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Status Updates posted by melbournebetta

  1. New Web Page I Has: FYI LOL ASL ETC (it's late) ...but I have a new website! http://www.victoriabetta.com/melbourne-betta.html

  2. I lurk a lot nowerdays

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadoh


      I'm a shadow of my former online self...

    3. Sarah


      I seem to be a bit of a lurker these days too..

    4. Rhysmachine101
  3. Empty your mail box lady!

  4. Melbourne. Torrential Devastation.

  5. I met this guy today - if you're into fish, and photography, check it. http://www.aquamojo.com/ ...AMAZEBALLS

    1. les


      Bookmarked that one thanks Ness

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. paul


      Did you get tagged while painting?

    3. les


      I love ze bras

    4. melbournebetta


      Hey Paul - I did... while I was painting the first few days this gang of idiot 15 yearold boys (maybe 8 of them) sucking on slurpees and smoking ciggies... all harassed me for writing on their wall - there's big blue tags saying ALIEN WIZARDS (I mean, seriously? harry potter meets X files, whut.) I think they got me on day 2, but only bottom left, so I incorporated instead of buffing. I'm an old lady, and I'm still intimidated by teenage boys ....FML

  6. Status update TEST IN SAFARI (if this works, I will cry, how can safari work better-er than google chrome?)

  7. Aqueus in St Kilda got a new website: http://www.aqueus.com.au/

    1. les


      great site Ness I cant wait till they get there shop on site up and running , Hope they ship

  8. Aqueus in St Kilda got a new website: http://www.aqueus.com.au/

  9. Aqueus in St Kilda got a new website:

  10. I only need 78 Moar votes (HA - DREAMING) however I appeal to your sensible appealing appealable natures, flog this on facebook and I'll be ya best mate: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=351194024943609&set=a.351193294943682.83241.165185040211176&type=3&permPage=1 NEED LIKES !

    1. gulp


      How do I 'unlike' :P

    2. mumofthehoarde


      posted it to my wall...hopefully you will get some more 'likes'

  11. so who's email is weaselrat@hotmail.com

    i'm confuse...

    1. girlz0r


      The power of reddit. Arcade by arcade...

    2. Neffy


      I read the other day he has raised 190k for his college fund from the movie and arcade sales :D

  12. could you finish wrapping properly so I can go to sleeps now ? kthnxbai

    1. lildeb


      If it's worth doing, it's worth doing properly Ma!

    2. paul


      Hmmm, you wouldn't be the first to lose sleep over a romantic interlude! Problem is you were just watching...weird much?

    3. paul


      BTW... which pair is it that you're all pervert with? You haven;t hinted in any of your posts!

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