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Posts posted by GoldenGirl13

  1. Sorry Kermadum....turns out that size does matter <_< had to UN-buy the new tank yesterday cos it would have gone through the floor if I'd put any water in it :blush: guess i get to keep the husband after all.... :blink: sorry daydreaming there for a second :blush:

  2. Well, the new job at our local hospital, great fun though it is, has been taking up more and more of my time. I've been finding myself working 9 days straight with only a couple of days off before the next run and consequently my tanks (and inmates) have been suffering from lax (and lack of) attention. <_< To remedy this I decided that I would be better off with just the one large tank and Igor's house instead of the 3ft, 2ft and 18in plus Igor's house!! :blink:

    The new tank is BIG....really...really...BBIIIIGGG :blink: I bought it at our local Pet.... for $890 (which is a scary thing in itself!!) you can google (sorry Google!) Aquience 1200 RT to check it out (mine is black and silver) cos I haven't got it home yet to take a piccy :blush: haven't told husband yet ( :byebye: divorce is looming large I feel)

    Getting everything set and organised is making me feel sick just thinking about it....think I may have to go and have a little breakdown.... :((

  3. ah geez, it took me a while but I just 'got' that fish-nets and suspenders joke.


    Never mind you got there in the end xxx

    Busman and Shadoh must have missed this post Mumof!! Probably just as well...don't know that they could cope the mental images at their age!! :lol:

  4. Shaun I have gone cross-eyed :wacko: looking for a fish in my 50lt only to find that as soon as I put down the net and shut the lid the little sod is front and centre asking if there was anything he could help me with!! :blink: He'll turn up...the trick is to stop looking!! :lol:

  5. Hey Shaun, from the looks of that photo your girl is nowhere near ready to drop yet, she is still way too round looking from the front. They really do end up looking quite square :lol: You also need to bear in mind the fact that guppy girls can hang on to sperm and have up to 5 drops with out a male being in the tank at the time :blink: If your girls were preggers when you got 'em even if you take them out of the community now and keep them in a sep. tank you could still be over-run!! As for food, even the fry I kept in a sep. tank never got fry food, just really finely crushed flakes (the only reason they were kept in their own tank was so I could segregate the boys as I wanted the flash and colour without the kids!!) If you want to keep some of the kids then a breeder net and sep. tank for grow out is the way to go. If you're like me and got in this mess by accident but want to see what you get, then do the same. If it's survival of the fittest then chuck in a few extra plants (don't even need to plant them, floaters are fine)and see how you go :lol: good luck Nanna Jo B-)

  6. Well BOY1 is now in his own tank (husband didn't bat an eyelid at another one in the lounge, his name is Igor) have 2 new girls in the sorority tank (was 3 but one of them turned into a boy too!!) and have just had to put Boy 2 in the freezer as we found him in the breeder net in the Sorority with a huge hole in his belly. Not buying any more boy/girls but wish I had taken a photo of Boy2 as he was beautiful.

    ps Boy 1 is named Igor not husband...very tired doing this Census business...had to clear that up for me not you guys!!

    pss...have not forgotten photos just too tired to do more than confirm no-one has died and feed 'em

  7. Thanks for that Mum....he works away 4 days a week...that's gotta work, don't suppose you've got a spare set of boobs I borrow :lol: as for the maybe boy...woke up this morning to 4 girls who had spent so much of the night alternating between stress stripes and breeding bars they all looked like little chess boards and one young boy, with a magnificent bubble nest, bang in the center of the tank, herding them all into a corner and basically telling them they could all naff off, he'd checked 'em all out and wouldn't share his nest if they paid him!! His Royal Highness is currently trying to bite his way out of a breeder net because I didn't have anywhere else to put him! I admit to knowing sod all about Betta but this is definitely a BOY :lol:

  8. Shadoh....yepnomaybe....yeah! Might try that one. At least he might be too busy laughing at me for an immediate divorce!!

    PS am thinkin' one of our girls may just be a boy. Very long ventrals (white-tipped) and body shape doesn't seem the same as the others. Now wouldn't that be something for the girl from Tassie :blink:

  9. Have no idea why I did it...but now have a new 2ft tank, 5 gorgeous girls and probably a free 2nd divorce (we've already divorced each other once) when Owen gets back from work on Saturday morning :blink: And just to really cement the prospect of divorce...I've had to set up the tank in the bedroom, cos, no matter how I looked at it, there was no way that tank was going to fit anywhere else. :blush: Aaaagh...why couldn't I get something that I could just dump in the 3ft?? :(( They are very pretty though...and very curious and showed personality from the time they landed in the QT.

    To be fair to me I have sort of hinted that I would like a sorority tank (WHY...I don't know) and now I've stopped smoking I do need something to fill my time...

    When everyone is out of QT and settled in their new home (probably me too :lol: ) will post some piccies.

  10. Most of my boys are Snakeskin/Tuxedo cross with a really long top fin and they seem to just pop their clogs with no warning signs too. The toughest ones seem to be my couple of Endler throwback boys and a couple that have a kind of Swordtail on them. Sorry you lost 'em Sarah :alright: I can't help with an explanation I'm afraid only observation. Maybe someone who actually breeds these for real (rather than my survival of the fittest and gee that one's pretty method :blink::lol: ) can help us both out on this one. Nanna Jo B-)

  11. Hi Danny and welcome :bighug: I'm in Tassie my self (we're pretty much all at sea down here :lol: ) and don't breed Bettas so am really just here as a friendly face :whistling:*lol* the guys here are brilliant and really helpful (and also ever so slightly :wacko: ) ignore Ness and the photo comment... if you got 'em, post 'em :photo: Jo.

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