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melbournebetta last won the day on July 6 2014

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    Yes, Bettas
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  1. Hey Pyrefly, Lettuce know what you've got lurking in them there tanks.
  2. Hi b00f, Dont be put off by the forum's pace, The old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be... but having said that - trawl back through old threads and you've got a genetic gold mine. I thought I might let you know that there's an upcoming Victoria Betta meeting at Clifton Hill on the 27th, you are most welcome to come along - you can even show your fish if you like (love the red/salamander guy!) or you can check out the Facebook page for more details. It's pretty casual, but lots of people will be there, with a table show, talks, food and more. Cheers, Ness
  3. Hi Will, Welcome to Ausaqua, there are several bustling Betta communities around Australia - and as Brenton kindly mentioned, Victoria Betta is the Southern state group. The website is here The facebook page is here and the next meet is nearly here! July 27th will be the next meeting, this will include a table show (many of the fish on show will be for sale from breeders/showers) you also get to meet the lovely lot of buddies that are VB members. Feel free to come along (bring Jess) and have a look around, the day starts form 12:30 and we have various activities on during the day. /shameless spruke. Cheers, Ness
  4. Brillant! I'm going to start digging in my ridiculous archives. Do you want a banner from me for winners (first second and third?) and short listed ?
  5. Oh my god. I love these~! That blueHM looks like the best in show VIC IBC SEPT 2013
  6. Hello Forum - you look so handsome! Any technical changes with images (i.e. are they hosted on the forum YET) and can we max out the number of posts per poster yet We didn't get any new fonts, boo. Otherwise, congrats on the upgrade
  7. Hey Durro/Greg, Despite the tumble weeds around here, it's still probably the best forum for support and knowledge on betta. I've not kept wilds before, but you've certainly chosen some great fish to start with. Good luck - grab a photobucket account and share the pics! -Ness
  8. I'm so excited about this show - I wanted to come up but I'm a bit poor for that. However I will be sending up some fishy ambassadors! I have some spawns that have been cooking away quietly and a few imports that will make it if their all still in-tact by show date. Any other Melbourne entrants interested in showing too? (I'll ask around) it would probably be best if we sent a box up by courier. S'gunna be great! Thriving show scene, weren't we just dreaming about this same time last year! Woohoo!
  9. Welcome Shirley, there's a pretty vibrant community here so feel free to ask anything traul the forums and look around... lettuce know if you're looking for particular fish to breed with or display, there are a LOT of hobbiests on here. someone also has some killer fancy guppies and fighters to die for (Fishchick65 on Youtube) Cheers, Ness
  10. These are bloody hard fish to photograph, they're really lovely shots Maddy! Keep them coming! Lovely! Exclaim!
  11. Maybe send out some emails to industry, I'd target Bayfish and Aquarium Industries (Wholesalers) and see if they have access to them, then ask what retailers are buying those in your state. Then harass the retailers COS I WANT ONE mmmstripey.
  12. I just LOVE these guys Ash - more photos of mister boy man! he's a spunk
  13. It's an interesting conundrum, personally I do water changes from new water just adjusting heat with a boiled kettle (I don't like using the hot tap because of the copper content in the water) I always dechlorinate because I use water straight from the tap, I also have my tanks filtered so I want the Chlorine and Chloramine out of the water so it dosen't harm my bacteria. You could use both de-chlorinator and a liquid water-ager and work straight from the tap. When I had my breeding systems up at full-speed (and working full-time) I would do a 20 min routine once a day and take the weekends off, if you just put every tank on rotation, waterchange them on certain days or certain rotations. This way worked for me as opposed to getting overwhelmed on a Saturday that I had to change 400 lt of water at once. Goodluck!
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