus helpers

    (depending how many you have to move, but I need a good solid whole day, and night, and chiropractic session thereafter)

    $2 shop to buy preferably the 800ml takeaway containers (later to be used as jars, as you've seen my dinky setup), Those under-bed low moving boxes are perfect to store up to 18 fish separately.

    Bucket for the sorority, all in together, they'll be to stressed to get angry.... plants too a bit

    jar/bag EVERYTHING (label it if you want to help yourself)

    Drain, clean (easier to scrub a tank when it's wet, than once it's dried)

    Drag to new house,

    Reverse process

    Am I talking in dot form again?



    Yeah it's really the filtration I get a bit funny about - that's why I get the big cannister filters up and running ASAP, I think (and will be totally wrong) but that all the bacteria dies in the first hour or two?

    Then you're better off washing the lot and cycling again (i.e. throw all the good goo in there and throw the fish in)

    Anyways, I'm sure your hot mum will help ya Step (she's a FOX!)


  9. it's weird, you can buy nice betta crowntails for example - from the LFS, maybe you get into them, do some research, and find someone's channel, and then buy some nice stock.

    Dosen't mean you breed them by any means, and I do imagine that after one spawn you realize how much bloody work it is and stop.

    But why bother buying a high end fish if you aren't going to breed? ...no, I can answer that... to have a beautiful animal.

    Who knows?

    Perhaps people buy them without knowing how to keep them, loose a hundred dollar fish and get so peeved you buy a dog?


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