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Everything posted by melbournebetta

  1. How exciting to have another member with such a good relationship with his camera! Brad is my favorite flavor, that dorsal is outrageous... and that blue over yellow is always so striking, there's a good reason I have two of those trying to make more. How aptly named is Pierre? He looks French. What a handsome mob, you've certainly chosen well. x Ness
  2. I got some of these TWIGS they weren't cheap, and now I don't know what the hell to do with them... this is a great ideaz
  3. It's probably a good opportunity to remind people about the comp and get nominashioning
  4. The video is a link to my channel with the females in the sorority........ guppies included.... ?
  5. Hey Fungchay, Welcome to the forum, there's a few plakat people around, however I'm not sure what people have in their tanks. I only have Halfmoons, and they're all pretty little at the moment. Subscape Aquarium has halfmoons, plakat, giants and standard VT / Crowntails Are you anywhere near Richmond?
  6. Just fed them so they're all a bit agitated - but, the guppies have been in there for about 5 day now and seem quite happy...... I was advised against this, but, if it aint broke? or is this a disaster waiting to dis-ast? (man ain't nothin' but a fool soundtrack, felt appropriate for a beyonce single ladiez tank)
  7. This is my barracks, filtration happens through an Eheim external cannister.... and some irrigation supplies what were you thinking of for filtration? (I've tried lots!)
  8. Welcome to the phorum
  9. Aqueus in St Kilda got a new website: http://www.aqueus.com.au/

    1. les


      great site Ness I cant wait till they get there shop on site up and running , Hope they ship

  10. Aqueus in St Kilda got a new website: http://www.aqueus.com.au/

  11. Aqueus in St Kilda got a new website:

  12. That's weird, I was just working on this image of my current setup, every few months it changes (depending on what's spawning/growing out/etc) But I try to contain my project on a 800mm wide set of industrial shelves (much like yours but mine are only 400mm deep) Here's how I roll: This is the smaller scale of the program, I have 18 grow out jars in that bottom shelf, and often if I'm growing out 2 spawns at different stages I might have another one of these set up elsewhere. And when the project is completely out of control I have the 4 foot sorority set up in a back room and use that tank on the second shelf down as a grow out (water changes 90% every 3 days) but I find they don't sprout until they have their own space. That help?
  13. We've all been through the barracks ideas - have a quick search for other's trials tribulations and jubilations - I've just had some success with my subscape barracks (Custom made) Have a look around, there are many considerations. x
  14. That black is very handsome, but I don't like the idea of how it would behave when you refilled those tanks either! Personally I subscribe to the Bear bottom approach. Plenty you can do with a Japanese garden inspired pile of river rocks and some plants (; And much easier to vacuum around x
  15. Call him Pinchy and grow him up all gooooood then you can EATS HIM
  16. love the garbage back backdrop (you dag) but looks good - did you have guppies in with female betta?
  17. The mongrels won't pose for you - be sure of that... but some good tips on shooting fish are around on the forum. if they're in beanies I like to put one behind, your model in front - pop the macro setting on and shoot away (placing the lense right up against the beanie box to avoid reflection) Best if you can avoid flash - it bounces off the back of the beanies/tanks... I suggest outdoors for natural lighting. hot tips 101 - there's more around. x
  18. Yes, they're very handy - good to know Actually I was thinking about this thread, the success of this idea was absolute zero epic fail, after several water changes the poster edges came away from the walls and the tank was a mess for ages with bits of silicone everywhere. Just wasn't worth the effort... but ten points for trying. New DIY thread incoming!
  19. Hi Anina, You'll sell lots more if you can take good clear shots of them and pop them on the classifides - you basically need a photobucket account. If you can sell interstate (postages averages around $12-20 for express post) you'll sell more too.... but you need to be able to package them up well. I'd love to see what you have. Welcome to the forum - nothing n00b about you madam! -Ness
  20. Hi Shay, Sounds like you're doing your research, good luck with the new setup - hopefully by the time you're looking I'll have some red CT's - my little man blew a huge nest last night, I must get him into the spawning tank! Cheers, Ness
  21. Now these are two wild species I'd consider- they're beautiful. Best of luck with them, thanks for sharing photos - please keep us posted with them won't you? -Ness
  22. You're all mad. I do like the fact I can have a tank that looks like a mixed bag of lollies, I bought all these dudes for my mum who briefed me on a tank, she wanted a HAPPY TANK ...I photographed it today and she loves it, so I'm off the hook. (i.e. the 8 little oops's aren't staying at my house - they're GOING AWAY) I think I'll just have two pretty 'scaped guppy 10 lt tanks with my Red Metal Trio and my Black Russian pair... what comes out of them really isn't important to me, if people want to buy fry - go nuts... otherwise the giants are going to get guppy snacks every now and then.... I wouldn't mind a tank full of red metal lace boys... SO COOL YOU CAN KEEP BOYS TOGETHER Time to enjoy the hobby again, not the industry (: Thankyou GuppyooOOoops, you've reminded me that I love shiny little colourful things that make me happeh.
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